Page 129 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 129
THE PHOENIX Western Maryland College Af-Am Weekend Hopes To Draw MinoritiesTo WMC By KERR! WAGNER their own minds on what was the rest aspect "to have agood time." C,,"~Wrile' of the weekend, bul it might be tough with SO Westbrookfeelsthesame. AF-AM weekend is a chance for African- many activities 10chose from. There will be a '" want them to get informa- American students woo have been admitted to movie in the Pub on Thursday night at 9 p.m. tion about WMC and I want WMC to come stay with members of the andtherewillreaBSUputywithaliveDJin au their questions to be an- Block Snxent Union and take one more jook the Forum Friday night which will be cpen to swered and I want them to atthecollegetoseeifiCsmillylheplocefor the campus. Admission will be $LOO fIX have fun," she said them, according to Rodney Joyner, the assis- WMC students with an l.Dcardand $2.00fO£ Bartley hopes that the tant director to Admissions. guests, according to the president of the BSU, weekend will belpdraw Afri- TheweekerxJ.whichisbeingco-sporu;ored Renee Bartley. can-American students to a by the BSU and Acrussions will actually be- Other activities that are being planred are college where ooly 1.5% of gin Thursday when ue edmitted srudcnts ar- a voUey-00I1 game, an alumni and parent dis- thestudentpopuIalionis Afri- rive. This gives theadmitted sments a chance cusslon session and toms of the campus. can-American. Last year five loanend cl$SCS all day Friday, which Joyner ThisistheserondyearthatWMCllashad out of six students who at- believes will be ''the breed and butter," of the an AF-AM weekend Bartley and Joyner tended the weekend enrolled program. came up wuh the idea last year and put it into in WMC, according to Some of the BSU members feel differ- effecl,according to Joyner. Joyner. This year 47 invita- ently. LaVita westbrook, a freshman mem- And what does the BSU hope the admit- tions have been sent out and her of the BSU and also an attender of last ted students get out of the weekend? Sopho- AIexandcr thinks about 15-20 years AF-AM weekend thinks it will be the mere, Midlael Becketts wants !bern "to get a will attend. perel discussion with WMC alumni on Sat-real picture of the school as a whole because Joyner pl~CCts that ap- urday afternoon that will make a difference. you shouldn't go to a school and then realize proximately 19 African- "It [the parel discussionJ made a big impact it's not what you thought it was," said the so- American snxIents will enroll onrrebaceuseuey [alumni]madesomelhing dalworKmajor. in WMC for the fall. And of themselves and they areAfrican-American // The BSU advisor, Mitch AJexanderhopes BartJey relieves the more the and they went 10 WMC," said the freshman 'that the students will be able 10 understand beuer. "The more African- enviromnental biology major. some of the academic, social and develop. Americans that come here the more it will SGANeeds lreadmittedstudentswillsurelymakeup mental perspectives but be also wants tbem berent everyone," she said Smith House Facilities Student Will Not Move Support Another reason for the move By scorr FREIDRICH AND S.A. SOMMER was to provide the Smith House s"1/!W,;,.,aJ>dN"",Ediso, When the Guide to Room Selection carne offices with the extra room !bey The Student Government Assembly outlhis year, somechangcs were 000!d forthe need. The health care offices continues to operate with little support of basementofWhitefordHall. Insteadofbeing and career libary have grown, the Student body which generally has a residential On, it was to become the new and are beginning to "burst Ihe lead to an unresponsive and home focheallh care, counseling, aedcereer- scams" of Smith Heese, Ms. unrepresentative organization. The planning services which had peviocsly been Amiesaid election of new ambitious officers may loc:aredin Smith House. Acronling to Philip Sayre, lead to more student support and partici- The move, which was scheduled 10 take dean of Student Affairs. the pation in an organization which has been placethissummerafterWbitefcrd'sbasement main coocem was financial. disabled by those who it was created to would be remodelled, will not occur. The "Tbe cost would have been pro- represent. decision tocarcel the move was made several hibitive," he said. HeOOdedthat Although a crowning achievement in weeks ago after much consideIation of the with theexpenses rising anden- Health Facilities WIU Remain in Smith House the previous semesters agenda was the various coocems onlxlth sides. rolhnent down, the ooikge has had to adhere responsiveness of the SGA in the deci- AccootingtoKarenAmie wbo is the direc- to a strict budget and the cost of the necessary taken place, maintaining the security of the sion to continue 10 disregard the plus and tor of career advi<;ing, the Smith House focili- renovations 10 Whiteford would have ex- rest of the building would bave been a prob- minus grading system, only 30 non-SGA ties were going to move for several reasons. ~lhisbudget lem since the basement would have to be ac- members were involved. Trefm;twastoprovidebett.aaccessibilityfor AltOOugh the plans for the move had rot cessible to the public while the rest of the "An all-campus meeting was held, students wbo are handicapped ortemporarily been _ at the time the housmg gWde building would remain a residential hall. and in my opinion was well publicized, disabled. wasdistributed.JoanreGoIdwatcr.direc:ta'of . Sofornow.thebasementofWhitefordHaU yet only 30 students participated," ac- The Smith House building is not handi- boosing, said the information was released to will continue to be residential and Smith House cording to Chris Wess former vice presi- capped-accessible, aM it was thought that by students so that those who live on the base- will remain the rome of the health care, coon- dentoftbe SGA. This, however, is much moving !he facilities into the basement of ment floor, or those who were planning to. seling, and career-planning services, with roodi- greater than the average number of stu- Whiteford that the health and career staff aJUldmakeother living arrangements fornext fications such as ramps and wider doorways dents attending SGA meetings, which is could better serve tbemtire sturent body. year. She also noted that , had the change male to im~ handicapped ~bility. usually only 15, according to Wess. In an interview conducted in the Fall Massive Volunteerism at Tournament of Champions with Dean Sayre, the administrative optimis- ad- viser to the SGA, he expressed tic ideas towards improving the SGA election process. Sayre favored utilizing him from participating in The Tourna- who courageously paraded through the several methods or encouraging partici- ment of Champ ions at Gill Physical Edu- gym in wheelchairs and hooked to pation in a greater percentage of the stu- Cheers rang out in the crowd as cation Learning Center on April IS. braces will be permanently struggling dent body. He suggested the submission Calvin Gholston skillfully whirled Twice featured on the world news, with their handicaps. At 10 am , when of petitions to run for office two weeks around the obstacle course in his wheel- Gholston "should be standing taU by the the olympic music rang out in the gym prior to elections in order to give candi- chair. fall," said his father, thanks to one and the national anthem played, eacb ath- dates ample time to campaign. He also The frrst grader from Chatsworth El- doctor's "amazing Italian-style proce- entrance ementary School, who was born with a dure" which has already "doubled the lete made bis/her proud had disabilities into the showed interest in induding The Phoenix gym. The children such partial tibia, was just one of the 73 chil- length of his leg since Jan 15." dren who didn't let his disability stop Unfortunately, most of the children See Champions. Page 7 See SGA, Page 3
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