Page 98 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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'Thursday, February 15,' I996 - Page 6 Jan-term offers college Theatre to perform The experience to students Cherry Orchard Participants chosen on academic performance On stage the first two weekends of March Thirteen students from area community a living-learning situation," added Barbara WMC's Department of Theatre will estate and the precious grounds studded colleges participated in Western Maryland Disharoon, associate dean for first-year stu- present Anton Chekhov's "The Cherry Or- with trees, but now they must begin College's 1996 Jan Term Institute, a month- dents at WMC and co-developer of the Jan chard" Friday-Sunday, March 1-3 and anew, said director Ron Miller. long program giving area community col- Term Institute program in 1991. Thursday-Saturday, March 7-9, at "This production is an excellent chal- lege students the opportunity to experience The Jan Tenn Institute students lived on Mainstage in Alumni Hall. lenge," Dr. Miller, associate professor on-campus life at a four-year institution. campus, participated in student activities and All performances begin at 8 p.m. Ad- of theatre and chair of the department, "Many students transfer to four-year col- took classes offered to all students during mission is $5 for adults, $3 for seniors said. "It offers our students a wonderful leges after completing their community col- WMC's January Term which ended January over 65, for children under 12 and for opportunity to take on one of the great lege education and this program gives them 24. All credits received from Western Mary- members of the WMC community. plays in Western drama," a head start on that next step," said Deron land will transfer to the respective colleges The poignant comedy, translated by For more information or ticket res- Brinkley of Baltimore, peer adviser for this of the Jan Term Institute participants. Stu- David Mamet, portrays the demise of the ervations call the WMC Arts Manage- year's program and a 1995 Jan Term Insti- dents in this year's program, who were cho- landed aristocracy in Russia at the turn ment Office at 410/857-2599. For infor- tute participant from Essex Community Col- sen based on academic performance, were of the century, centering on a family mation about other upcoming events at lege, He also has enrolled at WMC and will from Catonsville, Dundalk and Essex com- driven to auction their property to pay Western Maryland College call The begin taking classes this spring, munity colleges. off debts. The family of Madame Events Line at 410/857-2766. "Institute students are fully immersed in Ravenskaya had long cherished their Courtesy of Public In/ormation Greek Task Force gains requested demands Since September they have been fighting for their Greek rights on WMC's campus HEATHER LEE given the opportunity to first fill their residence COl1lriblllingIVrirel halls with members and invited eligibles be- What is the Greek Task Force (GTF)? The fore Residence Life assigns students to unoc- GTF was formed out of representatives from cupied spaces. Then, if a Greek organization Greek organizations in order to target problems is unable to fill their residence halls them- with which the Greek system as a whole have selves, that group will forfeit the remaining been faced, spaces to Residence Life for financial reasons. The GTF began meeting in early Septem- If a Greek organization does not fill its ber and was comprised of three subcommit- space with members of the organization and tees. These subcommunities dealt with the its list of invited eligibles, they should then be issues of: public relations, social aspects and able to choose from their alternate list of in- housing. Recently the committees were com- vited eligibles. PUBlICINFORMATlONOFFICE An initial 1100r plan will be submitted to bined to focus solely on housing issues due to Pictured here with Deron Brinkley, the program's peeradviser. are: April D. Caffinhcrger. the upcoming room draw and Greek housing Residence Life showing where each member Jeffrey N. Foxwell. Mariama KaiKai. Terri E. McHargue. Brendan Hines. Carina M assignments. and eligible will live, and if the organization Claassen, ehillip A. 010'011, Norman L. Robertson. Claire Arrowsmith, Ameeta G. Barlow, On January 16, 1996, the GTF composed does not fill its floor, they will be given the Jacques C. Rojahn, NOI pictured: John E. Goggin and Kelly