Page 69 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Western Maryland College May Lose Its Name LoRI SHUPE C".,r;b.,ingW,;,,, million dollars we would prob- well split: sons to Western Maryland. agreed. "1 think it's equally ir- How many people know ably change our name," Cham- Regardless of how the com- Rhodes just doesn't share the rational 10alienate thousands of long tradition "It's pretty hard was defi- where Western Maryland Col- bers revealed. In exchange for the rnittee felt, Chambers Asked if he pari of Western that is so much a he people," she said. Fearful of nne in his feelings. how alumni donations Maryland, to fight." might be lege is? Not enough to suit President Robert Chambers, "gift," the college would be saw any cons resulting from a said. affected, she added, "People named after the donor. The name change, he answered, This is not news to Cham- have plenty of places to give who advocates changing its president considers any name "Personally, I don't." He ex- bcrs, who often hears from the their money," Asked if student name. change to beat least four or five plained, "Names are very pow- other side, "It's the tradition; and alumni feelings would in- Chambers spoke for more than just himselfwhcn he said, years down the road, but he erful [the right name] turns we've been called WMC for fluenee the decision on a name "For those who want this col- pointed out that the ultimate de- into money, celebrity, and in the 125 years." Much of the other change, Lippy said, "Count on lege to grow stronger, this [the cision rests with the Board of end academics." side are the 14,OOOalumni, who that." against college name] is a continual Trustees. South Western ar Memphis Chambers feels would applaud Those the name live About nightmare." According to trustees formed years ago the found the right name, when they a better name if they realized change can apparently count on Al- Lippy to be on their side. a committee that the value of their degrees their name to Rhodes changed Chambers, prohlems arise when people understandably assume that evaluated the issue and College in 1984, asserted would applaud a better name if though she began by saying, WMC is in western Maryland unanimously concluded that the Chambers. "The next day they they realized that the value 01 "I'm not firmly on either camp," were a beuer college." and/or a state school. Cham- name was "a colossal disaster But Jerome Baroch, a banking Trustee ex- their degrees would increase she later changed her mind. Af- with the school's along terdiscussingtheissueforafew name for us," said Chambers. bers refers to these as "the pure reasons" for changing the name when Trustee Marjorie Lippy, a ecuuve from Lutherville, Md., recognition. "The problem is minutes, she said finnly, "I of Western Maryland College. former member of the market agrees that changing the name that they are irrationally at- don't want a name change; perceptions committee, was to Rhodes College was advanta- tachcd to the name," he said. there, I've made a definite deci- Another reason is money. asked for her reconecnons, she geous for them, but cautions Trustee Lippy, a community sron "If someone gave us a hundred said, "Theconunittee was pretty against making any compart- leader from Hampstead, dis- See Name. Page 4, Col1 Psychology Department Kills Rats at End of Semester KIM OSTROW Even after signing the re- simulation can provide the nec- S"'IIWr;,,, lease, students were asked to essary educational experience What should be done with pay $12.50 for the rat when the the rats used In the Psycnorogy pet store sells them for $4,00, gained by training the rats in the Learning Lab when the semes- Newell said. She also feels the Psychology of Learning class. ter ends? Should these rats even school shows no concern over Though rats have been used be used at all? These are the this action, because they buy in these experiments for over to Dean 150 years according questions facing the Psychology more rats than are needed. Seligman, graduate student Department at WMC. This is- "Maximum enrollment in the sue surfaced when four students class is 16, yet they buy 25 Christina Bonde helieves that in last semester's Psychology of regardless of the outcome, this students lobby professors to save the Social Work Learning, a required course for rats.rshe states. The extra rats incident proves that students progr ..jn astbey enter the Faculty meet.tng are killed at the end of the se- who have the courage to voice psychology majors, took their mester along with the others, their opinions can cause College rats home near the end of the Newell explained. practices to be questioned and Social Wor:k semester killed, according to course's future "is still under possibly changed. "All four de- to prevent thcm from Dean Seligman said that the being up for serve credit for standing Program Saved Aimee Newell, a junior Psy- consideration. of using computer their beliefs!" Bendo stales. student's The major and one of the chology suggestion Dr. Steven Coyler, the pro- four students. simulation instead of actual rats fessor of Psychology of Learn. Thanks goes to Students and Alumni It upset me that students is being considered, but no deci- ing as well as Head of the Psy- were forced to work daily with sion has yet been reached." of tJ'le 1993,,:94. school the animals for the entire semes- Computer simulation has chology Department, refused to 'This weukl hase left ter and therefore become at- proved effective in teaching the comment on the situation. lOSlUdC(liS here at tached to them, Newell said class at UniversityofMaryland, withoutlimajOT. No coasteer- Then they were also forced to Baltimore Campus, according arion Jor tbe:sOp!)OJUorcs who allow the rats to be killed. The to Lisa Bailey, a UMBC psy- Inside ... Were already in the program in four students were given no chology major. It also elimi- the initial recommendation, choice but to return thcirralS to nates the problem of dtsposmg When Wind of this bil the be killed or fail the course, of the rats, she said. This can be Editorials studeOtsi(lUte Newell explained. a sticky problem. 60 Seconds 4 CPA Scholarships nons were.inunediately taken. Two of the students ex- Dean Seligman explained Movie Review 6 Seniors talked their fieW:study plained the problem to Dean why the rats had 10 be killed. LlJRI) 7 Seligman of Academic Affairs. "We checked out every other al- Sports 8 He then allowed the students to ternative. They can't be used keep their rats after signing a again, they're not the right release saying they would not breeding strain to be used as ex- Ifyou would like to jOiD the give the rats away, according to perimental rats, and the pet Phoenix as a Writer, editor. Newell. This caused problems stores only want them 10 feed to or become a part of the bust- for at least one of the four stu- snakes," he said. ness or advertising staffs dents who had found the rat a Though computer simulation come to the weekly meetings good home but was was not able appears to be an attractive solu- or submit writings, Meetings to keep the rat herself due to the tion, Dean Seligman states that are held every Monday night 'No pets are allowed to live in the decision is ultimately up to 316:30 pmfn the basement Of the dormitory' rule, according the Psychology Department and Daniel Maclea.$ebtitm3. to Newell. whether they believe computer
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