Page 123 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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.- Junior Dave Radosevich's Accomplishments are Noticed, Rewarded by Many RANEE DEYO AND REBECCA WMC Circle K was awarded participating. ing his doctorate in industrial unwind," he said, adding with a KANE with the Best Continuing Ser- "More emphasis on the pro- psychology when he leaves grin, "and think about the fu- F""",.,&/l', .. _&m",_in,CIti'j ture." It's no wonder he's so He is a junior psychology vice Project for the Capital Dis- gram because of the funding" WMC. focused on the tuture-c'During field, colleges "It's an up-and-coming major who did not waste any trict out of 36 other Convention increased the number of and there are a lot of ways work Cross Country season, I ran 40- mentees to 25 this year, from 12 during a District time from the moment he ar- held March 19-20 in last year, according to relations between employees 45 miles a week," he said. rived on Western Maryland williamsburg, V A. Radosevich. Each mentor was and employers could be im- Not often enough, College campus in 1990. From zero members in 1990 trained for 10 hours by proved," says Radosevich. "I'm Radosevich visits his favorite You may have spotted him to this semester's 30 members, "Maryland's Tomorrow interested in how people per- spot on campus, the golf course . sprinting across campus in his he claimed that the club bas be- Mentortng Program" at the be- form and what can improve pro- at midnight. There he enjoys running gear. come "one of the biggest and ginning of the year to act as big ductivity while addressing the being "all alone listening to the Or, maybe you've met him needs of workers," he said. wind blow through the trees and most active clubs on campus." brothers and big sisters to high on the fourth floor of Blanche Not only does Radosevich looking at the stars," he explains What was nonexistent at school kids on the verge of Ward Hall where he resides. in a dreamy voice. Radosevich's arrival at WMC, dropping out of school. want to focus on life after But, if you haven't played an a conven- It is true Radosevich bas ac- was a group attending "I think that if we really help WMC, but continue to diversify intramural sport with him, tion filled with many awards, a those students in need, we get at his involvement on campus. "I complished a lot at WMC, but chances are you know him for talent show, and a dance. the root of a lot of our nation's try to balance everything; ath- doesn't he ever get homesick? where be's known best-his in- That accomplishment didn't soclalproblems, like unemplcy- letics and studies," he said. Out of his six siblings, he admit- volvement with Circle K. go unnoticed at the convention, ment and illiteracy," explained His abilities certainly don't ted, ·'1 miss my little baby The brown-haired, hazel- either. Radosevich was named Radosevich. stop at Circle K. Giving some- brother [Joshua] most, " admits eyed junior, Dave Radosevich Distinguished President of In addition to the mentoring one else a chance to take over Radosevich. "He just started has become quite well known Capital District Circle K during program's bowling nights and his position will allow him. to kindergarten this year and I during his three years here. the President's Banquet tbat planned trip in May to visit mu- expand other areas of interest. !dnda miss playing with him," When he arrived, "there was no Saturday. "I was honored and seums, he has helped incorpo- Since 1991, Radosevich has he said. Circle K." That was soon to surprised because I didn't ex- rate programs such as March of been a Resident Assistant on the But, knowing that graduate change, though, during his pect to win it," be said. How- Dimes and Adopt-a-Highway Bacbelor Floor. Although he's school will be huge. be is happy freshman year when ever, he attributes the awards to into Circle K. "happier being independent," be that he came to WMC-a Radosevich founded a chapter the mentoring program with After all of his hard work, small, private college "far, far at Western Maryland. westminster High School that why he is stepping down from often "bangs out" With. th~UYS u- away from home." 5 in on the floor playing Venturing exactly 901 miles began last year. The second his position as president of ral sports. "My favonte is as- The long drive seems to have from his home town in Green Griswold-Zepp Award in Circle K next year? ketball," be said. Not only oes been worth it. Radosevich has Bay, WI, be brought his high Voluntarism provided funding Although he plans on re- it give bim a chance to soci ise, grown a lot during his years school experience with the Key of$1,250 toward the Mentoring maining a student advisor and but to "take out my frustrations here. Not only is he more deci- club. This group stems from the Program. Since then, Circle K member at the club. he said he and unwind" sive and self-reliant, but be has same international organization, has logged close to 1,000 ser- wants to "spend time looking at Running varsity track and also become "more open- Kiwanis. vice hours on this project alone, grad schools." With a psychol- cross country also allows him minded and understanding of Now, three years later, with 83% of the club members ogy major. he plans on obtain- time to day dream. "I just try to others," he reflects. Kathleen Ionello Discusses Men and Feminism By JENNY SMiTII archy, empowerment, power, or circular discussion in the Ionello, received a decidedly discussion, Kathleen presented C.."n·b",j~,W';"r femininity, and masculinity. WMC Pub and Grill on the mixed bunch of answers form a definition of feminism accord- During Women's History What does it mean to be a meaning of feminism. She do- the group discussing feminism. ing to another well-known Month, many of us have been woman? What does it mean to nated her book, Decisions With- Ionello explained that this re- buzz-word: patriarchy. exposed to concepts and words be a man? Do these terms lend out Hierarchy: Feminist/mer- sponse is typical when discuss- Patriarchy, according to that are very new or very vague themselves to definition? veruions in Organitation ing any questions on feminism, lonello, is "male rule by birth to us. Kathleen lonello visited Tneory ond Procuce. to Hoover a highly personalized topic. rite." In otber words, whatever We question the meaning be- Western Maryland College Library. Feminism evokes pride in some sex you are when you are born hind the concepts of feminism, from Gettysburg College in "What is feminism?", the people. doubt in otters, and an- determines the amount of power patriarchy, structuralism, bier- February to hold a consensual, first question posed by Kathleen ger in most. To move on in the See lonello Page 8 Formal From Page 6 "Emily Snyder should be commended, she did an excellent job with the formal," said senior Paul Palowski. "We should have had one four years ago." Both Thompson and sophomore Mary Vellutato agree that the formal is "definitely a must for next year." Alexander also "liked the quality of the formal," "The caliber of the crowd was different," he said, commenting it was "as good as the Greeks', that the food was good, and that people didn't get smashed." While Alexander thought the formal had its good points, he also noted some changes that he thinks should be made. "Dinner was a little too late. I think we should have hors d' oeuvres instead. Also, I think the OJ should have shown more videos," he said. Overall, the general consensus is that it was a fun time. "People who didn't go and beard how much fun it was told me that they wish they had gone," said Snyder.
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