Page 124 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 124
li'eaturesww; Ionello The school most misrepresented, elusive school, in her opinion, is the anar- lonello says, is radical feminism. She chist feminist school. Itincludes every sys- From Page 7 admitted that she gets very irritated tem of power, such as patriarchy, capital- you will have in life. This is similar to when she bears "she's a radical femi- ism, and most importantly, hierarchy. the class structure in a feudal society, nist" used to describe anyone who sup- Most of us first think. of chaos, disorgani- where the serfs are born as serfs, the ports the freedom of women. zation, and violence when we hear the lords are born as lords, and neither can Liberal feminists believe that a word anarchy. break out of their class chains. In patri- change in the patriarchical society can However, we should keep an open archy, there are "gender chains." be achieved by reforming the struc- mind, free from value judgments, and look Ionello defmes feminism as the reduc- tures set up within the preestablished at anarchy at face value; it only means tion and elimination of patriarchy, an SOCiety. That means working one's ..without government." This power struc- oppressive way of life. This is done by way up the corporate ladder. so to ture is found in linear communication and bringing the personal issues of femaleJ speak. and balancing the statistics of the need to know who the boss is and where male relationships out of the private tbe number of women proportional to "the buck stops." We are socialized to realm and into the realm of politics and men in powerful positions. For ex- think that if we don't have hierarchy, we debate. It reveals that the relationship ample, tbere are only six women in the have tyranny, where a dictator will fill in ~tween men and women is political, Senate, so it has become a target of the power vacuum in an anarchical society. meaning it is a system of power. criticism by this school. This hierarchical structure is not neces- That system is called patriarchy. Having women in the legislative sary to get things accomplished. Feminism This definition of feminism is agreed bodies does make a difference. lonello uses a circular form of communication, and upon by all schools of feminist thought, states, because Republican women ex- the Japanese work in a circular fashion; from the radical to the anarchist feminist ceed Democratic men in positive ef- these non-hierarchical structures are called school. And this leads us back to the fects on feminism. This school has "consensual structures." These power original question: "can men be femi- received much criticism from other structures redefine the modern (since nists?", a question whicb not many schools because nothing is being done 1930's) idea of power as domination. Con- people have asked themselves. but which to improve the structure of hierarchy in sensual structures see "power" defmed as evoked discussion and should be ad- a corporation which has evolved from "empowerment," a much older definition messed. a patriarchical society. As one femi- used by pacifists such as Gandhi and Jesus lonello asked the men of the group nist puts it, the recipe for liberal femi- Christ. (there were about 10men out of about 30 nism is to "add women and stir." How can an idea promote change with- in all) if any of them considered them- Marxist feminists believe that the out defmition? Jody Zepp argues that defi- selves "feminists." About three raised capitalist structure of social mobiliza- nition of feminism is not necessary because their hands. When the women were tion and market value is the major cul- it is inclusive of all women regardless of asked the same question, more than half prit behind sexism, even more so than race, sexual orientation, or other categories raised their hands. This outcome was patriarchy. Before capitalism, the of women. "I don't want 10 discount any expected, perhaps because feminism has "woman's job" in the home and the of my sisters," Zepp exclaimed. been seen as a woman's issue, or perhaps "man's job" in the field kept the ram- Jen Disney, too, believes feminism is because the concept of feminism is not ilyunitintact all-inclusive, but not only of women. She clear to most people. or perhaps because With the move to the city, the man tries to incorporate all forms of oppression, men sometimes have a difficult time went away to work in the factory and gender, race, and nationality into a human- identifying with it. get paid. Tbe woman stayed at bome istic approach. "Men can separate their Forclarification of the feminist move- in her traditional role, but ber job never sexuality from their gender," Disney says, ment, lonello describes five schools of had market value. Marxists believe "but women can't because they get preg- feminist thought, ranging from the right tbat to solve this problem, society nant." to the left on the political spectrum: the needs to attach a wage to the work in What it means to be a woman should be radical, liberal, socialist. Marxist, and the borne. defined by every woman because, Disney anarchist schools. Ionello expresses that the most in- says, it is so personal. The same can be said Su~ Women'sSportsRemain Secret F.Y.I. by Chris Hart in All infonnation provided the Office of Public lnfonnation Statistics Indicate Women's Teams More SELF·EXll.ED ROMANIAN POET TO Competitive Than Men's GIVE BOfHELECIURE APRll. 