L. Rothwell, a housing proposal outline for submission to opportunity to resubmit the floor plan desig- several key administrators: Robert Chambers, nating Greek/independent areas. WMC celebrates African- Pres.; Phil Sayre, Dean of Stu. Affairs; Scott be notified of any deposits or housing plan All students (Greek, affinity. honors) should Anita Kahenbaugh, Kane, Oir. of Res. Life; Ethan Seidel, VP. of Admin. and American History Month GreekAdv.; Mitchell Alexander. Dir: of College deadlines in a specified amount of time, If the deposit is not made by a member of the orga- Finance; Activities, Greek Adv.; Beth Rosko, Resi- nization or an eligible, the organization should dence Life Coordinator for Blanche Ward Hall be given a 48 hour period with which to fill Western Maryland College is celebrating La Vita Westbrook, ext. 8307); and ANW Hall; and Charlene Kinsey, Res. these spaces with an alternate list. the achievements of African Americans dur- Dramafest, a celebration featuring WMC If a member of a Greek organization does ing February and the community is invited students and their talents in poetry, dance and Greeks were assured that not meet the payment deadline, they will then to join in, according to Michela Patterson, music, Sunday, February 25, 7 p.m.. Big Baker go into room draw with the options of filling coordinator of multicultural student services. Chapel. their housing would one of the rooms on their floor closest to the "There are a lot of things going on, so I The movie, "Wild Women Don't Have the remain "positive and organization's designated area. This would think everyone will find something they can Blues,"Thursday, February 29, 7:30 p.m., The then reclaim the independent area as a Greek enjoy," said Ms. Patterson, also coordinator Pub. relatively stable," area. of the College's African American History Courtesy 0/ Public Information The GTF feels that these are very fair re- Month activities. Life Coordinator of McDaniel Hall. quests and should be taken very seriously by Headlining this year's program is a Gos- However, the GTF is not the only commit- the administration. pel Jubilee featuring WMC, local and Balti- Upcoming Events tee that has been working on these housing The GTF was asked to focus on the hous- more choirs, on Saturday, February 17, at 7 issues. ing issue due to the upcoming room draw and p.m., in Big Baker Chapel. A reception will February 17th In 1993 the Residential College Task Force Greek housing assignments. follow. The snow date for the concert is Satur- -Gospel Jubilee was established and composed of students and However, in a letter sent to the WMC com- day, Feb. 24, at 7 p.m., in Big Baker Chapel. 7:00pm at Big Baker Chapel faculty appointed by Dr. Chambers, and have munity by Dean Sayre on January 29, 1996, Admission is free. February 19th been working for two years to improve cer- Greeks were assured that their housing would Also, Shindana Cooper, an African Ameri- .StoryteUer-Shindana Cooper tain aspects of residence life. They have pro- remain "positive and relatively stable." The can folklorist, will share stories and tales passed 8:00pm at McDaniel Lounge posed certain long range plans to solve the letter also stated, however, that the school will down in her family for generations, on Mon- February 23rd housing difficulties, including honors, affiniry "continue to employ common sense space-us- day, February 19, at 8 p.m. in McDaniel -Soul Food Dinner and Greek housing, age guidelines." Lounge. Admission is free. 7:00pm at McDaniel Lounge After the report by the Residential College The GTF is pleased that Greek housing is Other activities include: February 25th Task Force was released in January 1996, the relatively stable for the upcoming semester. Soul food dinner (and other ethnic dishes) -Dramafest GTF was asked to address this housing issue Hopefully, the hard work that the GTF has prepared by BSU and concert featuring the 7:00pm Big Baker Chapel as well. put into their outline and proposal, which will WMC Gospel Choir, Friday, February 23, 7 February 29th In the GTF outline, several requests were soon be submitted, will help Greek organiza- p.m., McDaniel Lounge, admission is $5 for -Mcvie made to improve Greek housing, tions to maintain their present housing condi- WMC students, $7 for non- WMC students, $3 7:30pm at The Pub First, each Greek organization should be lions. for children under 12, (for information contact
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