Page 63 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 63
Editorials/Letters December 3, 1992, Page 7 Thankgiving ted the perfect crime. The Whos important. I know my attitude at times this season was poor due to and the Grinch: would be so eager buying coats, my frustration, and I, in no way, they would have no time for their stupid toasts. The Whos would be wanted to create a negative atmo- Dear Editor: so eager buying coats they would sphere for the team. 60 Seconds I was walking in the mail have no time for their stupid I thank everyone for always when a strange thought hit me, toasts. The Whos would be so encouraging me and for pointing did the Grinch steal Thanksgiv- concerned of the gifts they were out the good when all Isaw was ing? bringing, they would have no the bad. And thank you for not Once a year, while the Whos time for their cheerful singing. giving up on me when Iwas giv- are still living, they gather to- Let the Whos run to their banks, ing up on myself. ~~_9ampus gether for a feast called Thanks- then they will have no time for The end of the season tied the giving. They like to give thanks giving thanks. loose ends together and I com- and have agreat feast. The Grinch Did the Grinch steal Thanks- mend everyone for their efforts did not like this. He like it the giving? this season At our championship least. He hated the way the Who Rober/ Bates meets, even though Ihave placed were so pleasant, as they tore into English Major, Cum of 1995 higher and run faster in the past, a wing of the pheasant. those two meets probably meant The Whos gave thanks for ev- Malcolm X more to me than years prior, for What do you want for Christrnas/Chanuka? erything. like Sunday night fel- all the adversity which was an ob- lowship where they would sing. Comes to staclebeforeme. They gave thanks for studies in Westminster: So, my sincere gratitude to the library. The Grinch heard Coach Renner and my team- Demetri Lambros'92 them read Bibles and thought this Dear Editor: mates! Let's get it in gear for Theater was scary. I thought that I would write track! But the part of their feast he this to let the campus know that Kendra Weible "I would like a job in haled the most was when the old- Malcolm X will be shown at Cran- Physical Education Major est Who would give a toast. He berry Mall. It is scheduled to be Class of 1993 film, video camera, to gave a toast to everyone there, the shown Saturdays and Sundays at graduate, and world ones that were bald and the one 11:30,3:30, and 7:30. Support for peace. " that had hair. While on the week days the He smiled and he said with movie will be shown at 3:30 and All Sports cheer, "Whos down in Whoville, 7:30. It will be playing for the I'm glad you are here. I'm thank- next 2-4 weeks and possibly Dear Editor: ful that God has given us friends, longer depending upon the re- On Saturday November 21, given us bountiful lives in the sponse that the theatre gets from 1992, I witnessed a very unusual Margaret Oehlers '93 end. Iam thankful for everything, the surrounding commnuty. scene on the WMC campus. I now let's run out in the courtyard, Mike Becketts saw students supporting an ath- Sociology hold hands and sing." Then when Social Work Major letic event besides football and the Elder had said what he said, Class of 1995 basketball. At the swim meet be- "World peace and a all the Whos down in Whoville tween Western Maryland and 'gentle' man." did what he did. Team Spirit: Widener College, over forty "They "always are singing, WMC students were in atten- smiling, holding hands. They give Dear Editor: dance. It was amazing. their thanks and ruin this land." Iwould like to take this oppor- The only time I've ever seen The Grinch grumbled, and ran out tunity to thank and show my ap- more than a handful of students at the door. "There won't be predation to Coach Doug Renner a sporting event aside from foot- Thanksgiving in Whoville any- and the men's and women's ball or basketball was at one of more." He ran down to the cross-country teams for their sup- the final woman's volleyball Whoville Mall and put up Christ- port and for sticking by me games. It is refreshing to see stu- Lisa Bandel '93 mas decorations in the hall. Then through a tough season, mentally dents supporting other sports Sociology the Grinch's eye had a tear, when and physically. teams. he thought of no Thanksgiving I have learned that coming Ihope to see it continue. "I want a clue and to next year. back off an injury requires IIJ)re S. A. Sommer graduate in May. " Stealing Christmas took some than physical healing. The psy- English Major time, but the Grinch had commit- chological aspects are equally Class of 1995 Help "close enough" (which I don't children, and ourselves as long as From Page 6 think we are near being in our we ignore, avoid, and don' lques- afraid to report assaults? Why? society or on campus; that is, be- tion and challenge ourselves and I wonder why we don't ac- ing "close"). I would like to all that's around us. Mark Hughes '94 tively search among and within search for something better - a Let's find that voice for our Spanish ourselves for the cause of the fear different way of life even. But I wonders, our questions that un- (whether it be conscious or un- would like to search not comfortably try to settle within "An end to the reces- conscious fear) that we feel as we alone ... but with others. us, searching for a safe harbor of sion and for people to walk around campus, and as we We are all victims with fester- ignorance if they can't flnd a understatulMalcolmX interact as men and women (fear- ing wounds and bruises scarring voice to help free them. Maybe ing being raped as well as possi- us. We have inherited scars from we can try to heal together. I'd and the nation of Is- blyraping). long ago and not so long ago, and like to. but Ineed help. lam." No. I don't want to settle for we continue to scar others, our Maybe we all do. Q LURD By John Lambros Michael Calabria'93 H()fI.£ WONDERw~A"{ Psychology ~~l'PtHEII nI .... 1£AA. IIUOol1'l-l$A10 '·n~Flf,I,l.dNorCLfllA· "I want to have my col- RI1"OIl,~If. lege expenses paid for !T~ ~f) re '>Ii'i. {~tOQOflu.otO(AligMiS, the next 20 years. " flit!. s.....-r~s· '1~"'11. '''';;''f£~
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