Page 60 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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News;;; ':k'%L. December 3, 1992, Page 4 ----"'''%;.;, Yt11WdiW';; Rape protect the attacker, said pus Safety can physically do. saul! counselors. ally would probably be suspen- From Page 1 Webster. Another reason why "Short of us following you. webster said that although sion for a year, according to survivors are scared to pros- we can not easily prevent these the college encourages survi- Webster. In over 60 percent of date ecute is because the media por- kind of crirnes," concluded vors to prosecute on both the The Honor and Conduct rape cases, the rapist is a mem- trays the criminal justice college level and through Board concludes guilt if there is ber of either an organized ath- system ina negative way, the local criminal justice "a preponderance of evidence" letic team or a Greek organiza- he added. "Forcing a woman to have sex system, it can not force in that direction unlike the tion or both, according to the Lastly, a survivor is no matter how much money the victim to do either of criminal justice system where Center for the Prevention of of len unsure whether or has been spent on her still these things. Part of the "beyond a reasonable doubt" is Campus Violence. This last sta- not she gave consent. In victim's recovery process required to convict a felon. The tistic is true for at least two of situations where she did equals rape," involves making deci- college's method, which is of- the three alleged perpetrators on agree to go on a dale or - Michael Webster sions herself in order to tcn called "more likely than this campus, according to where alcohol consump- re-establish a feeling of not," requires a standard of Webster. tion gave her a limited control in ber life, accord- proof of 51 percent probability The nature of date rape ability to consent this is espe- Webster. ing to Webster. that the accused party commit- makes it hard for a survivor to cially likely. Programming is the best way However, if the victim docs ted me crtme. prosecute, according 10 Since date rape usually takes Campus Safety can attack the not press charges at least through During the news conference Webster, who noted that n is place behind closed doors, in- problem, Webster believes al- the college, however, there is a few students asked questions difficult for the victim to come creasing the number of security though he admits that while nothing the college can do, ac- unrelated to date rape. forward because it may make officers on campus would nOI they are doing some things cording to Webster. He said he Asked about tensions be- her an outcast. Often the rapists help the problem, Webster more needs to be done. realizes this could leave a lot of tween students and Campus are leaders on campus or a part pointed out. Date rape programming was students on campus at risk. Safety officers, Webster replied of the 'in' group, so the victim "It's not like a guy hiding in done during New Student Ori- This is one of those situa- that we "try to project ourselves may suffer emotional problems the bushes wbere someone entation this year. During this tions where "no matter what in a service-oriented manor," from a negative stigma, he ex- jumps out from bebind the ga- semester people from the.Rape you do, you jeopardize some- He admitted. however, that by plained. zebo and rapes somebody," Crisis Intervention Services of body," be concluded. the very nature of its job, Cam- Moreover, sometimes the Webster explained. Carroll County were also in- When an alleged perpetrator pus Safety is in conflict with prior relationship causes the Because of the nature of the vited to educate the campus. is prosecuted by the college, it is students. webster listed the es- victim to feel it is her duty to crime, there is not mucb Cam- Aside from programming, done through an Honor and cort service, participation in in- two Campus Safety officers, Conduct Board hearing. If he is tramural sports, and giving Ruth Barbour and Lynn Tho- found guilty of rape, the most work-study students jobs in the Honor couraging these behaviors." He mas, as well as two residence "likely sanction would be ex- department as ways Campus From Page 3 also stated, "There is a failsafe; life coordinators (RLCs), pulsion," said Webster. That is Safety is creating opportunities the second infraction automati- Charlene Kinsey and Donna the worst penalty tbe college for more positive interaction tion