Page 125 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 125
Mr. WMC Crowned By CORINNE MILUGAN tant. The winner for the evening c...,riJMj",Wri", The evening included bath- was Demetri Lambros, with his "Who will be crowned the the ing suit, evening gown, andtal- famous twenties-style bathing next Mr. WMC?," the signs ent competitions. Also, each attire and his evening wear around campus asked. Well, on contestant bad a question to an- housedress. The first runner-up Thursday, March 25, the annual swer about his world views for was Jay Black, whose ability to Mr. WMC pageant was held in the audience. The competition stuff marshmallows into his the forum, and sponsored by the was very close, and judges Phi Mu sorority.The contestants Melissa Manuel of Phi Alpha stunned and thrilled the audt- were Jay Black of Sigma Phi Mu, Alicia Moore of Phi encc. Epsilon, Jeff Maslin of Pbi Delta Sigma, and Heather Wakefield The Phi Mu sisters extended Theta. Gui Valladares of Gamma of Alpha Nu Omega had a dif- their warmest congratulations to Beta Chi, and Demetri Lambros, ficult time deciding who would all of their esteemed contes- who was an independent centes- reign as Mr. WMC tants. ''Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill" Performing Now Catch it at Baltimore's Center Stage By KIM OsTROW SroffWri", "Lady Day at Emerson's Bar and Grill", the story of the incredible talent and tremendous struggles in the life and career of Billie Holiday, is being performed now through May 16th at Center Stage in Baltimore. Pamela Isaacs, as Holiday, puts her soul into her pertormance-cstngmg is her life. HOliday traces back through past events in her life intermingled with classic songs. Isaacs has a rich, deep, command- ing voice that at times moved me to tears. Her story is touched by the prejudice that effected ber life. It is a story of how destructive depen- dencies on men, alcohol, and drugs shattered her dream. It is very effective how she moves through the audience during most of her performance, singing directly to some members, and connecting with all of them. The main messate I got from this is never to let life steal your song. Tickets for the nightly performances range from $15.00 to $27.00. Call 410-685-3200 for reserva- tions and further details. If you have something to say, then dnd it to The Phoenix via Campus Mail or leave it under our door!
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