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CAPBoard presents: "Inkwell" February 25 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Decker Auditorium Volume XIII, Number 1 Western Maryland College New Prof welcomed Civil rights activist speaks at WM nv MICHELLE HAMILTON Her father, who has a PhD in By Et..IZAHETH VAtUET tion and decided to join them. ment and several other docu- New.,£dilOr Communications, introduced herto Staff Writer This semester the Communi- this field of study. She combined Judy Richardson, a mem- With leadership training from memarics, including a Malcolm cations department at WMC wel- her father's inspiration and inter- ber of the Student Non- Violent SNCC, Richardso-n partici- X special that recently aired on comes a new professor, Dr. Jnsna est with her mother's "strong ex- Coordinatin Committee pared in boycotts rF.'F=7=;O;=77.'=i1PBS. Knowing that the Meyer. Despite citement and (SNCC), spoke to WMC stu- and organized pro- members of the Students that having never passion in lan- dents and staff on Wednesday, tests throughout last movement at ten d e d lived on the East guage and lin- February I, about her activism the movement. Richardson's speech Coast, Dr. guistics" to during the civil rights move- dote:h~~~g:t:~:~~ are like us shows :~~i~~ h:~~O ::r~lt~~~ Meyer is corn- study conver- ment. Judy Richardson us we can do it formative. fortable here and sat ion a I Ms. Richardson was in- emphasized the again. Mit c hell says it is "better analysis. vited by the Black Student --Judy Richardson than any kind of D r Union and the Student Affairs theme of the civil Alexander, Director surprise" she Meyer just Office in recognition of Black ~~{~~~st~::~h7netnhl~ WMC speaker and ~~S~~~,A~~~~~~ could have had. finished in History Month. Richardson's movement believed member ojSNCC Richardson's asser-' Dr. Meyer December, received her un- and "being a speech detailed with her personal that protests for nons: "The civil experiences dergraduate de- professor is so prejudice and her r;=======i] change were their to rights movement hasn't ended, responsibility gree in Ethnog- new" she involvement with "The civil rights future generations. people just don't have a clear fo- raphy at the Uni- said. Because the Student Non- movement hasn't Richardson sought cus." Alexander encourages stu- ver sit y of she just dents to become more active in is- Violent Coordi- ended, people just 10 express that the sues that concern them. as well as Zagreb in moved here, nating Committee civil rights move- Croatia. Shere- she still is un- (SNCC). don't have a clear ment has not "supporting group events and turned to the packing, find- Richardson focus." ended. Her own other students in order to break states and at- communicationprofessoratWMC, ing a bank, first became in- --Mitch Alexander, down barriers." tended a school finds the East Coast verydifTerent from and organiz- volved with continued activism Judy Richardson continues in L.A. where the other places she has lived,like L.A. 109 other SNCC as a stu- Director of Student is testimony to the to gives speeches to inspire she studied literature and modern items in her life. The East Coast is dent at Activities ongoing move- young people to continue the theater. At Porubonne College in so new, also, for Dr. Meyer. She Swath more Col- LL,,======'J men~ince her ex- movement. Richardson ex- SI. Louis, Missouri she received a said she has never had an attic or lege when she attended a non- perience with SNCC, plained, "If we don't know that Bachelors in English. Because of basement before. "I feel the people violent protest in Cambridge, Richardsonhas worked on the the people behind the movement the conversational analysis pro- are genuinely warm" here in West- were ordinary people, just like Maryland. There, she met "Eyes on the Prize" series us, then we won't know that we gram and Dr. Meyer's desire 10 do minster she added. "I liked it right leaders of the SNCC organiza- about the civil rights move- can do it again." intercullural work, she went to the away, very much." University of Missouri in Colum- At WMC her focus will be on bia where she received her PhD. teaching. Dr. Meyer also wants to Dr. Meyer's mother is from develop a class in intercultural edu- Student assaulted; info sought Croatia and is a poet and language cation in the future. She also wants instructor. As a result of her influ- to work with language and discourse ence, Dr. Meyer learned Croatian and gender communications. A student returning to her said Mike Webster, Director of residence hall doors, walking with as a child. She has no accent and In her free time she likes to ex- auto in the ANW lot on Febru- Campus Safety. others when moving around the "When I go there, they think I'm plore places that are unfamiliar, walk, ary 7th at 8:30 p.m. was at- Members of the commu- campus, and avoiding lightly trav- from there," she said. Actually, Dr. read, swim, and be with people with tacked by a male of medium nity are reminded that suspi- eled or poorly lit areas. These Meyer lived in Croatia for many whom she is close. She'sjust "happy height with a medium build, hints are valid no matter where you years. She even completed a year being finished with my dissertation," wearing dark pants, a dark coat, "In a community, each are and arc just a few common in high school there. Except for the she said. It is like a closed chapter, and some type of hood or hat. member is responsible sense tips to help you protect your- past few years, Dr. Meyer returns and now she can move on and focus The victim was forced to for all the rest." self. More tips are available in the every summer. on other things. the ground, and received a few Personal Safety Handbook and the small scratches on her face but --Mike Webster, Director booklet Working Together for a was otherwise uninjured. The oj Campus SaJety Safe Campus distributed by DoCS. Table of Contents: attacker fled the scene when the in acnvrty should be re- have initiated a safe campus students several In addition, shone of an auto com- headlights ported the lot. CIOUS immediately, said munity watch program. Please Nothing was taken in the Webster. Community members watch for details on this very im- Classified Ads Page 6 incident, and there is no appar- should note a detailed descrip- portant program and support it. contact in a community Commentary/Editorials ·Page2 ent motive. The Westminster since tion and approach DoCS rather each member is responsible for all "Remember, than Police have been involved suspicious Community Bulletin Board Page 4 the incident was reported Safety people. Additionally, on campus will to the rest," said Webster. Safety will "The De- DoCS to the an escort partment of Campus provide Department of Campus Just a Bit of Advice Page 6 (DoCS). anyone who feels unsafe. An es- work with students to maximize Movie Reviews Pages 3,5 pecially "We are urging who anyone, have es- cort can be obtained by contacting safety on campus, but we need your help." those may DoCS at x202. News Page 4 been in the area of the ANW lot Students are urged to protect (Reprint of Crime Prevention No- in question On The Hill Pages 3,5 at the time in this mailer with in- themselves simple and their neighbors like: by tice sent to WMC community by formation to con- using precautions Mike Webster, Director of Campus Sports Pages 7,8 tact DoCS at extension 202," locking room doors, not propping Safety, on 2/8/95.)
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