Page 95 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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COMMENTARY Thursday, February 15. 1996 - Page 3 LOCK AND KEY "I can almost reach!" episode of Doogie Howser, M.D. Thanks 10 the talent and exper- Regular viewers of this program tise of artist Aaron Ahlburn, L & K would recall that at the end of each now has a "more professional" show Doogie types a brief and rather looking logo. witty journal entry on his computer. Are we getting smarter? This episode he typed the following The figures from a recent dean's quote: "Be careful what you wish list/deficiency list report showing for, you just might get it." This pas- the GPAs of students leave room sage agrees with Snyder's sasses- for a wide range of interpretation. non. According jo the office of aca- For all those avid viewers of demic affairs, the statistics are as DHMD: During this episode Doogie follows: wants to buy a run-down loft apart- For freshmen: In the fall of '94 ment, but hisfathcrprefers anupscale there were 15 freshmen who had a condo on the West Side, according 4.0 GPA. In the fall of '95 there to "TV Week" of the Cincinnati were 27 (180% increase). Enquirer For sophomores: In the fall of A lost opportunity '94 there were three sophomores I reached into my mailbox and who had a 4.0 GPA. In the fall of pulled out an envelope. Inside of it '95 there were 20 (666% increase). were two tickets to the "Late Show For juniors: In the fall of '94 with David Letterman", My dream there were seven juniors who had had come true. I set up the travel a 4.0 GPA. In the fall of '95 there accepting about thirty freshmen each the four credit system. Under this What most people tend to forget dur- arrangements and was on my way. I were 27 (385% increase). year. Before 1994 only about fifteen new system, students take fewer ing this time of year is that a "White arrived at the bus station on the day For seniors: In the fall of '94 ortwentyfreshmen were accepted each classes and therefore can concentrate Christmas" usually includes more of show with plenty of time to spare there were four seniors who had a year, according to Nancy B. Palmer, more on these courses. than just snow. Also associated with and found a seat in the waiting area. 4.0 GPA. In the fall of '95 there Honors Program Director. Is it over yet? the snow are ice, sleet, freezing rain, Quite some time later [ realized that were 47 (1175% increase). Incoming students are chosen for Well, winter is only half over and and, of course, the dangerous condi- something was not right. The arrival The trend shown above can be the honors program based upon their the northeast has definitely had its tions that go along with all of these of my bus had not been announced attributed to many different high school grades, SAT scores, and fair share of bad weather this year. forms of precipitation. The places yet and it was 'twenty minutes past changes at Western Maryland. I do involvement in extracurricular activi- The snowy weather is about as which are most susceptible and there- the departure time. Iasked the man- not know the precise reason(s) for ties. deceiving as the Trojan horse. It fore easily paralyzed by this weather ager what the problem was and he the incredible increase, but I do I think the recent increase of stu- looks beautiful from a distance but are streets, roads, and airport run- told me that the bus had already left. have an opinion. dent involvement in the honors pro- is ful! of surprises for those who un- ways. Snyder reminds us to "Be Iwas heart broken. Hopefully I will Each year the honors program gram may be the reason for the sharp fortunately become its victim. careful what you wish for." get another opportunity sometime in at WMC accepts about 10% of all increase in students who have a perfect On his Dec. 20, 1995 episode, On the same note my life to see a taping of this show. incoming students; in the past this 4.0GPA Tom Snyder, the "Late Late Show" I was nipping through (he chan- At least now 1 have something to tell amount has not been as high. Since Another cause of this increase host. commented on the ever-present nels on T. V. during winter break and my grandchildren. "The story of my 1994 the honors program has been might be the recent introduction of desire to have a "White Christmas." came across the tail end of a rerun life ... 1 missed the bus." THE REMNANT OPINION ------~----~----~----~IL.