Page 62 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 62
Editorials December 3, 1992, Page 6 Help! Is there any out there? Iieve that this kind of open learning atmo- By MAURA ZIOLKOWSKI Co~"jbo'i"g W,.j,,, sphere breathes consistently in most of the I feel a deeply rooted desire to speak. I classrooms. need to hear my voice. Iam feeling pushed Yet we all have the power to change under the covers and 1don't like it. I think this. I think that particularly when speak- now is the time to start pulling the covers ing about learning in the traditional class- off myself. I need to question, room atmosphere, both students and teach- There are things in this college and in ers can help to expand and to explore the this campus "community" which are si- possibilities of what and how we can both lently and sometimes invisibly strangling learn more. I know for myself that I need all of us. It is sooverwhelming thatr moot to be more prepared [or classes and read quite sure how lo get tnto it alL more in order to make the most of this I guess one place to start is where we go chance to learn more about the world and just about every day as students ... where myself (and to possibly even understand we're supposed to be learning. The class- bits of them.) rooms. I am very frustrated with what goes What are we here for if we don't chal- on in these forums. Personally, I want a lenge more, inquire further and search classroom to be where people can share longer? (Why are we here at WMC?) We ideas, feelings, thoughts, reflections, sto- can try to share thoughts, experiences. per- ries, and more in order to possibly help ceptions, and feelings in order to learn - cach other and ourselves as each of us but maybe what we need right now is to searches for what we need to search for. learn how to share. I know there may be certain agendas Over these past years in particular. I feel which are felt to be necessary or manda- like I've been slowly and painfully awak- tory to follow as well as a certain amount ening from a frighteningly numbing sleep of material to get through in an allotted of avoidance, ignorance, and fear. At the time slot of 'teaching' and 'learning' (as same time that I am terrified of it, I am well as pressure to do so). But I feel that my whole being to be fully awake. In the Fairwell to Another longing for my eyes to be fully open and most of the time we are missing out on something! Lots of things. For instance, I same way, I'm starving for the curious Year, Another Editor feel like we don't connect what we hear in search towards this as welL class to ourselves, each other - our lives. And Iguess what I am asking for here is Often we let things slither past our ears and a connection. I'd like to know that other By JENNIFER S, SCOTI money to keep the paper printing. intoourwaysofthinking withoutchalleng- people feel frustrated too; that more than a Etii,OT';"·Chi./ Learning any job takes time, practice, ing and questioning them first. relatively small group of people on this As we reach the end of yet another se- and guidance from those wbo already There's a whole lot more than this - that campus want more - and want change - per- mester, so comes the end of another know it. Now is the time to join the pa- I feel we skim right over like a big speed- haps even constant, continual change as I Phoenix editor's reign. I have been in per and begin that internship. Nearly a boat- which I can't even name or identify, do. cbarge of the big office in tbe basement third of the core staff will be graduating but which I can sense as it somehow draws I wonder why on this campus we (and I of Daniel MacLea for a year. Now it is in May, including three section editors. me towards its knowledge. A sense of do include myself in this we) don't chal- time to break: in the new editor. Have fun, get to know important people something more. All of our learning expe- lenge our teachers, other students, admin- This past year has seen the increase of on campus, and gain experience to put on riences in the classrooms here - although I istrators, staff and ourselves rrcre in a shar- our circulation 00 campus and off (through your resume: Come to our last meeting of feel they are not limited in the slightest to ing exchange of thoughts and feelings con- subscriptions to parents). It has seen the this year Monday, December 7, at 6:30 in these arenas of time and space - can be cerning ideas and facts stated in class, increase of our issues from eight pages to tbe basement of Daniel MacLea's third much more fulfilling, frustrating, emo- about policies on campus, in our govern- 12.Hopefully you will judge this year has section. Make a difference on the paper tional, educational, and much more ritallO ment, in the international world commu- also seen continued improvement in our and on campus. us than we could possibly imagine at the nity - about rrost everything! Because if journalistic reporting as well. (U you have I want to thank all the staff and con- moment. we we don't do this, we may think we've any complaints or suggestions for im- tributing writers that made a real differ- Perhaps we can work to create an open got it right. And if we think we've got it provement your comments are welcome as ence for me. The number of people who space in the classrooms - and elsewhere _ right, then I think we are probably missing always.) The paper will, no doubt, con- put their time into this combined effort in which humans are sharing and feel more something essential to the picture. And tinue to expand and improve under the arc too many to list here, but when you wetcorre and free to share instead of one in why should we even attempt to lazily settle next edttor-tn-ctuer. read a story don't breeze past the by-line: which various people (filled with various for something "close enough?" (although An editor can Dot get the paper out remember the name. Chances are that ideas) listen to the words of one other, personally I find it hard not to). alone, however. She/he needs tips from name is part of many other organizations transferring them to paper or not, and ac- I don't want to settle for close people in the know, section editors to as well. Those who work in the back- cepting them or not. I know I have an on- "enough." I want to question. I wonder assign the stories, reporters to get the ground are no less important; their names going overflow of questions which I want why we don't leam about significant wind- facts, and photographers to add life to a appear in the masthead. to share and would like to explore with oth- storms blowing right around campus, like gray page. In the background: copy edi- Next semester that masthead will be ers sometimes. But I feel like my classes assaults on campus? And since we don't, tors double check for fact and spelling be topped by a new name: Rebecca don't always welcome and encourage this, why don't we continue to ask people to errors, layout editors make it ail look Kane. She'll do a great job, but, with let alone initiate and nurture it. Sometimes share with us why we don't? Are people good on the printed page, and business your help, wouldn't the paper be that they do, but for the most part I don't be- See HELP, Pg. 7, Col. 1 and advertising managers bring in the much better? 0 Edltor·in·Chier ,•••" Jennifer Scott '93 The Phoenix is published bi-monthly. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect those of The Managing Editor "." , ,•••"•••"••" TBD Phoenix staff members, the faculty, or the administration at Western Maryland College Business Manager " , , Michael Beckens '95 The Phoenix welcomes free- lance submissions on Macintosh disk in most word processor formats. The AdvertiSing Manager _ .Jodi Malioow '95 editor reserves the right to edit for clarity,length and libel, and will be space permits. Letters to the Editor that page, typed, and double-spaced are guaranteed publication in the next issue. The Arts & Entertainment Editor , " TBD editor reserves the nght to edit forJibel and length. Commentary Editor , Rebecca Kane '94 All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become the property of The Phoenix and cannot be Features Editor _ _ Peter White '93 returned. News Editor _ , " _ TBD Please include a name and phone number for verification. Names will be withheld only by discretion of Sports Editors David Miller '93, Kendra Weible '93 the Editor-in-Chief. Photography Editor _ _Jeff Sharp '94 Address mail to: The Phoenix Cartoonist , _ ,..Mike Jenkins '92 2 College Hill Western Maryland College Faculty Advisor , , Terry Dalton Westminster. MD 21157
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