Page 83 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 83
reatuees February 18: 1993 P~g~7 60 Seeo Housekeeping Staff MeetWMC's ~!Lrampus building seven days a week? They're really nice kids and all my students. "I know scorr LEE sUJ/fWrl,., when they need help I give it to them," comments Housekeeper Who can you see in every Winand. "Even Alice though Who sets up chairs, have been taken out of my podiums for special tables events? and I'm upset that some materials That's right, it's the 25 mem- closet, I still think my kids are bers of the housekeeping staff great." Housekeeper Jane Staub has What do you think of the ''new and here at WMC. worked in Blanche Ward Hall "We clean every building 00 improved" GLAR? campus and handle indoor set- for three years and is familiar 'ups," comments Building Ser- with the residents there. "I've vice Coor- never had trouble with any indi- dinator Mel vidual, Eric Reeves '95 Whelan. but I get disturbed "What is so new and improved about it?" Erik Siano '93 vi d u a I h 0 use- "Ilikethemunchwhile keeper and you wait by themicro- also run a middle of the night" weekend staffperiodically," she wave, but can [have a says. According to Gray. the "We want the students to chair?" three foremen, Frank Carpegna, know that we're bere to service Yvonne Cooper and herself their needs." states Whelan. have contact with the RLCs to However, he asks for belp from report work. orders as noticed. the students, "We don't have the Gray also bas a message for stu- staff to handle unnecessary dents. "I think the students housekeeping problems such as Ed Eibel '94 discharged rue extinguishers, grafitti, and excessive trash in hallways." "The changes aresu- perficial, thefood is still awful!" Jenny Smith '95 __ Sonunersby isan intensely tmaOOnal cana that grip! the atxIieoce aOO carries gbtotbeOldmg. JodieFoster gives a poweful penormaoce as Laurel Somn:mby, a wife rais- "The plants help me ing her SOIl alI::lreas she waits for her busbaod, Jack (Rdlard Gere) to return fiom to breathe better." IheCivil War. This IOOvie teIIs a taleofbopeaoitberebuikiingoftheSou1hafter ithai fallen into di.srepair, while tbemen bedbeen away formany year.; fighting in thewar- -llllIIyofwtxBnoevetretum. In this story of reoewed love aOO hope, oce main troublemaker is Oren (Bill Pu1lrron). who hopes ~ many'eI;rho' husbaod does rot return. _ughoot the movie Oren m 10cause trouble between Laurel ani Ja::k by casting ooOOt onto Jack's trueidentity. This film conviocingly stows many onte pobens fac- ingtbecountryaftertheCivilWar. Serre intense acton scenes involve the K1u KluxKJan,anitherefi&!hewarwasover. Kate Idzi '95 The setting is m beautifuI- - it stows the coumy after a war, but reveals the rebuilding IJOCCSS as: an ectofbope, Ihth is 8OO1ber gruesomercality in this fihn. One of the opening scenes is of two young chillien staring at the bodies of two corpses still dangling from !he ropes. However. the attention of the audience later "I don't like the con- shiftsovertoJock, who shows himself to beamanofcl'lam:terand abenefit furthe diments bar over by to\IIO as well, even though his true identity is repeatedly cast into qoesnou The the icecream. Who action-packedeventsbui.kltoaclimaxinwhichthesusp:ru;ealmost~tbe puts ketchup on their breaking point with the drama of a courtroom trial. Sommersby is an overwhelmingly emotional movie about a man discovering sherbert." something in life worth risking death fur,whilein reality, bccomesouta winner. I recommen:1 this movie to r:very age group. Sommersby is oow playing at Hoyt's Cranberry Mall Tteaers.
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