Page 91 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 91
Sports The Phoenix Thursday, December 7, 1995 Page 15 After surgery Alexander still .:.:;;~~ Ill' CAROI.YN nAItNK" has been swimming for 17 years. Sl(lDWrilCI She also played soccer her junior Competing for her fourth year year of high school, and tennis her as a Green Terror swimmer, Karen freshman through junior year. In Alexander hopes (0 go 10 nation- college, Alexander competed in als again, for a fourth consecutive tennis her junior year. year. Despite recent shoulder sur- In August of I995,Alexander gery, thai has limited her competi- received surgery for her shoulder tion in several events, she has injury. Alexander states that, "I shown that her strength and deter- didn't think I would be able to mination has not been hindered swim at all, but Ican. Thconlyevents During her freshman year, that I can't swim in are the 200 and Alexander won first place in the 400 individual medley and the 100 and Mid-Atlantic Conference for the 200 butterfly, Through exercises and 200 backstroke. She placed lZth therapy, Ican actually swim better, and in the 400 individual medley in I have been able to strengthen my National's and she also swam the muscles so Ican at least swim to abil- 200 butterfly. Her sophomore year ity.': she swam the 200 butterfly and the At the beginning of the season, 400 individual medley in the na- Alexander was hesitant as to how her tional meet. Alexander placed 14th surgery would affect her performance. in the 400 1M Last year, she placed She remarks, "Going into the season, I Freestyle last weekend agai~ Swarthmore. 14th in the 200 backstroke and 15th still set my main goal- to compete in in the 100 backstroke. She also nationals, but Iwasn't sure if I could than she has in the past. She says that, me more time to concentrate on those have, show excellent commitment to swam the 400 1M. Alexander also obtain my goal. After my first meet "Now. I feel better than I've ever felt, I events that Ican swim, and hopefully the team and the willfulness to work was the Centennial Conference though, I was pleased with my times." feel stronger than I've ever felt. I feel succeed in those events. I still feel that hard." champion, and set the Conference In the second meet of the season against that this isdue to my therapy. Mygoals I can definitely place again this year in In the future. Alexander plans to record in the 200 backstroke her Albright College, Alexander placed are more attainable now." Alexander nationals. obtain a part-time position as swim junior year. first in the 50 freestyle with a time of stated that the hardest aspect of having Commenting on the team, coach for a college or university or for In high school, Alexander 27.11 and first in the 100 backstroke the surgery, which has limited her Alexander states thai, "Although our an aquatic club. Her major is exercise swam for the Lancaster Aquatic with a time of 105.10. somewhat was "the mental aspect, not numbers are low, I believe that our science and physical education and she Club and for Hempfield High Since her surgery, AJexander ac- the physical. Knowing that I can't team has wonderful spirit and dedica- hopes to eventtaUy work in the field School for four years. Overall, she tually feels that she can swim better swim some events is hard, rut it gives tion. The eight swimmers that we do offitl~ssconditiOf1ing ~tholderadults. Speed key .for three-snort star played since i The basketball co-captain teammate, or racing to new track nOI only uses her speed effec- records. Junior Erin Murphey not Cox. tively to gel around opponents only plays three sports here at Even though Murphey had and to get the ball to her team- WMC, she stars in each of them. not run track the three previous mates, but has also averaged Playing three sports is noth- years in high school, she had close 10 five rebounds per game ing new for Murphey, who also not lost anything and today for her career. "I guess they re- played three sports in high holds two outdoor track and ally don't look for me to get in school. However there, she only field records for WMC: the 400 there and rebound, so I can just ran track her freshman year, and meter, and was part of the 4 x slip in there," said Murphey. played softball instead the three 100 relay record holding time. After scoring 9.8 ppg last remaining years. Murphey did not play soc- ' season, looking to score more Murphey, who went to cer her freshman year at WMC, was something that Murphey Francis Scott Key High and while she missed it, she knew she would have to do with School, wanted to slay close wanted to take that time to get the loss of Sandi Dejager, and to home when she started acclimated to college life. But she has responded, scoring looking at colleges, and also she joined the team her sopho- 15.3 ppg, as welt as averaging wanted a small school - West- more year and finished second 4.7 assists, and 5.2 rebounds ern Maryland fit both of those in scoring. per game this year. cntcrtu. This past soccer season was "I love playing .with her," Playing three sports re- not only good for WMC as they said basketball teammate Katie quires different training for went 10-4-1, but also for Haley. "l'm so glad that I'm each of them, and Murphey Murphey, who led the team in not playing against her. She's says that this might be the points with 28. (I I goals, 6 as- a player - you can't sum her up most difficult thing. "It's very sists) - she's a player. I hate playing difficult because each coach "It was really a great sea- against her in practice, you expects you to be doing things son, we had a lot of fun. Even think you're open and all of a out-of-season for each one, though we had a lot of new sudden she's there." With track it's really not that people, they stepped right in, As for the future, the difficult because I am always and the quality of play was just physical education major running. During the summer so much better this year," she would like to perhaps leach I do a liulc of each," she said. said. physical education at an el- When Murphey came to an the basketball court, ementary school and to possi- (shooting). The 5ยท1 junior, who happens to be the smallest player in the WMC. she knew she was go- Murphey, who is the smallest bly coach basketball or soccer. Centennial Conference, is a key cog in the Green Terror offense.
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