Page 133 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 133
On The Hill Recent poll shows WMC studentsare disgusted with OJ Bv LISA I. HltL & ]IU, MARRON the biochemistry major. "And being "The journalism people dragit they hope he ISnot. Junior English major Gail Editor-in-Chief & StafflVriter an old football player ...ali that crap out too long and [the trial] goes over Freshman Trey Rash summed up Conway feels the same way many of The 0.1. Simpson trial in Los about him being incapable [of com- my soap time!" said Delahoz with the feelings of most of the male stu- the female students do: disbelief that Angeles has many WMC students mining the crime] is BULL," she a laugh. dents by pointing out that 0.1. is not of OJ. could very well be guilty. "I just echoing the same sentiment: di,sin- added strongly. Many students agreed that the this generation. "He is not one afmy don't want to believe that one of our terest. The students polled believe that local news has been disrupted along idols," said the business/economy ma- American heroes and someone who In a recent poll, many students the trial coverage would be different with regular programming. It is the jor; "I only think of him as a movie seems so gentle could be capable of' expressed the fact that they are no if the media had not gotten a hold of consensus of many that if the de- big deal." that," she said sadly. longer interested in the double mur- it like they did. Freshman art and fendant was not a famous football der trial. communication major JaNet Baker star, the trial would already be ruled The Ten Commandments of "I watch some of the trial only said, "His trial should not be the cir- as a mistrial due to the media cov- a Good Resume because I would rather see it first cus that it is. Simpson has totally erage. hand than on tabloid TV shows," lost his right to a fair trial because of Megan Gross, freshman art and stated sophomore social work major the way the media has exploited art history major, stated, "I don't Samantha Dwoskin. "It has become him." Baker also said that "because know ifhe is innocent or guilty, and such a feeding frenzy for the media of this circus, people believe OJ. 10 I'm not really interested. I feel that that I'm not interested." be guilty even if he is innocent." if they have put a camera in this "I don't give adamn about him," Many of the students polled said courtroom, then they should put one freshman Bill Parks said vehemently. that they were interested in the case in every other courtroom in Parks, who is undecided on a major, when it began, but have now lost in- America." said that even though he is an avid terest in it due to all the media hype. 'This event is sending out an im- fan of pro-ball and a starter for the Junior political science/business portant message to the American 4. '7~daak~tUtd~. WMC football team, he has no in- major Marcie Delahoz and sopho- people." said sophomore psychology terest in the murder trial of the ex- more communication major Toni major Heather Lee. "It doesn't matter 5. '7~44ttt_hd_/6" ~-~.~-~data.. football star. Randle believe the media has spent if you're guilty or not; if you have .. __ ._-,-.-- Senior Jen Jensen has similar too much time covering the proceed- enough money you can get off." feelings. "Just because he is a fa- ings when they could simply high- Vutually all of the students inter- rnous football player doesn't mean light the important parts during the viewedagreedthattheythinkOJ. will he should get all this publicity," stated evening news. go free,even though not all believe he is innocent. Attention all campus orga- To sophomore Chris Czech, it Y. 711Au,w,a~~. does not matter to him whether OJ. is nizations: If you have an guilty or not. "All I know is that he is 9. 7w,w,a_tk~ .. "~~tk~ 1me..,J" going to get off scot free," said the his- tory major. "Even though he'll prob- announcement to put in ably be poor when this is over," he added cynically. the Phoenix for the student polled showed absolutely no FOR HELP WITH THESE AND MANY OTHER RE- \l'hile almost every single male BY CAREER OR STOP OFFICE AND college community, interest in the case and even less that SUME TIPS, HELP CALL FRESHMEN LIBRARY. THE SENIORS SERVICES WE ARE OJ. is a retired football player, most TO HERE THROUGH ofthc female students pelted said that TO GET INTERNSHIPS, PART-TIME JOBS, VOL- call x8600 although they think he may be guilty, UNTEER POSTIONS, AND FULL-TIME JOBS. Trumpeters'Spotlight: