Page 132 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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Editorials" April 22, 1993 Page 4 Why Does JoiningHonor Sodeties Have ToON: Money? Bv REBECCA KANE you will be a member!" ceptionally well ... MONEY! tty is honor societies do exist, nomic status or possess any job F,Lii,,,·Chi./ Honor societies award stu- To give only a few ex- and being a member of one en- or position you want in life." Many hardworking students dents for doing exceptionally amples: Beta Beta Beta (Biol- ables a person to get a better job. However, the difference in this have opened their mailbox to well. Being in one (or some) ogy) costs $20.00 Lambda Iota Unfortunately, joining honor contradiction is, that it can be find a message similar to: can add just the needed spark to Tau (Literature) costs $22.00 + societies costs money and un- simply and easily changed. And "Congratulations for your out- a graduate's resume to give more if you want a special justly leaves out a deserving it needs to be! standing performance in _! him/her that extra edge it takes badge or pin. Pi Ganuna Mu portion of the population. What arc some options honor You have eamed the right to be to get a job. Unfortunately, (Social Sciences) costs $30.00. When honor societies dis- See Honors Costs Page 5 a part of our honor SOCiety! All members of boner societies Phi Beta Kappa (Liberal Arts) criminate against students with- you have to do is fill out the en- need one more credential in ad- costs $30.00. Omicron Delta out the extra $$$, this gives The Phoenix closed fonn and send us $$$ and dition to having performed ex- Kappa (Leadership) is $40.00. these graduates unequal oppor- As one can see, even for stu- {unities when canvassing for a Staff Box HALLWAY dents who receive the minimum job in the "real world." They EDITOR-IN-OUEF with campus em- also get deprived of deserved wage ($4.25) Rebecca Kane '94 ployment or work study jobs, recognition for exceptional this is quite a bu or money. work. Why do honor societies BUSINESS MANAGER Stand Up And.B~.Cougted While reading this article, allow money to be any part of Michael Becketts '95 some people may find them- the gauge in measuring who ADVERTISING STAFF selves unable to get past the gets to receive its "honors?" Alicia Moore '93 questions: What is the point of Some may find the infor- Chris Marshall '93 honor societies anyway? Why marion in this article less than Tonya Thompson do they exist? What do they do shocking. Isn't it just another LAYOUT EDITOR other than look good on a re- example of a contradiction to Deana Villani '96 sume? These are interesting the American myth of a flexible NEWS EDITOR and valid questions, but ques- class system: "If you work hard S.A. Sommer '95 tions for another day. The real- enough, you can rise to any eco- EDITORIAL EDITOR How To Properly FEATURES Kane '94 Rebecca EDITOR Harass Someone A& E EDITOR Ranee Deyo '94 Kristin Vick '95 By GRETA POWELL Campus Safety Office. SIlJf/Wri .. , 3. The FCC (Federal Com- SPORTS EDITORS David Miller '93 It has recently come to my at- munications Commission) pro- Kendra Weible '93 tention that various students have hibits the use of profanity over been harassed for expressing public communication lines. If PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Jeff Sharp '94 their views in The Phoenix. harassers are going to break the Based on the behaviors observed, law, they should at leas! be more COpy EDITOR '95 it bas become obvious that those creative in their use of profan- S. A. Sommer woo harass the writers do not ity. One harasser said, "You f- COpy EDITING STAFF Lisa Benecke '96 know proper harassment proce- k-g s-e-t b-d". This is so Elaine Bucher '93, dures. The following are some commonplace. Use your imagi- pointers for getting started down nation! Sandy Ellman '96 '93 that path of exemplary barass- 4. If harassers find them- Beth Webster ment. selves unable to understand FACULTY ADVISOR I. When a harasser is leaving these rules, they should refer to Terry Dalton a verbally tormenting phone mail the Remedial Harassment message, they should not call Guide for the Terminally Stu- The Phoenix is published bi- from the phone in their room, be- pid. weekly. The opinions ex- cause this leaves the extension 5. If harassers have already pressed do not necessarily re- number. Then the harassed per- mastered these rules, they can flect those of The Phoenix son can easily find out who the improve their harassment skills staff members, the faculty, or harasser is. by reading the Advanced Ha- the administration at Western 2. Since harassers should not rassment Guide for the Destined Maryland College. call from their own phone, they to be Dumb. The Phoenix welcomes free- should try a ball phone, the phone 6. If a person really wants to lance submissions on Macin- by the Decker Center Informa- successfully harass a Phoenix tosh disk in most word pro- tion Desk, or the phone in the u- Staff Writer, try writing a "letter cessor formats. The editor rc- braryCommons. And if they are to the editor." Aftcrall, why not serves ihe right to edit for really daring, they should try us- try putting this +/- $72,000 lib- clarity, length and libel and ing the phone just outside the eral arts education to good use? publish as space permits. Let- ters to the Editor that arc one page, typed, double-spaced, and signed are guaranteed publication in the next issue. All submissions (excluding self-addressed diskettes) be- come the property of The Phoenix and cannot be re- turned. Please include a name and phone number for verifica- tion. Names will be withheld only by discretion of the Edi- tor-in-Chief. Mail to Address: The Phoenix 2 College Hill Western Maryland College Westminster. MD 21157
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