Page 88 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 88
On The Hill The Phoenix Thursday, December 7, 1995, Page 12 Comm majors define their field New voice joins the receive information about the Dillman believes that t h is ensamble on the hill BY SARAH E. SHECKELI,S SlaffWriler communication major," said project is beneficial to both the The WMC Communication Summers. "I know a lot of high college and high school students. BY MEGHAN JOYCE Like many of the students Department is definitely up to school students have no idea what "I think it is a cool project, slaff ....riler and faculty on campus, Dr. something this year that other the communication major entails, giving [our] students real life ex- Dr. Armstrong contributes Armstrong remains busy as she departments 'may not know but after our presentation, I hope periences [because ill deals with more than just her voice at WMC. tries to organize an early music about just yet, they have a better understanding the exact kind of problems that Motivated, enthu- With the help of the Direc- of what it is." they will see after graduation," siastic, and energetic tor of Admissions Martha The presentation given on Dillman said. "It is beneficial for are just three words that O'Connell, high school effectively describe Dr. her office, and students be- Robin Armstrong. As a Communica- cause they new addition to the tion Depart- hear about the Western Maryland fac- ment Chair discipline of ulty, Dr. Armstrong has Rick Dillman, communica- provided a wealth of 'a group of tion, and it knowledge and excite~ c o m m u mc a- also publi- ment to the music de- lion majors cizesWestern partment. have started Mary I an d As an undergradu- something College be- ate of the University of sthey caltahe cause some California at Long .Com muntca- students may Beach, Dr. Armstrong 'tiOI1I' Depart- , con s i d e r continued her educa- 'me nr Public . coming here tion at the University of hj n ro nnatio n Michigan where she Project. )'f' So, obtained her doctorate Late last where does degree in Music His- 'spring, this this group's tory, department with her diverse background ~group, includ- motivation At Western Mary- .~ ing ......ju-n.iors come-from? land, one can find Dr. Armstrong" ensemble. -lnspired by her inter- R e b·lt eve a . ,;.-J-Iottel 't~a~~ing M.u~~c ~is~rr ~nd.Mu- e.§!,..!n/arly~!J1usicahnslrumenJ.~ Pri e d m an , wants to in- SIC Appreciation or srngmg as an such as the recorder. Dr, Mike Gibbons, Shea Henyon, November 10, iricluded a general form students about what com- active member of the college Armstrong hopes to get students Susan Honel, Sarah Sheckells, o'lttfvie;-Y,of wh~L th,e com!"uni- jI1)unication really is and to help choir. Even with her rigorous aud faculty' interested in many of Mejissa Summers', and Faith' cation major involves witha fo- 'them understand it better. teaching-schedule, Dr. Armstrong the musical pieces written before Walker, got .together to begin cus on classes that are available, "When I was in high realizes the importance of in- the 1700's. ' " .their projM?f try,ing.'t~, f~nda: careers; .in the field. and why com- [s chool. I didn't really know volvement in the community, and Dr. Armstrong brings her dedi: way to inform students abou~~ munlcation-is ~o important to ev- Iwfiat communication as'a major she wants to' give her=many tal- cation and fine musical knowledge j what a c9rmJl.n-icat~io.q Il,l~jor eryone. ,meant, and I would Wee to get ents to the college's choir. to Western Maryland. As a profes- tmeans. This would ultimately Gibbons and Friedman the message out," she said. Because Dr. Armstrong at- sor, Dr. Armstrong hopes to give all Ilea4 t,h'e~)b presenting at are~ p.ul'~Q everything together by ~ Henyon agrees with Hottel tended two large universities her students iJette~ listening skills high scho?ls'. I, talking to the school and ar- by saying, "This project has de- throughout her educational ca- to enjoy all levels of music. "Stu- "I thinll this is the best way ranging for finanqiul support 'vel oped from many of our own reer, she finds the Western Mary- dents often times can 'I enjoy all the land community a welcoming re- ty~s of mu~ic th.