Page 126 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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Am·&aJ/W,;,u Western Maryland's Gallery One is hosting the Art Honors Alumni Invitational, which is a multi-media show including jewelry, commercial photography, oil paint- ings, and wearable art. The display of the works was unveiled on March 30. There was an opening reception from 7-9 that evening, giving the public the opportunity to meet with the artists. Each year the art teachers of Carroll County nominate from each school area a gif~ former student who has gone onto a career or avocation in art. This year's nonunees are Beverly Wilson Davis, Charles Beck, David Blackstone Corbin, Lynn Fleming Beard, and Vincent Amerioo Centofanti. II of the previous 54 honorees joined them as well. One of these artists was Linda Van Hart, a jeweler and art teacher, who was also the coordinator for the show. The exhibit features many art styles and interpretations, from folk to computer art. On the more unusual side, an airbrush artist made an appearance, whose work has been featured on everything from canvas to carnival rides. There are also more tra- ditional works in watercolor and pastel. Accompanying this two and three dimen- sional show will be a musical cottage of sounds. This art will be on display through Friday, April 16. The last show for the 1992- 1993 season is theK.H. Wentz Show forWMC Art Majors (Apr. 27-May 14). The new season will begin next September. Person to Person: Spring Time Greetings Tonya,Mary,andRo any seen guys Elise- Where were you Sunday utght? Inquir- times together. rabbits lately? Thanks tor all the fun times. Remember auto- ing minds want to know. "I 0 no number" Tonyaand Mary mated water, To: 1) Slut, Z) Hoe, 3)pathftnder, 4)Blue Bryan Adams, DeC Leppard, road trips, and 1) Slut, Is your tathera baker? How about them To the OfIIce Manager ot Campus Safety, Bob, Reunions. buns? 2) Just ooe guy at a dme! 3) Share the Have a wonderful Easter. Have you seen EMs? Hehasmyshakemaclline. Happy Easter Love, Karen. man! 4) Blue- the sanest or us 1lI1. BUI Tham:. Happy Easter -Bo' M"'l', Love, Miss Innocenf. TonyalMary, Thanks for all the long talks and fun times. &f~l:te~a:~:y=~~:;;:::~~~ Jodi, Happy Easter Mary & Tooya, Happy Easter, I Love You. Love, Karen :;:yaJu":=' HopefuDy the Easter ad Is Good tor I Free drink ot your choice at J.m., Tanya, Mary, and Ro ReunlollSooEaster. Is the Pl"rt Road When edIbie jelly beans & clJoe:oIate bunnies ootslde Bob, .~ Trip? r_:~d;::kI. PriDu Just thought I'd say Hello. Karen GeorgeV. -Bo' E""";;:'::l'::';;'" I~ve m eb~thl~ ChrlsM.- Karen, To a beaudlul singer and a great Friend. Thankstorshowingmewhatcollegelsallabout! Myloveforyooshlnesbrlghterthenthebrlght- Happy Easter. I'm so exdted now! , est star and . Love, Karen Love, YonrHlghSclJoolHook-np runs deeper then the deepest sea. I Love You. aretheHghtotmyllte. I Love You Tonya, Naida, Easter Howie Thanks for keeping me sane. 1'1I.russ yon a lot Thankstorbeing a real friend. Great article in ~ ot Love, Jackfe Karen, ned year. Don'ttocgetaboutourel1llse. I the Ne"s"eek. Happy Easter, I love you Happy Easter. Keep It up! Happy zester. E1aine- Howle Love, Karen Love you 10Cs, Argi Itlhadastartor everyUme you made me smile- P.S. Always remember to share. I'd hold the unhersein my ha.nds. Howie, Jl'ffry, ILove You. Tonya, My teddy bear, You make me happier ten you -Demetri Happy Easter. Some bunny cares about yon. know and give ;;'JYi~1Ii~to~~~I:~~!~veyOU! new meaning to the word Love. Happy Easter to Student Affairs and Howle I love you. Happy Easter! espedalIy Campus Safety. ·MNW Karen Genalre, To My "Little Slsten" cr Alpha Nu Omega You're the bestl Yon uazy"rollSumer". Keepnp theattltudel BlUe, Love ya, Mike M. Tonya, Loveyalots. We will make up tor Reunions. No,rny ratherdldn'tteachrnetoshare. He didn't The Greek ~:t::?;l~~ve~:w~~';!~rtbdaY. Hugs to all the lovely ladles ot Phi Alpha Mu have to, Igetandkeep~ l'manoDlyc:hild. X""on, Tonya From your "Big Brother" Mike M, ~tomySi!lr. YoudldagreatJobkleklngtlJlsguy'sbutU For all my ''Sweethearts'' of Phi Mu Karen Keep It up. Happy Easter. M,K,R, and B I love yoo aU. Mike M. Love, Roula Wauna buy a duck? Mary, T You deserve more then this scab ''message''. MaricoTsan, MMy, Jadde. me the most predous thing In Ufe - UkeME!!!! ~~~~ve I wish you the best Easter and with a sweet YourfriendBria.n bunny. Your the best. Thanks for being there and Happy Easter to me Lolsoflon, Roula Ustening my mouth. I hope you have a wonderful Love, Torn Heather, "run" HeyglrICriend! Yooknowwha1?Me1lovesyou- """', Wishing my family, my wife Suzanne and son Roses are red, Tonya he Is crazy P.s. Have you heard trom "Dan Mellon''? Andrew, the Violets are blue, about you! HappyEasterandmore"gorgeous" happiest of Easters. Holidays come and go but Daddy and I LOVE you! willhesroryonl Kan, their memories Love, Daddy and Karen Loveya, You KoowWho last a live time. I hope your feeUng better! Hey Disco Dan, I am! Happy Easterto guys) MV, TI, KD, BT, (Try tosfay I know Tonya Happy £arter. Love,Oad and Geort:e I think It Is time ror a new snit. or just another .. my big bro, JO & KO my mends at the Thankyouforavery''memorable''springbreak!! Have a wonderful M_ To: Mel S .• Lynn, Heather, Jen H. , Kelly B. , Love, pair of pants. out olTrooble Ruth. TJ, Daryl, SM dme. ora It was a "bUzzard" =::~a:y~e;'g~'~z. Easter. JWlCO H. , Martha, 10m Tonya Ihopethatyou CarrleM.,andHope. Stacy S .• Sherri, haveanice s., To my Secret pal: Rochere. to go to ''Tully,'' sometbne soon to get Tanya, Muy, and Ro weekend. Espedally You Kelly! We have This Is a secret message. Wauna buy a duck? MlkeB. You are the bestl win ... Karen Love, You know who =r~o go dancing at TNT? Have a Good Blue Hey Kelly are you stili wearing the blue ones? To Meg & ChrisU the best Decker Bnds ever! Love, Tonya --MlkeB. WhenarewegolngtoDnishoortapes? Let's have aDlsPl"Y Fest. To Marla Duva, Love,Kareu Dear Students, I ta~!::'e= Happy Easterl I hope we can go oot !!OIIletime. -~ can't have Howle? Didn't yoor Youarebeautltnl. you how to share with your triends! Happy K.m The Advertising starr would like to apologize for Erck1e Why Don't we get drunk and ' the use of the word "Easter" a.nd not Including Easter You know the rest to oor theme song. other hoUdays, such as Passover, in ourSpring Love, Tonya Wlshingal1 otCampus Safety asafe and Happy K~" Greetings. Easter. Tom and Jackie. Thanks for a wonderful year. Hope we spend maoymorememorable Wishing you both a wonderful Easter. Have you
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