Page 99 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 99
'NEWS Thursday, February 15, 1996 - Page 7 Spring Rush gathers large numbers Continued from page I agam. Anita Kaltenbaugh, adviser to The Greeks organizations are IGC (Inter-Greek Council) and the also trying to make it so that dur- Panhellenic Council, said, "Over- ing rush, the rushees are able to all, the rush rules haven't really interact more and meet as many changed; they're just moreorga- Greeks as possible. nized now, And, people are better Kaltenbaugh said, "Rush is a able to understand the rules - both great way to meet people. There's members and rushees," no pressure to join and you can re- Rush offers first round parties ally learn a lot. Everyone should for women and open-smokers for check it out for themselves and make men. Both are designed 10 give the their own opinions about Greek life." rushees some more information During rush, the rushees are able about the individual sororities and TOfind out that Greeks not only rep- fraternities. Also, anyone is wel- resent the social aspect of the spec- come at these preliminary func- trum, but They have also built a repu- nons. ration as being strong leaders in acu- In the past, the women attended demics, athletics, community ser- a 30-minute session with each so- vice, and many other fields. rority over a two-nig~t period; this There are eight recognized Greek year, though, they were able to organizations at WMC. spend one-hour sessions with two The four fraternities are; Alpha sororities each night. This allowed Gamma Tau (local), Gamma Beta them to get to know the sororities Chi (local), Phi Delta Theta (nn- better and "hang out more," Hottel tional), and Sigma Phi Epsilon (na- said tional). Then, the women have second The sororities include: Alpha Nu round preference parties and the Omega (local), Phi Alpha Mu (local), men have closed smokers; both are Phi Mu (national), and Phi Sigma by invite only. Strict silence be- Sigma (national). gins Wednesday at midnight. and All are governed by the IGC Friday, February 16 is Greek Bid and its presiding officers. The so- Day. rarities are presided over by the Also new this year is the addi- National Panhellenic Council. rional advertising for rush. All four To qualify for Greek affiliation, sororities put together a showcase a student must be of at least sopho- outside ofGlar in order to promote more status and have a minimum the whdle rushing experience; the of a 2.0 grade point average, or a, fraternities also advertised their rush second semester freshman with at by placing posters arbund,campus. least a 2.5 minimum OPA. WMC's Greek community is try- ~"This years rush has proved that ing to work together to increaseits the\ororities and fraternities are membership In recent years, Ho~el [hinking together as a Greek' sys- says their 'numbers" have dropped "tern and not ~ust iind.ividl!al organi- ,and they re,~fYl,n~to ra~f'~ith~m on~7/f(~t;alions," Kalten.baitgh concluded. WRITE FOR ,THE PHOENIX , II) "i i' 'Ii .!."" ' I'", / .'.. :1' ' MEETINGS HE~D f'V'ERY MONDAY NIGHT IN THE OFFICE, ' (T/f1RD'SEC'T10NDANIEL McLEA) SEE YOU THERE!
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