Page 97 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 97
NEWS ThursdaysFebruary 15,. 1996'- Page 5 Housing Rock and roll returns to WMC campus resolved After months off-the-air for relocation and construction, WMCR gets busy JENNU'ER SACKS By ADAM DEAN Comnbuting Wriser SlaJJWriler The static fuzz on the college During the 1995 January Term billboard, channel 3, is to be a thing thirty community college students of the past as WMCR is scheduled attending the January Term Insti- to go back on the air. The Western tute at WMC were not housed in Maryland College Radio Station is the dorm rooms of otherWMC stu- to return after a semester hiatus. dents like last year. "1 .. On February 5, the station held The students whose rooms were .thetr first general staff meeting of used to house the JTI students were the year to explain the changes and not always notified of this until af- improvements to the station over terthe January Term last year. the past summer and fall semester, This caused much distress and schedule shows, and introduce the anger in the WMC community. executive staff. I Several students voiced their com- The improvements 10 the sta- plaints to the Residence Life De- tion try to address the many prob- partment of feeling violated. They lems the station has faced. Prob- were worried about their belong- lems such as space, cataloging, re- ings left in their rooms and privacy. ception, and frequency are to be The Residence Life Department rectified. listened to the students' complaints The problem of space caused and concerns and learned their les- the station to move from the old son for Jan Term 1996. two room WMCR studio, to the According to Scott Kane, Di- former Christian Fellowship Room rector of Residence Life, "we across from Englar Dining Hall. learned from the problems last This change of locale increases the year.i.all off-campus JTI students amount of space from two to four except one were assigned to empty rooms, which the radio station tion is made. stronger signal and to better the scheduled shows for those who rooms." needed due to its ever-expanding WMCR General Manager, T.J. sound of the station over the radio signed up at the meeting. The Th~oneoff-campusJTIstudent repertoire of music. Grable is also aiming to enhance that WMCR will be changing its meeting.succeeded to bring many who did not get an empty room was Headway isalso being made so the reception of the station from frequency. new and old faces alike into the placed in a double which only had that the station will soon be able to that of the past. The station had a surveyor WMCR family. There were more one resident, who also took part in catalog the music inventory by The station is fixing and repo- come out in the fall to check what than 60 students in attendance at January Term. computer. Th'e station is on a list sitioning the transmitter system (Q. frequencies would be most suitable the meeting; a clear growth over the No students from off campus 10 receive a computer from the col~ provide better reception and is anx- for the campus signal. Due to the 50 students that attended the meet- were placed in the temporarily va- 'lege sometime soon. The music iously awaiting the arrival of an results of their survey, the station ing last year. Even with the in- -caredrooms 6fWMeS'tuderttsand "librariari,rDave Demski is 'currently antenna to better provide the cam- will move from 1560A.M. to 1550 crease, there are still open time no' one' from 'WMC 'was ptacdd in writing a computer program tor-ihe 1/ pus airways-with the sounds of A.M. The managing executives, slots left which the execunve staff o-anyone- eiSe's room with out first station to'Use; to-catalog the music. WMCR. however, see this as temporary as would like to see filled. I' contacting that person. This methoa\~ill revolutionize the i 'The new antenna will allow the they set a goal of eventually find- If you are interested in work- "The problems' that happened preliistoricmeth&d'6ftyping up an "srarfon to broadcast a stronger sigc 1rig a F,M. signalofWMCR'svery' ing with the radio station, touch last year did not happen [this alphabetical handwritten catalog ,finaL qwn. base with the WMCR staff ar ex- tension 633. ~~ .... year]," stated Kane. . ",,' '7~;never an addition to the collec- It is in order to complement this ~~~----------------------~ also staff meeting The general Women' profs increase over decade' -, ~, Rite ofKpring Benefit tRbnners and walkers .of all I ~I300 Falls Rd, Brooklandville, Womenhave!llllCi«;~in'!Ugh~r , to$~,OO)peryear in thecaseof pro- I' percent to 69 percent during the past ages ard invited to participate in MD 21022./To register, or for education but continue to lag their male, fessOrs in the sciences, protesslonserd ten years. At public four-year institu- the 9th Annual "Rite of Spring" more information, contact Da~e counterparts in salary, according to a social sciences. tions, the increase was from 3.3 per- 5KRace, 3K Walk, and 1.5K Fun Cooley at 377-8882. news study by the Maryland Higher At community colleges, the-s31ary cent t03.7 percent. Run. This activity' f)j,hefits Education Commission. gap at the professor, associere profes- Men in senior administrative posi-. The event will be on Sunday, Kennnedy Krieger Institute and Men alsocontinue'to hcld most se- sor and assistant professor level has tions erbothtwo-andfour-year institu- March 10, 1996, beginning at 9:00 the Maryvale Student Scholarship niorfull-tin:tefaculZY"'positions. shrunk. Men holding positions as pro- tions continue to earn more than A.M. at Maryvale Prep. School, Fund. Womenaccountedfor57.7percent fessors and assistant professors in the women, and the gender difference has of enrollment statewide in 1994, up professions earned $16,00 more than become more pronounced. from 55.5 percent in 1984. During the women; a decade later, the difference Male community college manag- 1984-94decade,enrollmentofwomen was $5,00). Overall, the gap is less ersandexecutiveseamedandaverage increasedby 19percentcomparedwith than $3,00). of $63,248 in 1994, compared to Crallberry Liquors eight percent for men. Women held 40 percent of the full- $53,197 for women. 'The proportion of women among' time managerial and executive staff At four-year public colleges. men Carroll Courrty's premier adult full-time faculty has increased steadily, positions in 1994, compared to 32 per- earned $71,468 and women earned beverage shop. Crarrbcrry Liquors especiaIlycornmunity colleges. cent in 1984. $56,197. In the last 10 years, the number of Mostoftheincreases have corne at Counesy of Maryland Higher Educa- qarrd-picks arrd stocks boutique full-time w~men faculty has increased "the community colleges - up from 30 tioh Commission wirres, micro arrd qard-to-firrd by 26 percent compared with nine per- beers, arrd tqc most exterrsive cigar cent for men. ......-:=...._ Percent of Professors Nearly a third of full-time faculty .Who Are Women selectiorr irr Carroll Courrty. at four-year campuses-and almost half 50 Let tqcir krrowledgable staff corrsult at community colleges"are women. Community netv.leen 1993 and 1994,30 per- 40 Colleges 'witq you irr firrdirrg tqat special cent of professors an~ 59 percent of ., sometqirrg. Crarrberry Liquors is a associate professor;; hi.(ed~ ~ commu- _".i Public 1great place to brirrg mom arrd dad nity college were ~o~e~. . \g)' .,. wl!err tqey come to visit. occ:~:=i:re~=,'::~~=H';-"'~,420 Not just your average liquor store. fessors and 32 percent-of new a.~soci-- 'i ate professors. Lccated qext tc Gisqt Supcrll]arket The gap between men's salariesand iq Crsqbcrry Square women's salaries at four-year institu- 1984 1984 1994 Hcurs 9SIll·jOPIll Mcq·s'at tions increased between 1984 and 1994
   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102