Page 57 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 57
Special Parody Section- Pg. 10-12 THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Student Arrested for Drug Use tribution ----~BY~A~~~L~IS~E~S~~UV~A-N---- of controlled substances [drugs] much as 20 years depending on the type S''1ffWrl, •• on college property, of the drug and the affected as are memory, perception, According to Michael Webster, di- or sale or distri bunon judgment, and motor skills. Heart rate rector of Campus Safety, a drug bust to members of the and blood pressure increases." occured in Rouzer Hall on November 7. college community." At least five students last year were The westminster Police were noti- College policy re- apparently unaware of these dangers as fied after a representative from Resi- quires that any illicit there were six incidents of drug viola- dence Life and a Campus Safety officer drugs found on cam- tions between September I, 1991 and identified what appeared to be the smell pus be turned over to September I, 1992. According to of marijuana in the hall. A male student local law enforce- Webster, two of those were arrests. Of was arrested. ment authorities, the two, one was a non-student arrested As far as Campus Safety is con- likely resulting in le- at Scott S. Bair Stadium at a football cerned, their roll in the situation SlOpS gal action. game. The four other incidents could the night of the arrest. Tbe Westminster Possession and/or have been cases where there's drug para- Police and Deans Lamas and Sayre take distribution of con- phernalia found or an informant called in it from there. It will then be directed to trolled substances and tipped- off Campus Safety. the Honor and Conduct Board which and illegal drugs ac- One of the incidents occurred will deal with it according to the Pro- cording to the Stu- in Daniel MacLea, and one in scriptions on Conduct listed in the Stu- dent- Guide and Memorial. Two incidents oc- dent Guide and Datebook. and deliver Datebook, can sub- curred in Rouzer (not including sanctions if they deem it necessary. ject a student to fines Director of Campus Safety, Michael the most recent) and one in The Proscriptions on Conduct pro- that exceed $25,000 Webster, would give no details oftbe Whiteford. All six incidences hibit the "possession, use, sale, or dis- and jail terms of as on going investigation. mune response is were marijuana related. 0 Three 'Date' Rapes Reported in Last Six Months Bv REBECCA KANE that more of these incidents are have sex after a date. c"'" ....~"'ry £
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