Page 59 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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for Dean Change of Procedures Play however, the costumes was neces- went beyond what From page 2 sary to convey this. Grockt's to Ease Burden on though Dean appeared to be hav- costumes His costume became too also much. for his song Honor and Conduct Board ing trouble with her first song. By with the the red striped coat and tricks is too magic corny, her second song, Dean had found her voice and was using it. flat hat were straight our of a By S. A. SoMMER the new policy would most and then meet with the student. Grocki's Applegate became too cartoon. The song and Grockt' s StqJfW,i,,, likely be instituted in the fall of If both the student and the pro- much the sleazy magician in the actions were enough without On October 22, 1992 the All 1993. fessor agree upon the infraction second act. Watching magic cartooning the costumes. College Council approved a The proposed changes would and the sanction requested, then tricks in the middle of a play be- Britt Martin, Argi proposal concerning changes to allow for a student and a profes- the student and professor sign comes tiresome after the audience Garefalaki, Vivian Torres, Jen- the procedures regarding viola- sor to work out an arrangement an agreement stating acceptance has seen the same tricks several nifer Binder and Rocbere tions of the Honor Code. independent of the Honor and of both the guilt and the sanc- times before. Whitaker all gave good perfor- The proposal was first made Conduct Board, when it has tion. A copy of this agreement The only real problem was mances. in early October to the Honor been determined by both parties is then placed in the student's costuming. The first scene Though the play opened with and Conduct Board. They voted that the student is guilty of an permanent file. The student and stresses how hot it is, yet none a few missed notes and a few unanimously in favor of the pro- infraction. the professor still have the right of the actors seemed hot. Duva jumbled lines. the charm of this posed changes which allows for The philosophy behind the to request an Honor and Con- was costumed in a longsleeved, play about America's favorite a student and a professor to proposed changes is a simple duct hearing. A second infrac- quilted robe. This seemed inap- past times entertains from start work out an agreement indepen- one. Many of the cases which See HONOR, Pg. 4, Col. 1 propriate. Lola is a demon slut, to finish. 0 dent of an honor and conduct come to the Honor and Conduct hearing. Board are cases of accidental The film is very sexual with of the castle. What makes this Since there is no existing plagiarism- improper citation Movie scarcely clad female vampires movie different from most pre- policy for making changes to without the intent to plagiarize- From Page 2 and scenes that are blatantly vious films in this genre is that the disciplinary procedures in and other minor infractions. sexual. This is also in keeping it depicts the vampire as a car- cases of violations, Deans These case can be corrected be- cause Dracula must rest on his with the myth, which states that ing, feeling being and not as a Seligman, Sayre, and Lamas, tween the student and the pro- native Transylvania dirt, his giving of blood to dracula is ooldheartedmonster.lntheend the authors of the proposal, fessor. The current guidelines children of the nigbt were all even greater ecstasy than sexual his true love finally sets him agreed thai the proposal would require a professor to report the busy filling boxes with dirt to be orgasm. free from the eternal damnation be presented to the Honor and incident to the Dean of Aca- shipped to his various proper- This movie realistically rec- of living as the undead. Don't Conduct Board, the All College demic Affairs, who then refers it ties. reates the myth. miss this horror thriller that is Council. and the faculty. If all to the Honor and Conduct Vampires can disappear, There is also a scene when a currently playing at Hoyt's three groups vote in favor of the Board. Under the new policy a take the form of mist, control live baby is thrown on the floor Cranberry Mall Theater. [J proposal, tben the proposal will professor would be allowed to and talk to wolves, and most re- become policy. confront a student and work out markably they are rejuvenated For more information call: Jenny Associate Dean of Student an agreement, which can be pu- by drinking blood. Dracula met Classifieds: 1-800-558-3002 Affairs Frank Lamas stated that nitive or educational, depending the lawyer as an old man, but Physician and his wife will the proposal would bepresented on the infraction and the profes- there was a picture of him in his Classifieds are only 7 cents a provide loving home for your youth on the wall. Dracula, as word with pre-payment. Call to the faculty at the first faculty baby. Expenses paid. Call collect: meeting next semester. If the Upon awareness of an infrac- he appeared in the painting, ext. 8600 for more information. (410) 889-7991. faculty approve the proposal, tion, the professor must verify it later arrived to visit Mina. ADOPTION is our only way to ADOPTION have a family. Your new- born is Hi. We are Bob and Margie. OPTIC IVY We would like very much to adopt the gift to answer our prayers and the prayers of our 5 year old a new borne baby. We can provide a loving and secure home. We will adopted daughter. Medical/Legal expenses paid. 405 North Center St.eCranberry Sq. pay legal and medical expenses. Call collect: Mark and Carolyn Westminster, Maryland 21 157 Please call toll free: 1-800-0554- (410) 750-6697. (410) 857-3734 09&4. Reliable Baby-sitter needed to Next to Giant Food Store SKI - Intercollegiate Ski Weeks, care for 4 1 /2 yr. ~d t tmos. ol.d ONLY $209. Includes: 5 DAY Two Saturday nights/month m LIFT TICKET J 5 NIGHTS Owings Mills. Must have car, LOIXiING (MOUNTAINSIDE references and experience. Call 35 Years of 1 Hour CONDO) 15 DAYS ACTIVI- Karen at 356-7740 IN1ERCOLLEGIATE Experience Service TIES (Drinking Age - 18). At home mom and devoted ADOPTION Sponsored by Laban's. 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