Page 89 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 89
The Phoenix Thursday, December 7, 1995 Page 13 -1ffhre .GJl~~1DJ.1freJl;r~1r, SC@Jl~1b;@I1Jld1 Jeff Daniels 7.6 srasis J:QTh!, WOMEN'S SWIMMING RPG Mike Quinn 12 Elli!Sllf.'i llO 12.0 Steve Dziengeleski 6.4 SIeve Dziengeleski 7.2 Mike Quinn 6.0 Karen Alexander 2-2-0 17.0 7.0 Will Marshall MeghanJoyce 04-1 15.6 Michellelarman 6.8 ASS!SIS AI'Q KrisShuck Heather Jacoby 0-2-\ 15.5 SIeve Dzicngelcski 3.4 Brian Tombs MichcJleGarvey 0-1-2 15.3 = Mike Quinn 3.0 TashaBerry 0<>5 6.6 SIJ:Al.S 18 Brian Tombs 1.6 MEN'S S.WIMM.IM:!. Erin Murphey 4.3 Katie Haley 17 leffDaniels .6 Elli!Sllf.'i .l.:2:l As always thanks go to SID 3-[-0 Peter Fuller /ill; ~ = Mike Welter 1-2-2 Scott Deitch. Apologies are 4.6 MEf'i_'S. BASKETBALL (l-21 Will Marshall 10.4 Kevin Lundell 1-2-1 made to the' teams that did 2.5 == = AndyOziengeleski 6.2 Aaron Corten 1-0-1 not get any coverage in the 1.8 Wi!lMarshali 21.2 leffDanicls 5.4 Steve Ferrara 0-1-1 scoreboard. Look for a new 1.8 Daevid St. Rose 13.2 Daeviid St. Rose 4.0 Chris Drawbaugh 0<>3 • and improved scoreboard .r , KrisShuck 12,6 next Spring! Andy Dziengeleski 9.4 ,Ij I,ll'')" with: die team. ' was'new and very friendly' "She always supported m'e. .Tracey ¥sO respected' my' deci- sion if I said this player earn run'to- day," he said. :!I '. I Folio describes Dinh hl; Very thor- Ough: He was able to communicate who was hurt and wtiai they had to 1:10 for workouts .. Folio also belietes lliar Dinh's friendship with the players was important because they feltcomt6rtable talking to fum. ''DiOh'is a genuine per- I Son,',' sma Folio. ""Hecated'W !fiat's anim~ftintpiit."'" ",,'. , iii -r- Fblio \Ya.'s'irhpressed 'bY' how readily Dinh 'jumped behind the cage dUring p6ctices and began fielding and point play I~M~:~-:.t:;i;;2rl to the .players during hitting-balls-out I 7'-This Ql;illJ!11): I!!stjssye.aS?rotS • E:Wlor,[r~! a reed too~er, my ;:y;oJo- gres 10 any sportthat feels my cover- age was not adequate. Due to a small staff I was-unable to have every team spring •.h-e will work with yet another 'r looini9.IMilllerr,611m"'" You make the call (!:.~ G '!, ~ ; covered as thoroughly as possible. I team until he has completed the re- Thenext comments are bound tq wish Carolyn the best of luck in sue- quired hours. Upon passing the NATA be my m?st,controv~rsial!O dater'I ceeding where I have failed. To the exam, Dinh hopes to move to Califor- have never to this point openly corns WMC athletes and coaches I also of- nia where his real parents live. lt is _j mental on acoacti'sdecision'at WMC. fer my lhanks for giving me some ex- likelylhathe will still have totakesome ,Ihe~il,')'iJh~, ",hblrn;;h;ppl'y,';; 'I' "BUI [ f~l two rece~t deCisions b'ya citing SPOlts to cover in lhe last year. graduate cla<.;se.s in order to become a ,- coach here have forced._ffly h:md, I Fortf.efuture Ican only ~ P.E. teacher or athJctic trdincr. E 1~~~~;~;;;~~i:nv:ite~'~ri;tic~Wn~""~d~oo~mm~'n;I.~_:::::'_~I~g'~11~o,~ov~,~",~,ore;";';~tin:g~"':tio:"~, plain reporter.. Ih:i'j cla~se.s a1 night-and work as a personal Ideally, Dinh would like to take time as a make sev- I have watchedacoach
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