Page 93 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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creBn TCoor S P" .. e s Front page 20 Terror Scoreboard 17 Miller Profile 18 "Off the beaten track with John Manard" ... 16 Volume XIV, Number 7 Western Maryland College Greek rush sparks Time sheet fraud shocks campus new interest at WMC 17 students guilty; Work Study program loses $12,000 Bv AMV HANNAH that no one rushee would have an StaffWriler advantage over another. WMC's spring rush kicked off This year, due to the necessity on February 4 with an orientation of some clarifications, rules were meeting for both men and women clarified. According to Sue Hottel, held by all sororities and fraterni- president of the Panhellenic Coun- ties on campus. cil, a lot of people didn't really have Throughout the two week pro- a firm understanding of the rules cess, the rushees were allowed the in the past. Now, they are more opportunity to become, familiar specific in nature. with the many facets of the indi- For example, sorority sisters are vidual Greek organizations at not allowed to wear their letters WMC. during Strict Silence. Also, no "I loved rush. It was great! I rushee can sit with a Greek organi- think everyone should do it, even zation in Glar. These rules are if they don't want to pledge," stated geared toward the Greeks them- Jaime Moser ('99). selves, not the rushees. The rules Along with rush, as with any- are there to make every rushee have thing, are rush rules which g__uaran- an equal opportunity to be~ome tee fairness and equality in the pun of Greek life. whole process. This is a guarantee Continued 011 page 7 Car break-ins jump to new high at WMC News of the scandal spread throughout both the local and regional press. Students involved ill the the}! forgea to gmtr. cards; all 17 of the students admitted time and authorization MEG HAN JOYCE items were taken from soft top au- By SARAH SNEI.L anonymity (see related story). been forged, according to Accounts Staff Writer tos such as convertibles and jeeps. StaffWritu AI! of the students pled guilty Payable Clerk Rosalind Esteves. Students, as they wander to In two cases, batteries were re- Seventeen Western Maryland to the charges, yet a total of nine "Some of the signatures were their cars after a long day of moved from vehicle engines. College students, 12 of whom were appealed the severity of the conse- very good," Esteves stated, to classes, may be puzzled at the in- This recent increase of auto athletes, were suspended for sub- quences, all of which were denied, which the Director of Financial creasing number of Campus Safety theft on campus has forced Cam- mitting falsified time sheets for Sayre commented. Services Arthur Wisner agreed. officers roaming the crowded park- pus Safety to patrol parking lots their work study jobs in the fall Because suspension was one of The problem was discovered ing lots. much more frequently. Westmin- 1995 semester. the punishments, the students are when the financial aid office dis- Many recent car break-ins have ster City police have also agreed "There are no degrees of dis- allowed a second appeal to Presi- covered it had reached the limit of occurred throughout campus which to increase patrol throughout the honesty," Director of Athletics Dr. dent Dr. Robert H. Chambers, ac- the federal funding of WMC's has much of the college cornmu- .campus. J. Richard Carpenter, Jr. said of the cording to the Western Maryland work study program, Esteves nity suspicious. According to Mike Webster, flat punishment of all the students College Student Handbook. added. Since January 21st of this year, Director of Campus Safety, "the involved. Director of Intramurals and "It wouldn't have bothered me Campus Safety reports that eight nine officers on campus can not The money scammed ranged Head Lacrosse Coach Keith R. if (the punishment) was more se- vehicles have been broken into. In combat this problem on their own. from $300 to $1,700 per. student, Reitenbach and Intramurals Assis- vere, but, all in all, I think it was most incidents, highly valuable Campus Safety is most enhanced totaling $11,756 not accounted for. tant Charlie Shoulberg are in fair," Junior economics/biology when all members of the college In addition to suspensions, all charge of the intrarnurals program. major Cameron Speir said of the community work to protect each 17 students punishment was listed Reitenbach signed the completed, abuse. other." as: restitution of work study funds, correct time sheets, which the stu- Reitenbach said he thought that While there is no clear solution completion of community service dents turned in for payroll. he had a true relationship with to this problem, Campus Safety hours equaling one-half of those Reitenbach said that part of the some of those students involved. encourages all students to act re- cheated on, disciplinary probation, problem was with the students who Continued 011 page 8 sponsibly when leaving their cars and ineligibility 10 hold either a were turning their own time sheets Inside parked on campus. Cars should work study or campus funded job, in. Three of the 17 students would always be locked and all valuables according to Dean of Student Af- add hours after the sheets were al- The Soapbox 2 placed out of sight. fairs Dr. Philip R. Sayre. ready signed. For example, stu- WMCR Returns 5 Students should activate any This was discussed in a media dents could easily change a I to a antitheft devices such as alarms or advisory sent out by Joyce Muller, 4, Reitenbach said.' The other 14 Greek Task Force 6 security systems and consider in- director of Public information. students simply forged European Travels 9 stalling removable stereo units. Decisions on the punishments Reitenbach's signature, Director of Deep Blue Something .. 10 Campus Safety reminds students to were handed down following the Financial Aid Patricia M. Williams Austrian Speaker 11 report any suspicious activity. hearings which concluded Jan. 19. said. The New Glar 14 Christy Benson, a student and According to Sayre, the college All of the students were eligible Swimmers get ready 19 theft Will- of a recent auto , a victim that something needs to be can not name due any of the students for the work study program, number Women's B-ball 20 agrees iams added. An uncertain to the involved Buckley Soft top convertibles, similar to this one, Continued on page J I Amendment, which protects their of the authorization cards had also Front Page Sports 20 have been the victims of car theft·
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