~,~.~.~~!~ .~~Ifi~;~~~~~~~~i~~~~~:ri-~eu~~1c~ti' ~~~;':~:e~:r~~:ilZ~~~J:!~~~ :~::Jl~~~lavdee.~!~~,~ ~~_c::.aS; t~~ lief. When' asked what her 'im- llaven 't developed a listening ear to :'tioii; and it is a first hiulCl"way' of ship a~ci ~rote the proposal for kind of p'resentation when we pressions are of the college, Dr, appreciate the beauty of the !firi'dirtg out about WMC and the it. However, Henyon, Hottel, ,were in high schooL" ' Armstrong summed it up in just sounds." .depa·rt'ment:" said O'Connel,1. "I Sheckells, and Symmers were The group has intentions of a few wo,rds. "I absolutely adore As she strives to reach her iwouldloveitifourstudentsfrom the group that actually. pre,- continuing the'ir project in up- Weste,rn'Marylandl" 'While she many goals, Dr. Armstrong can ,other depahments wpuld do the sen ted to the journalism class at coming semesters and hopes' to is still in her "honeymoon always be found mOlivating her isame kind of internsh~p that lthis, Fallston, 'involve other communication phase," Dr. Armstrong is overly students with 'her enthusiastic 19roUp] is d9ing." ..j (, "I think it was a great.suc- Imajors that are inter~sted in impressed with the friendly fac- personality or directing her With the approval of the fac'j c~ss because we, were able ~o ,speaking to high school stu- ulty and the bright, motivated ab.undance l of exciie'~ent to- ~ulty i~ ~h~ ,Clom~un~c,atio~, De-, wor;k "'(ith th~ journa,lism class ,dents about their major. students, ' ' wards th,e college choi,r( Ipartment;·.the gro:up~r~,centlYI and they wer,e.really ~eceptive jI. "By continuing this pro- Ireached their first goal of mfonn- to every~hing ~e .had to s.ay," : gram, the quality of c\:immuni- LOSE 20 POUNDS IN TWO WEEKS ;'i'ng students/about \.vhat it means~ said He,nyon,. "I would love, to cation majors and the depart- U~S.,~omen's Alpin'e Ski Team Diet to'be a communication majo'(by' do it again bt:ciwse all, of us pad '',llent itself will rise which will ivis'iting 'a jo'uin'alism class 'at a great,lim~,~peaking ,!-bo~~,o,ur J'b~ benefic,i.~I. to everyd,?e::, Durihg the non-s~ow oH.season the U·.s. WoiTU~n's Alpine Wallston Hlgti Schobl:!n 'Ha'rford major, what we IO,ve to ~o,. Summers. [Hopefully~ we will ~~~~~1:~~ _-.::- :County; Nliry-(~hd. 'I", -I '! ,With the suppor't of Ithe Ad- i~av~ students who want to cO,me 'f~io~!:;k~e~~:;,ss ur~~h~~;~k~~~~~"i~l~~t~~~:f , "TIl1's'p::dj~ct is'.a:,"~onderf~ll mb.sions Office and the Com-Ilo' WMC specifically for the the diet is chemical food action and- was ,devised by a famo'us way fo'r high' school' students t9' m,unjc~tion Dep,~rtment. 'rcommuiii~ation p~~gr~in." " Colorado physiCian especially'for the W.S. Ski Team. Normal en- i' ."., '1..' . • ergy is maintained (very important!) while reducing. You keep "full"-no starvation-because the diet i.s designed tl)at way. 'fAtt;nti;;-n-Ph~;;j;~;;-d-;r-;J-: io--;~;;;~e~ ~;r~-;c-;i;tk;;;- fu~~;;-r~ It's a diet that is ~~sy to follow whether you work, travel or stay' Iself, familly'members, or relatives, please CliP. thiS coupon and, I at h~~:'iS, honestly, ~ fantastically successful di'et. 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