Page 132 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 132
Big changes in the makings for registration process of which courses will have extra sections circumstances of each course. This will en- By JONATHON SUACAT ticn. because of the waiting lists. He de- O"The Hill Edit(ll open. She has the ability to make more able the Dean 10 make a "more informed de- scribed the procedure as a "big fiasco." The waiting list system created for reg- money available, via an overload budget, for cision" as to whether she needs to make In general, the professors like the new istration this past fall turned outto be a sue- the department to pay an adjunct to teach a more money available and perhaps to get an waiting list system because of what it of- cess. class. An adjunct is a person from off cam- adjunct to teach the course, said Barbara fers. The waiting list system tells the de- The system was created for students pus 10 whom the school pays to teach a Shaffer. partment the number of students who are who want to register for a class that is full. course. An adjunct might be hired because The new system will also make regis- interested in a particular course. This type Overall, it improved the registration process. of a lack of professors for a particular course. tration easier for students. Before the wail- of information was not available to the de- In 95% of the courses that had a wait- Dean Coley said there are three vari- ing list system, the students had to "try their partment before the new system was imro- ing list with only one or two students on it, ables that help her make her decision. These luck during add/drop" and "track down the I,' duc,ed. u, those students were admitted into the class. are "is there the money, the person, the professor" to get into a course, explained "I think all students should take a class In 15% to 20% of the courses with waiting need?" The money to pay an adjunct, the Shaffer. Now, the students are just added that they are eligible: for, if they can't then lists, the department opened an extra course person with an education to teach the course, into the course if they sign up on a waiting they might not get the chance to again," said section, said Barbara Shaffer, the Registrar. and the need from the students for the course list. Dr. Michael Brown, a Biology Professor The new system will help the profes- to be opened. However, some students are not very In order to give his students a chance, Dr. sors in two ways. First, it will show enroll- Before, the system was organized dif- happy about this new system. One student, Brown opened an entire new section for ment patterns so that a decision can be made ferently. When registration took place, the Michael Cummings, a freshman, had trouble his microbiology laboratory course. In as to whether or not it is a viable option for registrar would send all of the paperwork with registration this past semester. He was this case, there were twice as many stu- them to make a new section in future se- over to the department to make a decision on three waiting lists including one for each dents interested than could fit and Dr. mesters. Second, it will tell them the num- and then the department would contact Dean of the following courses: Art History, Wa- Brown was aware of this large demand ber of students who are interested in a course Coley if there was a problem with a panicu- tercolors, and Educational Psychology 214. because of the information that the new for the upcoming semester. tar course. Cummings was added into the art classes system makes available. Without the new Joan Develin Coley, the Dean of Fac- Now, the registrar plans to contact Dean because he is an art major but he did not get system, Dr. Brown might not have opened ulty and Provost, makes part of the decision Coley immediately to make her aware of the into the Educational Psychology course even the extra section for those interested stu- though he had taken the first semester of it. dents. rr Task Force to assess housing He said "if I could not get into my art classes lems with the registration were some prob- Even though there Shaffer process, then I would have been a-lillie bit discour- aged." Cummings had to change his entire said "I got a lot of favorable response" schedule, while waiting in line for registra- from people about the new system. By EUZAB[TII VAI..UET ability of friends to get rooms next to SlallWritel each other if they aren't in the Greek In upcoming years, WMC Resi- system or Affinity Housing. As the resi- dence Life wil l be seeing some changes. dential policies stand now, students must Let US Spurred by concerns of students about rely on the lottery system to try and get present housing conditions. the Resi- housing together. One of the possibili- combine all dential College Task Force was formed. ties the Task Force is. looking into is a • your debts into one This committee of faculty, students, and system for friendship associations, so -.~-....- easy-to-manage payment staff was established a year and a half groups have. a means of getting rooms ago to review the current residential set- together. Bad credit no problem. AlL accepted based on ability to pay. up, debate improvement ideas, and make The system for Greek housing is recommendations for changes to the also being evaluated. In light of the FAST HI!LP Is JUST A """I! CALL AlMyl college. declining Greek membership, the Task Call day ornlght 1-305-537 -3617,
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