Admissions up, crime not a factor By EUZABETH VALUEl them. Maher also commented that al- Society of Physics Students Despite the recent publicity of though crime has been a concern, it SlaffIVriler hasn't affected admissions. crimes on WMC's campus, theadmis- Since the new director joined the sions for next year's class are looking Admissions Office several years ago, By ROBERT BROWN rution. According to the promo- search in Physics, and the SPS good. Applications were up ten per- there have been greater attempts to cre- COnlriblilin~Wriler tionalliterature, "chapters are en- Newsletter free as a part of their cent from last year, although the size ate a more diverse campus. However, While there has been interest couraged to assist students in de- membership. They may even sub- and make-up of the incoming class are these efforts are not in response to the for years in creating a club spe- veloping the knowledge, compe- scribe to other AlP and Member still changing as deposits come in. issues raised by the hate crimes on cam- cific to the physics major, it wasn't tence, enthusiasm, and social re- Society journals at special Usa Maher,Assistant Directorof pus. Maher did concede that attracting until this year that the interest sponsibility essential to the ad- rates. Admissions, said that the racial inci- a greater diversity has been more diffi- evolved into a full-fledged effort vancement of physics." Currently, our SPS chapter dents and crime on campus has been a cult as a result of these recent crimes. to establish a chapter of the Soci- Within the SPS is Sigma Pi is still in the beginning stages of concern of some applicants and their However, theAdmissionsOffice is ety of Physics Students. Sigma, a nationally recognized establishing itself on campus. Al- families. She reported that theAdmis- optimistic about the incoming class, and The Society of Physics Stu- scholastic honor society for phys- though it is predominantly com- sions Office has been upfront about the expects to continue anracuog more stu- dents (SPS) is a professional phys- ics students with adequate course posed of physics majors, a few crimesoncampusandtheeffrn;tstostop dents to the Hill. ics association designed primarily work in the major and high aca- non-physics majors have now for students. Probably the most demic achievement. Currently, the joined. The co-presidents arc Eric Jubilee held at WMC intriguing feature of SPS is its fo- SPS members are in the midst of Allman and Asanga Costa, both cus: anyone interested in physics establishing a Sigma Pi Sigma senior physics majors. The trea- is eligible to join the local chapter chapter at WMC. Both the SPS and surer is Melanie Phipps and the By: JONATHON SHACAT ist Church, and the Southern Bap- recently established last fall. the honor society operate within secretary is Dan Wooten. Dr. OnlheHillĀ£dilor tist Church. Eric Byrd, Class of Membership does not have a grade the American Institute of Physics David Guerra is the faculty advi- The annual Gospel Jubilee 1993 WMC, directed the WMC requirement nor even require that (AlP). sor. Plans arc already underway was held in Baker Memorial Gospel Choir and the USUMC. The students have taken physics. Al- Membership to SPS allows the to bring physics speakers on cam- Chapel on the evening of Satur- event was postponed from Febru- though SPS chapters must follow opportunity 10 participate within pus, begin active recruitment of day, February 25. ary 4 due to bad weather. some guidelines set forth by the the physics community. Members potential physics majors from the This event is part of Black The Union Street United Meth- national organization, they are can attend regional and national incoming freshman class, and ac- History Month and was sponsored odist Church is very active with the largely independent and may con- conferences and even present pa- tively promote the physics major by the Black Student Union. In- WMC Gospel Choir. They have duct their affairs any way they see pers of their own. In addition, SPS on the campus. For more infor- cluded in the program were the fol- performed in many other programs fit promoting and popularizing the members receive Physics Today, mation, contact Dr. Guerra at x48! lowing: the WMC Gospel Choir, at WMC including Common physics department at each insti- the Journal of Undergraduate Re- or in the Physics office. the Union Street United Method- Ground, held in January.
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