Page 130 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 130
Women To Discuss Unwanted Sexual Owner Advances Convicted By REBECCA KANE Edj,,,..-i._Chi.j program will be planned that By THOMAS ROBERTS AND will involve them. ANNELlSE SULLIVAN "You are not alone: A Dis- Sl4fWriJ.m cussion on Unwanted Sexual Holland got involved with Advancement" will take place the program, because she be- Snowhite Davis, has been recently on Monday, April 26 at 7:00 lieves "there are many women convicted on three counts: p0sses- p.m. in McDaniel Lounge. out there concerned about issues ad- sion of marijuana, possession of unwanted sexual involving H will be an informal meet- drug paraphemalia and maintaining ing where women will be able to vancement." Shaver, a senior biol- a common nuisance, according to Martha vent their fears and angers about Tte Sun. Sheisexpectedtoappeal incidents happening on campus ogy major, said she would be these convicuons in what has been as well as share personal expe- interested in going to the pro- dubbed 'The UPS Case." riences involving violations of gram. "Communication is the On May 7th 1992, posing as a strongest trust and intimidation in dating. way of breaking UnitedPan;e1 Service deliveryman, oence. "Women often find them- tbrough tbe problems," she said. a Carroll County Narcotics Task Davis filed a lawsuit demanding Although freshman Julie the return of her compeer equip- selves without a forum to ad- Force Agcnt brought what was Classifieds: dress concerns such as these," Mullin, an undecided major, has identified in California by Orange ment that had been kept by police explained Charlene Kinsey, an never had to deal with these County Police Deputy, Teny N. focmorethanamonth. Classifieds are only 7 cents a kinds of experiences personally, word with pre-payment. Call RLC who will act as a facilita- TOOd asan ounceanda half of mari- Once the cases went to court, she wants to come, because she ext. 8600 for more information. lor during the discussion. juana to Davis' fann in Davis' daughter's charge was dis- understands that risks con- Kinsey became interested in the Westminster. missed by District Judge Donald F. program when several students stantly surround women. "1 Deputy Toctreceved the pack- Smith who deemed the original *EXTRA INCOME "93"* expressed interest in such an know these kinds of problems age, which was a:Idressed to Davis' search warrant as "rod," according Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing open discussion. happen alilhe time," she said. farm, Terrapin Staton, from a UPS to the Carroll County Sun. 1993 UWTI travel brochures. For Mary Why will the discussion be Junior english major security officer in Orange County David Kif Davis pleaded guilty more information send self women only? "Because of the Kietzman believes the program after it was noted as suspiciousbya to one count of marijuana posses- adrcssed stamped envelope to: Travel INC., P.O. Box 2530, complexity of the issues raised, could help stop women from UPS employee. according to court sion 00 January 7, 1993, according MiamiFI33l6l being we felt it would be more com- blaming themselves for for vic- documents. The package was then to Carroll County Times. He paid a "It is wrong attacked. fortable this way," said senior tuns to feel guilty," she stated. sent to Carroll County Narcotics, $1,(0) penalty in exdlange for the ADOPTION theatre arts major Kristine Hol- Ground rules at the discus- whicb is the closest task force to state dropping three related drug Loving childless couple wishes to land who is helping in the cre- Terrapn Stacon. charges. Circuit Judge Luke K. dopr infant. Will pay medical and keeping ation of this program. sion will include confidential, any- be- Tte CCN1F g
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