Page 127 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 127
WMC Baseball Gets Underway -Finally our biggest concern is with Seibert boasts about a "strong the pitching staff. If they do nucleus of players." Sopbomore Forget about the toughest well it should really payoff Jerry Resh (SS) hit .461 in teams in the conference; it's for us," said Seibert. "So Florida. Carpenter and Carter the weather that's been the we're crossing 'our fingers each hit .333. And he is pleased Green Terror Baseball team's that they do well." with his additions to the team, in- most fearsome opponent so far This "cautious optimism," cluding junior transfers Matt this year. as Coach puts it, stems from Lecorchick (C) and Scott Stem The curse of the Blizzard of the fact that they are working (P). '93 and all around bad weather with a young and relatively Lecorchick is excited about and playing conditions have al- inexperienced pitching staff. being a part of a strong unit. ready forced the team to post- Three of last years' starting "We have a real solid team ," pone three Middle Atlantic pitcbers have graduated. It's said Lecorchick, "and if we get Conference- Southwest League a loss that may take its effect on a roll we'll be extremely bard double headers (the Terrors' di- later in the season. to stop." vision of the Middle Atlantic "We bave to make up those That's what the team is look- Conference) and to cancel an- league games later in the sea- ing to do this season. They are other non-league two gamer. son and we could end up with in a league Seibert feels is Not even a trip to Florida more. It could put a real one of tbe best in tbe MAC. could help them escape the stretch on our pitching staff He believes tbat any of six of wrath of winter. While they eventually, but we do have the seven teams could win the were able to play four games in nine or ten pitchers. We'll Conference title. And if the Cocoa, a delayed departure fol- see," Seibert said. Green Terrors keep playing lowed by a lot of southern rain While tbe youth move- the way they have been, it prevented the team from get- ment has had its influence on could be theirs long as it ting in a full workout. the team, they are also graced doesn't rain. "Unfortunately we had to with experience. Six shorten our trip," said bead of this years starters an e ministry mvnes you to coach Dave Seibert. "We were are seniors, as are fellowship with us at .. supposed to fly out Saturday three of the four cap- morning but didn't end up leav- tains: Dave Carpenter ing until Monday." (3B), Kevin But what Coach Seibert was Henneman (OF), and able to see in the compressed Jamie Wiles (lB). The week, he was impressed with. fourth is junior Gary The team went 3-1 and scored Carter (OF). Players ten runs in two of those and coaches are de- games-a formidable start to a pending on their expe- season that's filled with lots of rience both on and off question marks. the field. Seibert said "We're hitting the ball well he "is very excited and scoring a lot of runs, but about the leadership." fbtj" Dr. Shelton L Smith )..'J" Pastor Men's Lacrosse Looking for Consistency Early Service... . 8:30am ScHEDULE Of CHURCH SeRVlUS Sunday School for the Deaf 9:45am Morning Service.; . 10:45am Evening Worship... .. 7:00pm Wednesday Deaf Fellowship 7:00pm THOMAS ROBERTS minutes of the second goalie Chris Lynch. Mike Marsico, Alex SILl[fw,j,,, quarter ...We got away from the In addition, midfielder Andy Koundourakis and Joe Although freshman Dean game pian," said the coach. Price said, "They have a bunch of Furnari with two. Iservices iraep-eted for the deaf. Month Coccia scored three goals in the In the second half of the game potential All-American players." ''There is no use activities. Transportation provided Call Olip leonard TIYNOice at 857-1389 evenings. lacrosse game last week, the the Green Terrors performed The players who contributed dwelling on this game Green Terrors (1-2) were shot strongly and held themselves to our nine goals were Brian and we have to look for- 550 BALTIMOREBouLEVARD (MD 140) down by the Gettysburg Bullets goal for goal with the Bullets. Sattler with two goals, Kenny ward to the rest of the P.O. Box 854 (3-1). They both scored seven goals. Higgs, Joe Furnari, Andy Price season," concluded WESTMINSTER, MD 21 1 57 The team traveled 10 "Gettysburg is a really strong and Harrison Dunne, who each goalie Chris Lynch. 410-876-3838 • 410-848-8840 Gcuysburg for the unfortunate and well-disciplined team," said had one. Performing assists were loss or 20-9. The Terrors had their trouble in the first half of the game. By the "At The Forks end of the first half Western 113west Main Street· 848-3466 Maryland was down by 11 goals Specials ... and the score was 13-2. @ Popov Vodka·$9.99 (1.75) "The second quarter was Moosebead··$4.99 6pk when they did most of their dam- Scblitz Malt Liquor(Gn&Drft)·$12.99cs, NR age on us," said attackman Mike Milwaukees Best (Lt.) - $7"/case cans Marsico. The Bullets pierced Miller High Lire - $11.9Icase, cans through the Terrors defense and Natural Light - $9"/case cans scored nine goals in the second Coors (U, & Gold) - $12"/ca
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