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P. 84
February 18, 1993 Page 8 -'~'~}f,\"·-'-"""""ttJWfl£Lti:W;.m;~:~Wf-U-' January Term Trip to England and Scotland KAREN LITISHIN is enough interest. According to much greater sense of tbe culture in the "We want them to see and sense of foreignness but you C"",,;b.,rn8W';'" Stevens, 47 students went on the winter. It's equally rewarding if not experience as much as pos- snll understand." first trip which cost $465. 'Now more," he added. sible." Despite the common lan- What do Henry VITI, cathe- the cost has risen to $2300 and "You take it as it comes and you Some of the students' guage, there were still many drals, and sheep have in com- attendance dropped to about 30. learn to cope," said Lightner. Both pro- favorite sights included the cultural differences for the mon? Just ask any of the 15 This year's attendance was low. fessors agreed that it is less expensive to mysterious stone circles, students to learn. Farrell WMC students and five outside The trip is offered to anyone go in the winter and there are fewer Stonehenge and Avebury, cringed when she said they adults wbo went on the 15-day - students, facuity, alumni, crowds - if any. "Not many people are and the performances. The eat baked beans for breakfast study tour of England and Scot- and to the general public. foolish enough to do it," laughed pantomime was enjoyed by and that they had to pay for land this past January Term Lightner, who began accompa- Stevens. most as a break from the ketchup in McDonaids. with British literature professor nying Stevens in 1975, said the Most of the students admitted that norm. Farrell described it And, Ross said they were Dr. H. Ray Stevens and math- outsiders add to the trip. they didn't mind the weather. "In a as a musical for children, recognized as Americans ematics professor Dr. James He pointed out that the par- sense, I'd never been there and I didn't getting the audience in- easily. Lightner. ticipants' comfort is important care what the weather was like," said volved. "The coach driver "I'm not going to say one when choosing accommoda- Ross. Sweeney said the weather was "Even Dr. Stevens and couldn't understand how we thing about a cathedral," tions. "Typical college students cold but that it was "part of the experi- Dr. Lightner were up danc- could all talk at the same laughed junior sociology major are pretty picky," said Lightner. ence." "We got used to it," said Farrell. ing in the isle to the 'Little time and still understand Stepbanie Ross. "I think. we This is one of the reasons why She added that tbey still got a sense of Polka Dot Bikini," she said. each other," laughed Ross. saw every one in England. Not the trip uses three to five star the summer because the grass was still "It was like the 'Little Mer- Farrell said the people were to mention all of the sheep too." hotels. Also, Stevens feels that green. maid' on stage," said friendly and helpful. As for Henry VITI, according the students can do more if they Most of the participants agreed that Sweeney. "It's for chil- Farrell said thai everyone to junior communications major can relax in comfort. "It's also the scenery was beautiful. Lightner dren but with political un- learned a lot "I especially Sue Farrell, you can't go any- easier since we're always on the even admitted that he enjoyed the coun- dertones." learned how 10 live with the where in England without bear- go," said Lightner. tryside in Scotland after the coach Stevens said his favorite serrepeoplemcksequates for ing about him. Speaking of According to Stevens and driver took a wrong tum leading the places change each time he two weeks." "It was definitely Henry VIII, one of senior An- Lightner, they always use a group on a two hour detour. goes. "The highlights are worth tre cost," said Ross. "I drea Sweeney's favorite sites travel agent to set up the tours. In general, the students felt that the the students - most of the woulddoitagaininasecond." was bis palace at Hampton They said the agencies make it trip was well planned even though they time," he said. "The real lbere are no formal means Court. "It was so intimidating go a lot smoother by taking a lot were rushed a lot. "We got the most out thrill is showing somebody of evaluation for the trip accord- with its size and striking of the pressure off. "They're of every single minute," said Sweeney. else," said Lightner. ing to Stevens and Lightner. beauty," said the psychology astounded that we're stupid "In retrospect it was good, but at the "Some things you don't ap- They both felt that a paper major. enough to do it in January," said time we were tired." Ross agreed that it preciate unless you've been would be superficial "Ibe real Hampton Court is only one Stevens. was great to see so much for the first there." measure is what it does men- of tbe many sites the group Lightner admitted that the time there. She said she wouldn't have Lightner said that En- tally and emcocoeny," said toured on this eleventh study weather can be bad. He said one done half as much because she wouldn' t gland is the natural place to Lightner. "That comes out tour to England and Scotland. year they had to revise the tour have known what to see. go as your first tour abroad. years Jater,hesaid" Stevens said he organized the because of heavy snow. Stevens admitted that the schedule He explained bow most "One can't possibl!, not first tour to England in 1971. Stevens agreed. "I never saw was tightly knit, but that it helps. "A people's backgrounds are learn," said Stevens. And, both They run every other year as the wind as turbulent as this numberofpeoplegobackbecausethey English. "At the same are looking forward to doing it long as the cost is fair and there year," he said, "But, you get a have a sense of how it is done," he said. time," he said, "you get a again in '95. Black History Month Inspires Many Activities MARK HUGHES AM> ~ PolURD "","""""'",,_ofAfrioln- On ThursdayFeImlry ll.James l.are spcke in bering_X'. OnWedres- Tuesday February 23 at7f11l in Ihe lI06Wril';"'Wri,., Americans. the Decker AOOitaium. His Iqjc was "Martin day FetIl1ary 17, the movie BSU Clubroom Otbet events in- On_yFellua!y6,the7iliAJI. "BIThVIl E~ Blue Eyes", was cIOOe the HealingRacism Wori<- A!J)Ulmaykrow,this;,B"""His- nual Goord Julilee tOO< )ioce in B~ ""'" memoir". King-- sev ... agiIaIor, and hi, """"" shown in the Prh 'I're movie was stop by Todd Ruttstein and Get lay Moolllln _'" of themmh, _Qapel.h_Go;pelsinging On_y FeIIua!y 13,"" BSU Daoce was mtanexp!rirrten.isioo as its tClic) on _! .........-:;;;;;:,---=
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