12 By ED RIGLING on campus. the statistics, the men's baseball team's NmaCassian,ooeofRomania'slea:ling StltJW"I4. In a comparison of team records best season came in 1988 when tbey were poets and most distinguished literary fig- This is the firstof a two-part series in- from the Fall 1987 season to the Fall 14-9. finishing five games over .500. Since ures, will present the seventh annual B. vestigating women's sports on the West- 1992 season, it becomes evident that then, their best finish has been only one Olristqlber Bod>e Lecture on Monday. ern Maryland campus. This article will some of the best sports teams here on game above .500, coming in both '91 and April 12 in Western Maryland College's deal with the statistics, and part two will the Hill have toiled in anonymity. To '92. In that same time frame, the women's McDaniel Lomge. Tbe lecture. ronsisting look at some of the issues surrounding be fair, the women's teams are not the softball team has played three consecutive of a poetry reading by Ms. Cassen, will be- the lack of attention directed at these only ones to be Slighted as any of the winning seasons with their last season be- gin at 8 pm It is freeandopen totbepcbhc. sports, including interviews with the members of the golf team could tell ing their fmest when they finished fifteen Addilional infonnation: Kate Sontag, coaches, athletic directors. and players. you. Since 1987, the team has posted games above .500 en route to the MAC WMC Fnglisb lectore, 857·2432. When many people speak of varsity only one nonwinning record as well as playoffs. sports on the Western Marylandcampus, winning the MAC championship in Possibly the most impressive example BALTIMORE MAYOR TO DISCUSS the topic is more often than not the suc- 1991, yet only a select few probably of consistent excellence has been the VOLUN1HRISM AT WMC APRll. I3 cess of the men's teams, such as football, know this fact. But the majority of women's volleyball team. They have men's lacrosse, and men's basketball. successful varsity sports have been reached the MAC playoffs all of the years BaltimcreMaya- KmtL Schmoke will But of the three sports, only men's la- women's. covered by the statistics and for quite a few present a lecture on coomumity involve- crosse has posted consecutive winning Since 1988, the men's lacrosse before that, placing either second or first ment on Tuesday, April 13 at 7:30 pm, in College's seasons since 1987 while the women's team has posted winning records four each year since 1987. Their worst record Western Maryland Schtndre's McDaniel Lounge. volleyball, softball,lacrosse and basket- of the five seasons, their best season in the last five years was 26-16 when they Mr. speech, ball teams and the men's golf team are coming in 1988 when they were 10-4 still finished ten games above .500. No "VoluntrerismandCoounUltityEmpowcr. the only WMC Varsity sports to have and their worst season occurring in other team at Western Maryland can claim ment," will be free and open to the plblic. by the college's Black Student S""""",,, reached the MAC playoffs within the last 1991 when they posted a 6-6 record. a record even somewhat comparable to by a brief four seasons. In comparison to their Yet in that same time frame the this, yet the team's success is largely un- Union, the talk will be followed qcestoo-erd-enswersesscn male counterparts, the women's teams women's lacrosse team has also posted known. enre .. with theaudi- here at Western Maryland are as com- winning records four of the five sea- Wby do these teams not receive the petitive in their divisions yet do not re- sons as well as gaining a berth last year same amount of attention and support from Addilional infonnation: WMC College ceive nearly as much attention, making in the MAC playoffs. the campus community as such sports as Activities. 857-21fJ7, OC, fum Balti1nae, 876-2055, ex1enSioo '}fj7. their success one of the best kept secrets In the five year period covered by men's basketball, football, and lacrosse?
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