Page 92 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 92
Athletic Profiles Western College Thursday, December 7, 1995 Women's basketball rolls to 6-1 start Lady Spartans Tournament, WMC game with no time left in regulation as StaiJlVriter outscored Lebanon Valley 77-73. At junior center Kristin Drapalskihit a foul Young can be used to describe the the end of the first halfWcstem Mary- shot to send the game into over- Green Terror's women's basketball land led 32-19,mxishot uptoa20point time. In the live minute overtime team, but their dedication and aggres- lend in the second half before Leba- period, the Green Terror outscored siveness far outweigh their youth. Jun- non Valley rallied to fall just short of a Nazareth 10-6. ior co-captains Erin Murphey and victory. Erin Murphey had five of her Heidi Snyder and junior center Kristin Freshman forward Kathi Snyder total twelve points in the overtime Drapalski bring the most experience to led WMC and all scorers with 26 period and was named tournament the team, but Snyder has been unable points. Snyderalso had nine rebounds, Most Valuable Player. All five of to play due to injury. two block shots, one assist, and one Western Maryland's starters scored Freshman players have proven to steal. She shot nine of thirteen from in double figures. Aside from be a large a'OSCt to the team, with three the field and eight of eleven from the Murphey with her twelve points, of the five starting ream members be- foul line. Sophomore forward Katie Kathi Snyder scored 14, Katie ing freshman. Kristin Miller, Kathi Haley had 14 points and four rebounds, Haley scored ten, Michele Jarman Snyder, and Michele Jarman have and junior guard Erin Murphey also scored 12, and Kristin Miller had shown great promise for the Terror. had 14 points, shooting six of ten from a game high of 18 points. Snyder "I think. weare working extremely the field, and two of two from the foul also had 12 rebounds, and her 40 well as a team. There are many great line. Freshman guard Kristin Miller point total for the tournament individual players, but we have been also scored in double figures with ten earned ,her a place on the AU- Tour- making it a complete team effort. It's points. nament team. extremely hard fora young team to ac- Saturday, November 18, the team The team's only loss came on complish this successfully, but for us: won the championship tide for the Tuesday, November 21, against the everyone just works so well together," Lady Spartans Tournament as they Urslnus Bears. Ursinus was last commented sophomore Katie Haley. defeated Nazareth College from Roch- years Centennial Conference J:JeOOtingonNovember 17atYork ester, New York by a score of78-74 in College in the first round of the York overtime. Western Maryland tied the See Women's b-ball p.13 found behind the cage giving tips on threw out a rope and pulled the small IlY ROBIN ZIMMERI.Y saving to the rookie goalies, or power- SwffWriler boat to a nearby island. The pa<;.<;en- driving balls across the field in drills, The consensus of the Western gers remained there for about a week with the women Maryland field hockey team this year until one night a fire they built was seen and even-singing cheers. in their pre-game is that not only did they have a won- by a passing plane. "I was surprised how dose I got derful season, but they were fortunate The next day, Thailand police to the field hockey team," comments enough to be assigned Dung Dinh as came and transported Dinh, his uncle Dinh. "Field hockey turned out to be their trainer. Unlike former trainers, and the others toa refugee camp where an exciting game, I think." Dinh shared in the dose-knit unity of they remained for three months. After Dinh believes that it is better for the team. all the necessary paperwork had been the trainer to be dose with the team. "He seemed to take a real interest completed, Dinh was moved to a Phil- He feels that not only was it easy to in our sport," said junior Mary Beth ippinecamp forsix months before trav- talk to the players, but they respected Francis. "He wasn't just sitting on the eling to the United States. his opinion when he told them not to sidelines waiting for one of us to fall Dinh's three brothers had escaped play for a (by or two. over." earlier to the United States. With the Junior Jodi Wagner said, "Al- But what the team and mosr help of a Catholic relief organization, people on cnmpus do not know is how Dinh's aunt found foster parents for though I saw him more often than I would have wanted, he was very easy fortunate Dinh is to be at Western Dinh and his brothers. The foster par- 1:' to talk to. He knew I wanted to play Maryland. Born in Vietnam in 1972, erus lived in Dinh's current home-town ยง and he would do anything he could Dinh. at the age of 8, escaped with of Catasauqua, Pa. Dinh's mother and ~ for me to play." nearly 100 other Vietnamese by way father did not escape Vietnam until ~ Although Dinh believes that the of a small boar. 1986. Dinh said their main concem i best treatment for injury is rest, he of- Accompanied by his uncle, Dinh was to first make sure their 4 children floated in the South China sea for 19 escaped safely and when the time was T.i:~~~~~~c=:=.=::::::~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ten e~coumges players to use clecut- days without food or water. They were right, they would escape too. cal stimulation, heating pads or ice. "I'd mther save my best player for a sometimes thrown rice by passing fish- Dinh came to WMC in 1991 and game than allow her to get hurt prac- ing boats from Thailand, but mainly graduated in 1995 with a major in ticing," says Dinh. they resorted 10grilling snakes or what- physical education and minor in ath- Training Association (NATA) exam. work specifically with one team. This Dinh enjoys working with the ever floated by in the water. Dinh re- letic training. Just about every after- Dinh was a student of Head Ath- fall, he was assigned to the women's different teams because he can keep in a Pre- members placing glass overtop of boil- noon Dinh can be found filling water leticTrainerGregg Nibbelink field hockey team. Early in the sea- in touch with athletics. Recruited by ing ocean water in order to get rid of it" jugs, wrapping wrists and ankles, in- vention and Care of Athletic Injuries son, Dinh recalls just sitting at the WestemMarylanda"adefensive back ,rut. structing athletes in rehabilitation ex- course and he has been working as a team's practices, sometimes reading. in football, Dinh soon earned the role On the 19th day, the boat encoun- ercises and perfonning other various trainer for three years now. "Dinh is He had never seen the sport before and as the team's kicker for hi" four-year tered harsh winds and stormy condi- tasks in Gill gymnasium's training very conscientious and has a desire to had only heard that field hockey was tenure. "l'm probably done playing tions at sea. Although the boat weath- room. He has worked over l(XX)hours learn. His skills have improved im- boring and the whistle was blown a lot football, so I'm trying to keep in touch ered the storm, Dinh said it would not in the training room and has approx:i- mensely since he first started," said during games. As the sea son pro- with the game and the athletes by pre- have been last another day at mutely 500more hours to go before he Nibbelink. gressed, Dinh not only wrapped and See Dinh Profile p.13 sea. Fortunately, a Thai fishing boat is eligible to take the National Athletic Each season Dinh is assigned to iced sore limbs, but could often be
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