Page 82 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 82
Entertainment/Features Februar~ 18,1993 Page 6 Gallery One Opens LoRI SHUPE where she said, "I happened on the need $'d!fW,jt<' for some artistic venting:" Thai same year she began teaching art to children Western Maryland's Gallery One for the Cockeysville Recreation Coun- lauched its 1993 season on Tuesday, cil and continues to do so today. February 9 with pastel landscapes by For this exhibit. Jones has presented Bim Jones. On opening day, a recep- her pastel landscapes, which she draws lion was held to meet the artist on the from her own photographs. Though she third floor of Hoover Library, where does not consider herself a photogra- her work is presently being displayed. pher, Jones said, she finds that "the Jones received a Fine Arts Degree in sketchiness of the photographs affords Studio Art, from the University of my imagination and emotionality more Maryland, College Park in 1976. She freedom and forces my intellect to a recently resumed her artwork in 1990, quieter place," after taking time off to get manied and The works to be displayed draw have a family. Since then she has par- from both limited and broad palettes ticipated in 13 exhibitions and has her and range in size from under two feet in work displayed in six galleries, from width and height to just over four feet Washington D.C. toYork,PA. OCher in width. With titles such as "Ap- latest artistic endeavors, Jones said, "To proaching Old Home" and "Dunning's me, this warp speed journey of the last Bam," Jones calls her works, "emo- two and a half years has been a real ac- tional as well as physical landscapes." complishment." This show will be on display Before she picked up the pace, Jones through February 26. Gallery hours are did find a creative outlet through her 10a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays. spinning and knitting. Her handiwork Other shows are planned for the also had a practical purpose she ex- spring semester, including one on plained, "My children itched their way March 2, which will feature the work of through their wonder years in beautiful two student artists: Sara Lundberg, handmade woolen garments." In this who is an international student at endeavor she has won many ribbons, WMC, and Nick Kostin, who is a stu- including Best of Show at theMaryland dent at the Maryland Institute CoUege Sheep and Wool Festival in 1983. of Art In 1988. Jones began leaching art at Excel Juvenile Drug Rehabilitation The Heidi Chronicles KIM OSTROW ters. $'d!fWd,., The comic dialogue brilliantly builds the personalities and attitudes of the The Heidi Chronicles are characters. while the plot carries the au- here! This is the title of WMC's dience through some of the most memo- next theater production, written rable moments in our nation's time- by Wendy Wasserstein. The like the women's movement of the six- Heidi Chronicles is a light- ties, the political activism of the seven- hearted look back at the major ties, and the later shift in values towards events of the past few decades in individualism and materialism of the U.S. history. It tells a story that present day. Though it is a comedy, traces a series of events covering there are some serious undertones. The the life of Heidi, played by play is about growing up and coming to [f[his is your year Rochere Whitaker, and her close terms with life in a changing society. to get in xhupe, then friends. Whitaker skillfully Director Robyn Quick is an Alumna of make one more rcsolu- shows her talent in adapting her WMC. She has directed many produc- (ion, ro calljazzercrsc [Od'IY. That's because character to fit many different tions elsewhere since her graduation in juzzcrcisc is an inten- situations which she encounters 1984, and she has returned to WMC to sive aerobic workout during her lifetime. She is sup- lend her talent in directing this produc- Plus, definitive muscle ported by a talented cast, includ- tion. toning, [00, In fact, ing 1. Patrick Barry, Tracie The Heidi Chronicles will be playing j;lZ7.c'rcise i,~a safe. Boggess. C. Hope Jordan, Todd at the Alumni Hall Understage at 8:00 Robb, Tony Rosas, Lynn Turner. prn on February 26, 27, 28 and on March and Reid Wraase- most of 4, 5, and 6. Take the time for the walk Call 848-1646 lor more II1lc) JOIl1 anytime!
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