Page 61 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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December 3, 1992, Page 5 ;::;/t%(" Budget However, the study does The money gained from the ning committee is trying to fo- Specific ideas on what From Page1' provide the possibility of hope campaign will be used to meet cus on the big picture and make should be restructured will in the future. It said, "While we capital, endowment, and current sure the numbers add up. probably be left to the restruc- Their recommendations in- are conservative of what the col- needs. Capital needs are build- Panek says, "We now assume turing committee. Dr. Seidel, clude defining institutional lege can raise in 3 to 5 years, we ings that need to be built or that student affairs will do their chair of the restructuring com- needs through the Long Range are more optimistic about what overhalted. The college will set own plan. The college plan mittee says that the restructur- Planning Committee, strength- WMC might accomplish over aside 12 to 15 million for the should not tell everybody what ing committee will make sug- ening the fund raising capabili- the next decade with an all out, science building, 2.5 for class- to do, it sets the priorities for the gestions for economic and aca- ties of the Board of Trustees, all hands effort." room renewal, and 5 million for budget to follow." demic changes for President and developing a comprehen- Chambers says the college the Campus Master Plan that Seidel says, "The plan is now Chambers to consider. sive fund raising volunteer took their advise. "We are fol- will work on the landscaping of much more intelligent. Instead One of the main reasons the structure. lowing their recommenda- the college. Tbe money for en- of separate chapter for each di- college is looking at restructur- Most significantly, Barnes tions," he said. "lfwedon'tdo dowment needs covers en- vision there is an integrated plan ing is because of financial con- and Roche suggested thai the this the college will not move dowed faculty, professorship for one community." cerns, according to Seidel. "We college transfonn its develop- ahead." and scholarships as well as a In October the on-campus have to look at controlling ex- ment department which handles Vice President Ethan Seidel center on deafness, a library Long Range Planning Commit- penses," he said. "No matter fund raising campaigns and giv- said, "We've pretty much taken fund, and presidential dis- ing. Barnes and Roche said, that report and run with it. It cretionary fund. The cur- "The college isn't sufficient in was right on target and accu- rent needs will give the EXPENDITURES talent, size, or organization to rate." college 1 million each support a major comprehensive In response to the the report, year for five years to as- sist the operating SOURCE ENDOWMENT LEVELS budget. _ SALARIES It will cost $2 million to run the m 3.5 FRINGE BENEFITS campaign. How- m 5.7 FINANCIAL AID ever, all the money rnn needed to run the - 0.9 DEBT campaign will 1.4 UTILITIES I INSURANCE come out of the money raised so 6.5 OTHER that none of the money will have to J.. lID be depleted from in miliionsof doliars - the operating bud- get. . While Seaman's office raises money for tee reported to the Long Range what we are planning for in the projects, it doesn't decide Planning Committee of the future the reality is that we are which projects it will Board of Trustees. In February going to have a tight budget for sponsor. Seaman said, the plan will go before the full the next several years." "We don't set priorities. Board and the rtnal draft will be However Seidel thinks the campaign .. This is not a con- the college hired Richard Sea- we go get money for the priori- approved in April. school needs to have a diversity demnation of the individuals man as Vice President of Insti- ties." Because it has not reached of programs because it is a lib- who comprise the staff. Rather, tutional Advancement which It is the long range plan that full approval, Panek could not eral arts school. "We need to it is likely a reflection of a col- oversees the development of- propels the development com- reveal all the specifics of the figure out the criteria for a lib- lege which has apparently only fice. The college also created mittee. According to Ruth Tho- he did say that recently placed development in several new positions including mas, director of Financial Plan- plan. However, recommends that eral arts school, and decide what the are." plan the central programs a position of high priority." director of planned giving, di- ning, the financial basis of the WMC build the science build- He understands that talk Originally, the trustees were rector of corporations and foun- long range plan is the budget. ing, redo older building may such as scare mostly ministers with little fi- dations relations, and assistant In the past the budget only Levine, launch the major Capi- about restructuring "It is impossible some people. nancial background. Fund rais- director for research. went year by year, now the tal campaign, create a larger en- to re-evaluate structure without ing campaigns consisted of the According to Seaman, the yearly budget will support the dowment and keep the tuition making people in the structure president of the college giving biggest institutional advance- priorities of the longe range sermons on Sundays to ment priority for this year is to plan. Thomas says, "Now the increases low. One of the most nervous," he said. "As soon as churches in the area and collect- conduct a one million dollar an- plans mesh." controversial aspects of the plan a group like this is put together that it will that the may be that it suggests there is apprehension ing the money put into the offer- nual fund by raising giving and Dr. LeRoy Panek, chair of college discuss the implications will mean eliminations of de- ing. broadening the base of support. the on-campus committee and of changing irs name. partments or programs. We During WWI it began an en- This would provide the college co-chair of the Long Range rule it out. The Creating plan may long dowment program which per- with more money to run the Planning Committee, says the make suggestions range of programs can't savings may change sig- the nificant manently set aside sums of yearly budget. committee was started in 1972. to cut out or expand. Panek way we deliver programs:' money into banks where only Seaman, who helped raise At first the committee came up said, "We need to decide what Seidel says that the restruc- the interest could be used for the $54 million for Brown univer- with a new plan every five we do do best and how we can turing group plans to ask all the needs of the college. The col- sity, plans to raise $40 million in years. According to the 1992 do it better and more efficiently. students and employees for sug- lege also had its first major fund a similar campaign for WMC. Middle State Report this plan We can't pretend that we are a gestions on how to improve the raising campaign where the Seaman says his office is in the was changed to a rolling plan university." college. 0 president solicited aid from first stage of the fund raising that would alway project five wealthy people in the area. campaign which involves set- years into the future, check off While the college was begin- ting priorities, preparing a cam- goals as they were accom- ning to fund raise, it still ob- paign plan, and allocating funds plished, and add new goals as tained a large sum of its financ- for the campaign. the need arose. Now the plan- FANS ing from the Methodist Church. In 1975, WMC dissociated it- Rape Myth #31 @ self {rom the Methodist Church because of lawsuits involving MYTI::t Survivors of rape experience a quicker recovery by blockingouttheatlack church and state and began to FACT: Genuine recovery occurswhen the problems and feelings rely more on state aid and created by the attack are talked about with a trusted friend or CHINESE RESTAURANT grants. professional. Although it is a nalura/tendency to block out Szechuan· Caruonese » American Recently, the state has begun the pain, refusing to seek help only delays the slart of recovery. 59 West Main St., Westminster, MD 21157 to cui back it's aid forcing to the Telephone: college to fall back on its own For help or more infonnation, call the Rape Crisis Intervention resources. The endowment of Service. Our services are free and all inquiries are confidential. (301) 848-0919 • (301) 876-3166 $16.5 million is currently lower Hotline 857-7322 Office:857-0900 than mosr cotleges. [I",===============~
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