Page 85 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 85
Eeall:Jres· Student Satisfaction Survey S.A.SoMMER 85.1% of the students who to tbe survey this semester. N"",f1' completed surveys were satis- The results indicate that ap- Tbe Residence Life Staff rt;[J fied with life in the residence proximately 90% of the stu- Remember getting ready for halls. dents feel safe and secure on finals and filling out a student Dean Lamas, Associate this campus. Additionally, satisfaction survey? Well, the Dean of Student Affairs, said Campus Safety received an ap- results are in, and its a 3,0 for that he saw those numbers as proximated approval rate of Residence Life and Campus "very positive." He further 75%. Safety. added, "We [residence life] are The Office of Student Af- not complacent. Though the should not only be pleased with fairs is pleased with the results numbers are very good, it is im- the results, but should also be -/--,--, of the surveys. A total of portant to continue to strive for congratulated for its \- 65.2% of the students who live improvement. Celebrate tbe perfomance ove~ the past se- . "'~E P~B~IC on campus completed surveys. 80%, but work to get the other mester, according to Lamas. NEAR 'OUR fRIENDLY N."H8oR~OoP According to Dean Lamas, the 20%." Overall, there has been a 10- NlIClEAR !'OWER PLANT participation has increased Those questions regarding 15% increase in the approval since last year. personal safety and the Depart- oflifeatWMC. The results indicate that ment of Campus Safety are new Highlights: RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING COR P S England Itinerary an. 7 - 11 London - guided tour of city -Westminster Abbey -St. Paul's Cathedral -Tower of London/Crow ewels -Windsor Castle -Hampton Court Palace -Canterbury Cathedral Performances: "An Ide usband" National Symphony Or besua an. 12 Arrive York via Cam ridge an. 13 York - guided tour of city -York Minster -Pountams Abbey an. 14 Arrive Glasgow, Scot and an. 15 & 16 Glasgow - guided tour of Edinburgh -Edinburgb Castle -Palace of Holyrood Performance: Pantomime 'Dick Whittington" an. 17 & 18 Lake District SUMMER SCROOL FOR PEOPLE ON THEIR WAY TO TBE TOP. tratford - Upon - Avon - Brantwood - home of Job uskin Ifyou didn't sign up forROTCas a fresh- By the time you have graduated from - Wordsworth's cottage man or sophomore, you can still catch college, you'll hB:vethe c~edentials of - guided tour of Stratford up to your classmates by attending an Anny officer. You11also have pon - Avon Anny ROTC Camp Challenge, a the self-confidence and discipline - Shakespeare's birthplace paid six-week summer course in it takes to succeed In college - Trinity Churcb leadership training. and beyond. - Anne Hathaway's cottage - Coventry Cathedral - Warwick Castle Performance: "Taming 0 ARMY ROTC e Shrew" Roy hakespeare Co. an.19 Bath THE SMARTEST COLLEGE - guided tour of city C01IRSEYOU CAN TAKE. - Roman Baths FOR MORE INFORMATION: CALL CAPTAIN NAVARRO, EXT 727 OR VISIT GILL GYM
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