Page 122 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 122
By KAREN DOWNS SII1jfWri .. , Eighty-six students had a bail kicking up their heels and letting loose thanks to Emily Snyder, CAPBoard's Mainstage chairman. The Spring Ball was held at Martins in Westminster on March 26. "It was the first all-campus for- mal to be held in five years," related Director of College Activities Mitchell Alexander. "Everyone who went really enjoyed themselves and were in a party mood," said Snyder. Junior Tanya Thompson agreed: "I thought it was great and I had a fun time dancing, but I think the price is a little high," replied Thompson. The cost oftbe formal was $35 per couple or $20 per person. Students were served dinner, danced to the entertainment of a video DJ, and received keychains as a memento of the evening. There was also a photographer moving around taking pictures of students. Snyder, a sophomore, started planning this event in the fall. "Martins was the chosen location be- cause they offered the best variety of food, best atmosphere, and the people were very helpful," she said. Snyder added that she hoped to make this an annual event. "We wanted to provide a fonnal for everyone, not just the Greeks having their formals. This way, freshman and independents can have their own dance and have fun," she said. See Formal Page 7 LIBRARY EXPRESSES GRATITUDE FOR SENIOR CLASS GIFI' Dear Editor: Michael Razze's explanation PsychLit, ERIC, and the Wilson Iam writing on behalf of the and progress report on the fund- indexes on CD ROM run from a entire library staff and, too, fu- raising effort in the March 22 minimum of about $600.00 to ture generations of WMC stu- edition of The Phoenix was lu- over$I.200.00peryear. Unlike dents, to publicly acknowledge cid, persuasive, and very en- construction costs, though, Views our collective gratitude for the couraging. these costs never stop. A con- 1993 Senior Class Gift. The importance of endow- struction project has a begin- From PageS ment support for library collec- ning andan end, to the work and tions cannot be overstated. to the bills. Collection building, sexual objectification of women, it" if they just try hard enough. I "Homophobia - the oppression Book and periodical subscrip- on the other hand, is a continu- etc.' ... yo, buddy, Idon't know if have pictured myself as awoman and fear of Lesbians, Gays, and tion costs continue to increase at ous process, it has no end and you know, but Playboy's one of walking late at night across this Bisexuals". This seems to fit. rates that are a multiple of the the bills won't stop coming. the top Fonune 500 companies. campus, and that picture scares Violence is certainly not the best inflation rate in the economy at of 1993. you, Class Thank Maybe you should do some re- me. In case you missed it, in the way to deal with difference of large. The average cost of a Your class gift is one that by its search on thal 'Confront sexist, same issue that my letter ap- opinion, but it seems to be the hard bound book bought by an nature will remain new and vi- heterosexist comments' peared, there was a front page most immature-not what one academic library in 1992 was tal for years to come. It is in the well, considering that99% of the story on the number of date rapes would expect on a "civilized" almost $45.00, according to in- spirit of the very best traditions population is heterosexual, (3) that have occurred on WMC college campus ... or sbould we dustry statistics, and the average of Western Maryland College you're probably telling us, we're in the last to months. That to me expect it? periodical renewal cost of a and you are to be congratulated wrong. 'Find 01.11 about campus is a problem. 5. "It'sjustanothermantryingto journal on the WMC subscrip- for your foresight as well as groups' ... why would I want to I'm not sure where this man got take over the women's move- tion list was approximately your generosity. do that? First, homosexuals are his statistics, but i fail to see the ment" - paraphrased from a $115.00. Subscriptions to elec- Harold D. Neikirk not natural. They're not pro-cre- point If Playboy is a top Fortune WMCwoman tronic resources such as Library Director ation and therefore I don't be- 500 company, does that mean I want to thank everybody for lieve they're natural. So, why that the sexual objectification of stepping up and sbanng. I want should I support something that's women (or men for that matter) is to make three things very clear: Join The totally un-natural? How would right? Society bas certainly dete- L I am a heterosexual man, in- GynJEcology by Mary Daly help riorated a fair amount if morality sofar as i have the required geni- me understand women any bet- and money are one and the same. talia and I've never dated a man. Phoenix! ter? I meant they're pretty hard To be clear, i don't have a prob- 2. My intent in writing the previ- to understand and i'm sure vice- lem with appreciating the beauty ous letter and sharing these versa. 'Reflect on my pain' ... r of the human body. I have a thoughts is not to take over the have no pain with women. I have problem with portrayals of it that women's movement or in any absolutely no pain .... I love make it seem like rape is what way make myself a martyr. My Writing, Layout, Advertising, women; I think they're great." - women want. intent is simply to get some stuff WMCman By encouraging each of us to re- into the public sphere for dia- Business, Photography, Editing Wheni say"ListentoWomen", i fleet on our interactions with logue and to confront views I dis- do not simply mean hearing women and each other, I am try- agree with. I would encourage words. 1 mean actually actively ing to point out that there are any person, like those above, to communicating with and trying many ways in which i and other submit a letter or organize a fo- to understand another person. It men can become easily depen- rum on the issue. 3. 1also am not Many Possibilities Are Open often seems to me that the views dent and obsessive or, on the trying to become the veritable of the oppressed are discounted other extreme, totaUy callous to- bastion of anti-sexism. I simply To You! as people whining. The reality is wards the women in OUF lives. If want to help spur discussion on that oppressed peoples are we agree that relationships an issue that to me seems both screaming for mere recognition. should be give and take, then pertinent and important. Take A Special Studies And If you've got a broken leg, you mutuality, care, and attention be- I'm really glad that there has Get Credit While You Work! don't keep walking-you can't. tween individuals seems to be in- been such an outpouring of sup- In a society that through eco- c1udedin that. port for my letter. I've had many nomic and social institutions 4. "I think you're a f-n' more positive comments from Meetings Are Every Monday At 6pm In Daniel consistenUy breaks the legs of queer! I'm gonna' f---il' kick people that didn't leave a phone McLea certain groups, it is naive ro be- your a-, a-holel" - WMC man message. Let us, as a community lieve that everybody can "make Let me give a definition: of learners, try to struggle with
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