Page 96 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 96
N'EW'S Task-Force' adjusts proposal Carpeilter;'ea,rns doctorate Resident Task' suggestions Two sections of dissertation wiY be published thai "within in any group, individuals can Rebecca Carpe-nter, f'o rln e r ly pf' century literature. Dr. Carpenter will By CAMERON SPEIR StaffWnler withdraw into their own circle of friends." Princeton, NJ and now an assistant pro- chair thepanel; "Modernlry and Repro- The Residential College Task Force is- He also stresses that no honors student is fessor of Bngttsfiar Western Maryland ductive Control in the Suffrage Era" and sued its final report recently dealing with forced to live in DMC. College, Westminster, MD, recently re- present the essay, "Acceptable Abor- building renovations, dining services and Paul Luse, a freshman who lives in hon- ceived her doctorate from the University tlons and Innocent Illegitimacies: Rep- housing arrangements. ors housing, is glad the program is stay- of California at Berkeley after comple- resentations of Reproductive Choice in The final report includes several ing where it is, "[Daniel Macl.eal is one tion of her dissertation on represenra- the Suffrage Era." changes from the preliminary report that of the reasons I'm in the honors program, rions of British women in anti-imperial Also, Dr. Carpenter will present an- were made in response to feedback from I like the suite atmosphere. A lot of people novels. other paper, "Anti-Imperialist Rhetoric the college-community, particularly at the say you miss out on the social aspect, but Two selections from that dissertation and Primitivist Fantasy: The Ambivalent SGA open forum in December. I'm fine with it." have been accepted for publication. Politics of 'The, Plumed Serpent'" at this Honors Program housing will not move The task force also amended sections "From Naivete 10 Knowledge: Emilia spring's Northeast Modern Language to McDaniel Hall next year. The move will of the report dealing with affinity and Gould and the 'Kinder, Gentler' Impe- Association Convention in Montreal. likely occur after major renovations to Greek housing. rialism" will be published in Conradi ana While at Berkeley, Dr. Carpenter McDaniel are made sometime in the fu- There wi!! not be "friendship suites" to and "Can I Be a Feminist and Still Like earned two University of California ture. compete with affinity housing. Space for The Plumed Serpent'?" will be pub- teaching prizes, the 1993-94 Outstand- Instead, honors housing will remain in affinity housing will be available next year, lished in the French journal Etudes ing Graduate Student Instructor Award Daniel MacLea. To preserve space in although at this point the administration lawrenciennes. and a 1994-95 Teaching Effectiveness DMC for affinity groups, some students is not sure how much. Language suites Dr. Carpenter, who began teaching at Prize. She specializes in 20th century may be offered the option of living in might be offered the option of moving to the college in September 1995, will British literature, colonial/postcolonial houses on Pennsylvania Avenue. Pennsylvania Avenue houses. present a research paper at the upcom- literature and women's studies and The task force also "reaffirmed" the Also, Dean Sayre said the task force ing Twentieth Century Literature Con- earned a bachelor's degree from policy of housing first year Ho~ors stu- sought to reassure the Greek community ference, one of the largest and most im- Amherst College. dents with the rest of the program in DMC, "that groups will not be moved around portant scholarly conferences on 20th Courtesy of Public Information I jfthey choose todo so. At the open forum against their will. What we wanted to say in December, many students, both honors is that we hope to make renovations [in Professor presents. work and non-honors, expressed concern that the future] so that groups could choose first year students in honors housing were better housing." rec- at Towson State, lJniv. r isolated from the rest-of their classmates. Renovating Glar is one task force Dean Sayre disagrees, saying "we need ommendation that has already been accom- · to be careful making the assumption, that, plished. .)1 Andrew Carpenter, lecturer in the. d~n,t Instructor.Award in 1995. . · honors housing is responsible for students Dean Sayrecalled the changesj'a spec- Department of Philosophy and Religion This spring.he will present "Know- · becoming isolated." ';1 ")t tacutar.improvement," and said that fur- at Western Maryland College, recently ing the Body as an External Object: The He ~oints out that many honors .stu- , therjimproverneuts like completing the sec- presented an essay at th~,f.nnual Strange Case of Kant and Bodily Self- dents' are very involved in-campus lu;e; and Continuedon page'I 1 Colloquium in Phil o.sop hy h~~ld at Awareness" at the 27th annual meeting :i~ J .j, I';' ./1. ; btn Towson State University. . W'llf!~t!pi!!"ster,. has awarded by Amherst College. in support 'p~blishe~ ,p'l11losophical papers on the of his disS:~Ttatiorl1ese'a'rCh:He a1so wpri' hlst'ory_' df'ehri-ly modern ph~I?~6ph'y and Berkeley.'S' Outstlih'Clin{bra'duate' Stu':!! ,th'e-'philb50phy oh'angu'age~" .", ,:,11 JD', '1,''1'. ' ,'r' W'· 1',-,,' i,:J:"'I ,C~le.sttiJli?izza,.F,br"One 1\ ,j WVillvMi,ir_@wa:vab,J1~!BIi~za;! 1"b b(l50(6
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