~S~t!ev~e~n~&f~o~n~k~s~_tI------------------------- In 1761, James Otis Jr. chal- Furthermore, local courts have rec- tween democracy and totalitarian efforts to get convictions." Yet, the tiona! rights in order to appear lenged the Crown's Writs of Assis- ognized the "good faith" loophole, governments. " facts on the issue tell a completely "tough on crime" and provide se- tance; the law that enabled British Wherein, on'occasion, evidence that In March of 1995, House Reso- different story. Ope study, (Peter curity. But all this means is that soldiers to freely enter and board is obtained without a warrant or lution number 666, the bill that F, Nardulli, "The Societal Costs of police officers will be uble to con- themselves in the colonists' homes, without probable cause is admis- eradicates the exclusionary rule, the Exclusionary Rule: An Empiri- duct searches of U.S. citizens' per- "placing the Liberty of every man sible if the officer is believed to was pitted against an alternate cal Assessment, America Bar sons, houses, and papers based on in the hands of every petty officer." have been acting on "good faith." amendment offered by Rep. Mel Foundation Research Journal, sum- hunches, personal enmity, racial A heated debate ensued, but unfor- More recently though, as part Watt (D-N.C.). The amendment mer 1983) for example, shows that prejudice, or political disfavor. tunately, it had no immediate effect It is not too late to deal with this upon British policies. Yet for those Yet over the past years, the Supreme Court has broadened the gravely serious issue. The Senate who attended the trial, such as John ability of officers to operate outside of the Fourth Amendment by version of the bill, S.3, is still Adams, "then and there the Child awaiting committee review. As Independence was born,", These allowing evidence, to be seized without a warrant if the officer citizens of the United States, we are events led to the creation of the all subject to a legalized tyranny Fourth Amendment to the Consti- claims that the evidence is in plain sight or about to be destroyed. that may become a reality. We al- ready house the largest prison tution, it reads as follows: The right of the people to be se- of the Contract "on" America, Re- simply restated the original lan- felony conviction rates would rise population in the world, with the cure in their persons, houses, pa- publicans have moved to eradicate guage of the Fourth Amendment as only 0.5% if the exclusionary rule former Soviet Union ranking third, pers, and effects against unreason- the exclusionary rule; the judicial quoted above. 303 representatives were abolished. Another study and just ahead of South Africa as it able searches, shall not be violated, .' enforcement mechanism of the voted against the Fourth Amend- (For'sr et al. 1977, Krantz er al. breaks-free froin an apartheid so- and no warrants shall issue, but Fourth Amendment that makesevi- ment in exchange for H.R. 666. 1979, U.S. Department of Justice ciety. In a dubious effort to pro- upon probable cause, supported by dence seized without probable That is correct, the House of Rep- 1982) indicates that only I or 2% vide a false sense of security, our oath of affirmation, and.particu- cause inadmissible in a court of resentatives, free from public scru- of all criminal cases were rejected legislators have demonstrated their Iarly describing the places to be law. In other words, the exclusion- tiny, voted against a pillar of the because of technical errors related ability to annihilate the constitu- searched, and l~e persons or things ary rule ensures that police oper- Constitution. to the exclusionary rule. In drug tional barriers to totalitarianism and to be seized. ate within the'Iegal framework of Opponents of the exclusionary related cases that number was un- a police state; with little recogni- Yet over the past years, the Su- the Constitution and do nor break rule have claimed for quite some der3%. tion of that, fact in the associated preme Court has broadened the into homes, tap phones arbitrarily, time that it hinders the effective- So, in the wake of the Ok1a- press or televised news. In a crisis ability. of officers to operate out- conduct individual strip searches, ness of police work and allows the homa city bombing and the na- such as this, it would be wise to side of the Fourth Amendment by and stop and/or impound automo- guilty to go free. The sponsor of ! nons' false perceptions of rising recall the sagacious words of Ben- allowing evidence to be seized biles in the name of safety, secu- H.R. 666, Rep. Bill McCollum (R- I crime (all crime including violent jamin Franklin. "They that can give without a warrant if the officer rity, or law enforcement. "In many Fla.) claimed that "the technicali- crime in 1995 had decreased to up essential liberty to obtain a little claims that the evidence is in plain ways, the exclusionary rule stands ties are killing a lot of our-policea. 1989 levels), our legislators are temporary s~fe.ty deserve neither sight or about to be destroyed .. 1 as' arr.important demarcation be- officers' efforts and prosecutors.owilling to exchange our constitu- liberty nor safety."
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