Page 131 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 131
1993 Page 3 Self Defense Class Proposed For P.E. Credit BY S1EPHENGooDWYN self defense dass by R.AD., Repe four self defense books and is a na- proved by the administration so it or needs to talk to someone. COftJribtdingW';"'r Aggression Defense Systems. tionally cetited instruclor of de- could be taken as a physical educa- Meg GOOrecht, a senior, is pres- Women ofWMC, have you ever RAD. is a program mainly de- fense. R.A.D. travels up and down uon ctass. wanted to take a self defense class signed fa- law enforcement agen- the East Coast, using Universities' The class now mece.. for two ceuytakmgueclassuodsbcsald, learned so "1 think its great, I have but could oot f1fKl ire time or think cesbn it also mvuescernpus secu- facilities as its place ormsrucnon hours on Sunday's in the all-pur- youcouIdaffordit? Soonyoucould riry officers from around the coun- According to the manual, the poserocm.Itcoss Stzwhichpays much already. I hope that it will some day tc offered as a gym cess have that opportunity right here on try to participate. The program is Thereare campus. beaedby LawrenceN.Na:leau. He RAD. System objective is: 'To de- fonhcstudcnt'smanuaL because it can be useful for anyone seven women enrolled In velop and cnaence the cpuonsor self on campus." currently Security off cer Daryl Tbompsce hashadoverll years in the Iawen- student also enrolled Aoother has recently been certified 10 teach a forcement profession, bas written defense, viable so that they may become the class and Officer Thompson the class is senior, Dianne Byerly, in more considerations said he liked it that way because to the woman who is attacked," more then seven students could who said, "1 think it is a good pro- With this in mind, Officer take away from his instruction. gram because it is not complicated Tbompsoo was sponsored by Carn- During the six classes the and it is something that you can pusSafetyandhe weutotte Univer- women will lcam very basic self carry with you lOr a lueumc." sity of Delaware where he under- defense tactics. three different Officer Thompson plans to teach went 30 hours of instruction There strikes with the hand and four dif- his course 10 me physically chal- he was taught the fundamentals of ferent kicks. Thompson also said lcnged this summer. He said he self defense and learned tactics first the women should not worry about is going to work hard at gelling bani. "It was an emotional experi- if they can handle the class or not the class offered for next semes- enceandLarry Nadeau is tru.l.yanex- because it is so basic mat anyone ter but he is not sure if that is a ceptonal man," Thompson said could do it. He stressed that repeti- reasonable goal. He was conn- TheclassbereatWMCisstilJin tion is the key to learning the dent in his plan though, and its fonnative stages and is only of- moves. There will also be a hopes to be able to spread his fered 10 the women RAs. But he trainedrapeoounselorprescntatatl knowledge to the women of bop:s to one day have big class ap- times in case anyone gets upset WMC. Drugs From Page 2 quested that other patrons and store newseame aftcrshe was told by the AS a reswt of me second raro., owners in that shopping center put bank's vice-president a month ear- her store's landlord, Washington pressure on WREIT (0 "withdraw lier that the loan would be renewed Real Estate Investment Trust, gave its despicable threat of eviction." again Ibis year. her thirty days notice as of January The flyers have been circulated "I'm in a stage of total disbe- 20, 1993 to leave the premises. In through all of the stores in that lief, I'm detached from it, I feci the letter from her landlord's attor- shopping center. Currently, the numb," she said according to The ney he said that her shop tends "to store is still in operation. Sun. "This is so surrealistic for injure the reputation of Ibe Not only does Davis face evic- me. It seems like something you Westminster Shopping Center," tion from her store, Taneytown would be watching on the TV or according to The Sun. Bank and Trust Co. notified her movie screen and say, 'Certainly In a related flyer, the Coalition that her annual loan, for her 80 acre Ibis would never happen in real for the Preservation of Ltberanon, fannTemapinStation,of$175,(OO life.'" Davis' second trial is set wOO are mW'xTS Of WMC re will not be able to be renewed This for this May. SGA change, not just sit back and com- the bias and the unresponsiveness From Page 1 plain about all the things that are oftheSGAlOlhosewhofcclasifa wrong; things that most of Ibem lack of participation has cupped the WMCR, and Ibe Uplink program. have never even witnessed and wings of this potentia1ly great asset According to Wess noneoflbeme- have no Interest in witnessing." to the student body. ilia devices ofWMC were utilized The newly elected officers are "I don't think that members of throughout the campaign and peti- faced with a difficult task in reunit- the SGA are truly representative of tion were submitted only one week ing the sudenrbody with their di- theentirestudentbody,"said Chris- prior to the election. rcct liaison 10 the administration. tine Winkelvoss. According to Michael Razze fonner presi- AltOOughthefourmalestudentsare Wmkclvoss, few ofttM::ir proposals dent of the senior class sees Ibis virtually newcomers 10 the SGA, erecver ena ..'ted,lhereforeshedoes lack of participation as attributable each has high hopes for the coming rot see trem as a sulli.cient govem· 10 an unmotivated student Ixxiy, year and anticipates a more respon- ing lxxIy. not an unresponsive SGA. Razze sive student lxxIy. However not every student is ei- is proud of this years accomplish- Harget hopes to change the lherunawareoforunhappywilbthe ments and sees the newly elected structuring of the SGA in reestab- SGA. Senior Russ We.tcr sees thc officers as able to build on the lishingasetagendaandactivecom- lack of participation as discour- SGA's success. "Our voice is in- mittees. "Last year I felt insignifi- aging positive results in the SGA. cn:a<;ing with the admini.strnlion yet canlldidn'tfeelasiflherewasany- ..It is ultimately the fault of the remaining stagnant with the student thing for me 10do. Greater Partid- student body for not making this body," saidRazre. pation by members of the SGA will recent election a competitive one. Wess agrees wilbRazze in at- hopefullyleadtomoreJrutici~ Competition breeds efficiency; tributingthe!XXJre1ectionparticirn-- by the studenl body, "saidHarget. through increased competition tiontoaiackofinvolvemenl'1lJe The newly elected secretary, theSGA can rise to the top," said SGAwill ootbetrulyrepresentative Scott Schoberg, bas never been in- Weber. of every student because of a lack of volved with the SGA, but has al- It is the hope of those new of- invol.vctrent," said Wess. Accord- ways been interested in il "Ithink I fieers and those who are moving ing to Wei;S the election was weD have something 10offer the SGA, I on that !be SGA will no longer be publicized yet students just did not willwaictogetthereputationofthe viewed insufficient, feel motivated enough to vOle. SGA back 10 what it should be and unrepresentative and in the opin- Acocroing toananonymousstu· 10get things dare." ion of some nonexistent. "SGA? dent, "!here were no students on the The newly elected junior cla
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