automatically goes to the cally goes to the Board.'While Cooper, are certified sexual as- can order. The minimum pen- with students. (J Honor and Conduct Board. at Ithaca College, Dean Lamas The advantages of the new worked with this sort of system policy are the choices it gives and found it to be more effective Society Kim Bergen left WMC. Byab- Gobrecht. professors and students. Every as well. sorbing the communications So far this semester, the minor infraction does not have "This system will increase From Page 1 club and applying for recogni- honor society has sponsored a to clutter up the system. A pro- situations in which the system is new trend with the recent ex- tion from the school, Rosas said special election night coverage fessor can still go tot he Board if less adversarial," Lamas re- pansion of the Communication they belped get the honor soci- in' the Pub to make a ''useful he/she does not feel comfortable marked. "It gives both parties Honor Society, Xi Psi Xi. And ety "off the ground" last semes- media event available to the confronting the student directly. latitude in making choices. in the future, the honor society ter. campus," said senior member The student still bas the right to There are more options." may help strengthen the com- "When Kim (Bergen) was Ken Hess. And, according to a hearing. Although the proposal bas munication department by going through the process of lo- treasurer Wendy Bollinger, Dean of Academic Affairs not formally been presented to meeting its current goals. cating a communications bonor their increasing funds have put David Seligman, who worked the faculty, both Lamas and Last spring, an informal in- society, she couldn't find one into a new bank account as a with a policy similar to the pro- Seligman are expecting faculty duction ceremony was held at for theory and history," said co- "slush fund" for future events. posed one at Skidmore College, support. If the faculty approve the local Paradisos restaurant, president Meg Gobrecht, a se- Ultimately, their goal is to said, "I hope the new system the proposal in the spring, it will where the society welcomed nior. expand into a national organiza- will be more effective at dis- become policy. (J eight new members. Therefore, Xi Psi Xi is the tion. With the establishment of According to co-president only one of its kind to function the parliamentary procedure month, this meetings ~ ~.:" ~.. : Tony Rosas, the Maryland Al- as an "honor and professional during began to assign specific of Xi Psi Xi was \ff~. . founded last spring before fac- munication to the chapter's consti- ac- duties to the members and an- Rosas of the com- pha Chapter society for students department," to the c..J ulty member, new members. Rosas cording Nina Gregg and 0 ~lAJ'iJ'iOUJiCIJ'iG~; - tution. It also said, in doing so, other member are currently pro- society the the Xi Psi Xi through moting ~ "OLD MAIN" ~ will take the alumni network of connections. Xi Psi Xi will bring in differ- communtca- th.eoreti- ~l STICKY BUNS . ."" tive basis one ent representatives of the corn- they munication but industry, eal step further by may also help the campus to ;f) AVAILABLE . exposing stu- better appreciate that theoreti- to link dents to the in- WMC communication dustry and cal philosophy and interdiscipli- ~IN THE PUB1f MT. SUTTON, CANADA providing nary effort. with faculty advisor (.1.,"-"''' ,,__, .......) Along them with cur- ~IEVERYWED •'., '-;Jf ONLY$209 rent informa- u s Jane DeGroot, the current mem- ~ non the bers include: Rosas, Anthony OD r:':; Snow f I'tIrlT In _ Micbele Meg Gobrecht, v a rio ........: Bollinger, Ken 5 Day11ft Ticket ~\ .90 EACH ..~~ 5 Days 'n_.o.egl_A._a medias. to in Carlson, Ron Wendy Schwedes, Dave "In addition Hess, --- Miller, Hope Filer, RaneeDeyo, 5 NIghts Loci..... :,i TRAY OF 6 1frJ ."....,.,.,,,MI. .... communtca- Scott Schoberg, Lori Shupe, tutoring Condo) (Moun.lllnsJ. Brenda and lion Kate Winkler, courses, • .....-, '-=r:~-$4 75 ~:J' ---"en t!:~jt"{: GNup~"_' we have to get to Dorsch. of junior status Any student lecturers "",';:(;,m. ,51 '2'( i ~, • ~ .• ~;, Jan. 3-8, Jan. 10-15 & Sprlngb,..k '93 talk about who is interested in applying con- for \::5' ";':7,.-' sbould possibilities the next induction CAU SKJ IRAVEL UNUMIYED "il '~,\ ~~ \.~l v.~ for careers in tact either Anthony Rosas or (_j L...! C_J c..J 2J , -800-999·S,e'·9 communica- Meg Gobrecht through campus tion," said mail [J
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