Page 131 - ThePhoenix1994-95
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On The Hill Thursday, March 2, 1995, Page 7 WMC to become official Paco at the movies: Boys & Barrymore internet member By PACO FRISUELOS KROMER dare to go beyond its possibilities. that moment. It is a manipulated Once SIIlJ/Wriur again, when a Hollywood end to extract easily the tears of the If we take a look at the current movie listings, the panorama can- movie portrays a gay character in most sensitive audiences. to However, it is interesting (played by Whoopi Goldberg By LAURIE CiCERO Ciccone applied through the not be more disappointing, from this case), the character appears to view three of the most interesting COnlribulinxWriler Buffalo Free-net in October and comedies made for people with a be lacking a private life and only female roles made in Hollywood in Several WMC students has not yet received an address. low I.Q. (Dumb and Dumber) to able to have love in a platonic way. the last few years. In this movie have been taking advantage of Many area colleges have revivals (The Brady Bunch), from The beginning of the film is appears the portrait of three differ- Sailor, a state-wide network their own Internet membership thrillers (Just Cause) to controver- developed clumsily and rashly, ent women, with each of them which links Maryland's librar- and provide all students and fac- sialplots(~) with a bad resolution to the scenes. complementing the others. They ies to each other and the ulty with e-mail accounts. Among all, only ~ The plot is a silly and simple pre- are charismatic characters per- Internet universe. Currently, About a year ago a task force Si.Qs;_ can be considered a movie text attempting to tell a story about formed by three excellent actresses Hoover Library has two com- met to provide recommendations made for an adult audience, in tenderness, friendship and toler- who fit perfectly in their roles, with puter terminals that can access to make WMC an official which the 1990s society is re- ance and only starts to become in- special emphasis for the beautiful Sailor. One of the popular Internet member. According to Fleeted with a certain fidelity. It is teresting when the characters arrive and very amusing Drew features of Sailor is electronic Dr. Linda Eshleman, Director of an adult's movie in the sense it talks in Arizona. The director seems Barrymore. She is a great comedian mail, or e-mail. Right now, Computing Services, the budget about a topic that affects everyone more interested in te!ling us the life who fills the screen with her pres- anyone who would like to ac- committee provided a small of us, and that is always current: of three women in an idealized Ari- ence by stealing each shot in which cess this service must obtain it amount of seed money to get the the AIDS. zona than showing us the relation- she appears. from an outside network, such system installed. In addition, Boys on the Side presents the ship among the three characters Boys on the Side is a confused as a free-net. Junior Jennifer WMC has received a grant from originality of talking about AIDS during the trip to the West that movie with funny moments and, at Evans heard about this service the National Science Foundation from the point of view of a woman, changes their Jives drastically. Be- moments brilliant. A movie that, from a friend and was able 10 to begin this process. This not a drug addict, not a homo- cause of this the structure of the despite its imperfections, it's get an e-mail address through project is expected to be com- sexual, and not a hemophilic. Un- film is nonexistent. The end of the worthwhile to watch it because il the Lorain County Free-net, pleted by this fall. fortunately, a movie that tries to be movie falls into the sentimentalism doesn't contain the common silli- Inc. An application for the Once a license is obtained courageous and different gets lost and melodramatic clutches, forget- ness that still reigns in Hollywood. Lorain County Free-net can be through the regional Internet in conventionalism and doesn't ting the optimism that reigns till picked up in Hoover Library. provider, and WMC has its own "I had to fill ou t paper- gopher service, students and fac- work, and it took about 3-4 ulty will be able to sign up for weeks [to receive an account], personal e-mail accounts. Those Racing to good health on March 9 "said Evans, who uses e-mail interested in obtaining an ac- about twice a week. "However, count will be able to go through the two computers are always a training process, which will at Western Maryland College full so it's very hard to get on," probably be held in conjunction added Evans. with the library staff. At this from the Carroll County com- the Center for Healing Arts Junior Cam Diuo has had time, " the service will be Westminster, MD-"Beat\_ng an e-mail account for four reached (Tom additional micro- the rat race" 'is this year's munity will provide free advice will discuss alternative medi- months. "I try to use it every computers in the library," said theme for Wellness Day on nutrition, massage therapy cine and demonstrate motion day, but am lucky to get on it Dr. Eshleman. This should al- scheduled for Thursday, as well as hearing, vision, and therapy at 12:30 p.m., fol- pressure screening about skits by student once a week," said Ditto. "The low more students to access the March 9 at Western Maryland blood health department. by the lowed prevention at I:00 p.m. Stu- AIDS local computers are full all the time, Internet. Eventually, the project College. Several interactive dents will challenge their pro- The College Dining Hall are planned includ- activities or I can't get on the Sailor sys- will expand so Internet can be ing radio-controlled car races fessors just for fun in radio- will offer a healthy lunch at a tem." accessed from the dorms. and massage therapy to assist controlled car racing in the Fo- special reduced price to en- Other students using e- With a its own Internet li- mail have reported similar cense, WMC will be able to pro- students in taking time out for rum and prizes will be awarded. courage faculty and staff to problems. Some students, vide additional services such as down- managing stress and improved At 12 noon in Ensor join students during this meal- Larry Wu such as freshman Kara loading, which cannot be done with health. Events begin at 11:30 Lounge Professor the art of Ta i time. will demonstrate Ciccone, applied for an ac- the current Sailor system. However, a.m. in the Decker College Chi Chuan and explain the ben- For information call count bUI never received noti- Sailor will remain as an option Center Forum and lower level efits of this Chinese form of Bonnie Bosley, coordinator of fication of t heir account. through t~e new system. lobby adjacent 10 the college's meditation and relaxation. medical services at (410) 857- dining hall. Health experts Accupuncturist Jim Thomas of 2700. 'i)Yi1J1lf !Pll!JlB£I!JID(5;I1ilJ!ta.m Ui!l'U"~@l!)l1llfre~ OVERSTUFFED £lWlli~ ~lYID ~4~lYID\ffWll3iJr.?J~ ..DVPlSTUFfED ",. S\MiS DRIVERS NEEDED TURtU;Y CLU •....• THURSDAY MARCH 9 FORUM 11:30 - 1:30 EAT HERE. TAKE IT WITH yOU OR WE'LL BRING IT TO YOU! Applications and Race Times DELIVERY AVALABUi BETWEEN Ext. 700 6:).0 PM - !O:J.O PM SUNPAY _ FRIDAY
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