Page 64 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 64
SpQl:tSm_* Six Green Terrors Picked to Conference All-Star Teams Others Recognized by Conference By DAVID N. MILLER kills to the WMC selection to the backer Dennis Walker was selected to c.,.Sp"wEdi,or attack. She was conference's the honorable mention defense squad. A half-dozen Western Maryland Col- the only Green women's soccer Junior tailback Rob Johnson was lege student-athletes have earned selec- Terror to play in All-Star unit as a named Player of the Week for the week tion to the 1992 fall Middle Atlantic all 41 matches, second-team for- ending September 26, and received an Conference (MAC) All-Star teams. and was third on ward. Cox set honorable mention for the week ending Green Terror volleyball players Jen- the team in digs WMC single-sea- November 14. nifer Staub and Laera Everhart were with 241 andser- son sconng Both honors were gained by named to the MAC All-Star team after vice aces with records with 18 Johnson's record-breaking rushing ex- leading WMC to a second-place finish in 46. goals and five as- ploits, which included setting CFC the Southwest Section and to the semi- WMC also E sists for 41 ~ints. records for rushing touchdowns (14), finals of the conference's post-season placed two stu- Ie She also finished overall TOs (14), points scored (88), and tournament Overall, the team finished dent-athletes on ~ in a tie for second setting new school records with 330 car- 34-7 to run its string of consecutive win- the men's soccer S in conference ries, 18 rushing IDs, and 18 total IDs ning seasons to 21. Western Maryland Southern Divi- f scoring with an and 116 points, all while rushing for has appeared in all 17 MAC post-season sion All-Star average of three 1,560 yards for the season. playoffs. Team. Senior Five members or the rootbaU team have points per game. Sophomore noseguard Adam Gregori been named to the 1992 AU-Conference Staub made her second appearance on forward Brian The Green Terrors was named defensive player of the week Teaminduding Picchierti (69) and the All-Star squad. The senior co-cap- Redding was a Johnson (with the baD) pictured here. ended the season twice, the first time after the week end- tain was second on the team in service first team setec- with a 6-8 overall ing September 19, and the second time aces with 54, and third in four other of- non, and mid-fielder Ron Chesney, also mark and a 2-3 record in tbe MAC- West- the week ending October 17. Gregori fensive categories. a senior, made the second team. The em Division. was recognized throughout the season team tied for the In football, team scoring lead the Terror's con- with 23 points, tinued witb an- with Redding other season of scoring 10 goals quality football, and three assists with a number of and Chesney players receiving with six goals honors from the and II assists. Centennial Foot- Senior Jodi ball Conference. ~~;~;t~~O~o~: Five players were the to named MAC field 1992 Ali-Confer- hockey All-Star ence Team. team for the third Selected for time in her ca- first team offense 1990, topped the Picchierri, junior Everhart excelled in her first colle- Green Terrors with 11 goals and three tailback Rob Johnson, and sophomore for his excellent play, which included 30 giate season as the Green Terrors' setter. assists. Western Maryland's field place kicker Dung Dinh. Sophomore solo tackles and 38 assists for a total of a ===.==,=·==~H~..?~ve~!1i'ih'~'~~i~'"'SP=;i?'"'Js,c.;r"=us~~="ou""9""y""!""Os""erv~Rice~..S==il The freshman who was also selected to hockey team was 6-7-1 overall, and 2-3 nose guard Adam Gregori was selected 68 tackles, 2 quarterback sacks, 2 fumble the NCAA Division III All-East Region in the MAC-Southwest Section. 10 his second straight year on the first recoveries, one pass broken-up, and one team, contributed 1,041 set assists and 73 Freshman Julie Cox earned her first team defense squad, and junior line- interception. 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