Page 58 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 58
Entertainment/Features December 3, 1992, Page 2 Damned Yankees Shows New Talent By 8.A. 8mlMER with his energy. scenes between the chorus of S'~ffW,j,,, New comer to Western ballplayers and the chorus of Although Western Maryland Maryland's stage, freshman girls. The opening song set the College Theatre's run of Damn Maria Duva has a beautiful mood for the entire show. Yankees opened with a few voice which was put to good Sierra Hurtt as Gloria Thorpe balks and a few errors, it re- usc. Duva connected well with played off Richard Fehle,Van rnained funny. Patrick on an emotional level, Buren, well. AI times Gloria Christopher Patrick, Joe, though many of her actions Thorpe was too strong, but that gave an excellent petformance, seemed affected and unnatural. seemed to stem more from the although he seemed to be strain- Also new to Alumni hall, weakness of Van Buren and less ing his voice in his first song. Todd Bickling seemed at ease from Hurtt's performance. As the performance went on, with his role in the chorus of Grocki and Dean gave their Patrick gained control of his ballplayers. The most inviting usual strong performances, voice, charging the auditorium parts of the play were those See PLAY, Pg. 3, Col. 4 Focus on a Student: Mary McGuirk and captain of the Porn Squad. McGuirk has worked intern- In addition, she is a member of ships over the past two sum- Mary McGuirk has always the Trumpeteers and Omicron wanted to be a lawyer. She is Delta Kappa, which are leader- - ~F,=es=h=m=.n=M==.'=;'=Du:=va=p=u=t=h'='='O=;,=.=to=g=ood=US='=;n=h:=.=, 7 .7 =ute= also one of the busiest students ship honor societies, and three :er:d~n ~:'~~: :~l~~:c;~~ d b on this campus. departmental societies: Beta ~~~~~:r~u~~ti~~~~g~i:~t~~: performance in WM~'s production of Damned Yankees. A political science major and Beta Beta (biology); Pi Gamma was able to act as an assistant to biology minor, McGuirk said Mu (social sciences); and Pi a public defendant. that she wanted to become a Sigma Alpha (political science). "The most rewarding thing a lawyer since eighth grade, when She said she is glad she picked all summer came from a juve- t Movie her father finished law school. Western Maryland Coliege to nile client. When he came in to She would like to be a public attend. pay for his court services, he Dr, defender, possibly working for "I've loved it all four years looked me in the eye and said a specific interest group like the here," she said. thanks for everything. 1 learned handicapped or juveniles. As a tour guide, McGuirk is a really big lesson from that," OSTROW "I'm not going to law school responsible for answering both she said. By KIM S.qffWrj", picked up by thc Count's car- to make money," she said, "I'm prospective student's and their From Middletown, Md, and riage and taken to the castle. Stoker's going so that Ican help people." parent's questions about WMC. a graduate of Middletown High truly Bram a love story, Dracula the is Most of the shots are masked in from McGuirk shows that attitude Some of the questions that come School, McGuirk was active in opening where the count's wife darkness and the shadows or by being involved with many up most often are ''What is there 4-H, and taught ballet and tap (Winona Ryder) dies, until he knowledge of the unseen create activities and clubs on campus. to do on campus?-How is the dance to small children at stu- finds her again centuries later nerve tingling suspense. This semester she was both food?-How well does Campus dios in Reisterstown and and they are reunited. The air is filled with the of wolves howling president of the Phi Mu sorority Security function?" she said. Frederick. She has three sisters, Dracula's castle is eerily of movement. The and sounds audience, all younger than her. spectacal. The story starts with like the lawyer knows there are McGuirk said her favorite a young lawyer who is traveling creatures just out of sight. He SPRING BREAK '93 hobbies are dancing, skiing, and to the Castle to begin working is retrieved by a black carriage, being with her family and soror- for the Count. He will be buy- but is unable to see the coach- ity sisters. She likes to travel, ing various properties for the man. He is taken to Dracula's SELL TRIS, EARN CASH, & GO FREE!!! having been to England, Jamaica, Caneun, Daytona. Panama City Beach and Key west Count at specified locations Castle - a foreboding place Canada, and much of the East throughout England. The law- perched alone atop a stony Coast. One of her most memo- yer is unaware that Renfield, the Student Travel Services is now hiring campus reps. rable experiences occurred last man he is replacing, is now in an mountain. The sharp drop off beside the road that is viewed as ~~~ Naples, Florida; her, and 500 expectation of the Count's re- Group rates availible. year at a Phi Mu convention in insane asylum eating bugs in we ascend to the castle rein- isola- Call 1-800-648-4849 other sisters, she joked. turn for him and the promise of forces the sense of death, that be- tion, and imprisonment In the future, she would like becoming a true vampire. comes the lawyer's lot. to practice law somewhere on The initial carriage ride to The lawyer's fiance Mina the East Coast. "I want to see the castle begins the suspense (Ryder) is the exact image of LAW OFFICES children get justice, get on the and impending doom that con- Dracula's dead wife, wbose J. CHARLES SMITH, III, P.e. right track before having to be tinue to build. The lawyer is left death be sought to avenge by sentenced,"said McGuirk. 0 147 EAST MAIN STREET alone in a deserted spot to be becoming a vampire. She re- WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND 21157 members him , though not ~Ol Carriage House Liquors clearly, and eventually wants to a vampire Former Assistant State's Attorney 113 West Ma;n Street. 848-3466 become him throughout also and stay eternity. with Free Initial Consultation @ Specials .•. ICE He tells her "I have no life, no soul, am separated and bated by die!" Olympia - $3"1I2 pk cans all mankind and 1 cannot to con- He loves ber too much Milwaukee's Best - $7'l9lcase, cans demn ber to that fate. Automobile ~ DWI! Natural Light - $9'l9/case cans Like Renfield, Anthony Accidents Driving Busch (Reg.& Lt.) -$lO"/case cans Hopkins, as an expert. on vam- RelatedOffenses Coors (Reg., u., & Extra G
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