Page 121 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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was attending college in the nists ..." article in the March Dear Editor: I've really enjoyed the early 1970s when the 22nd issue: I agree with the last few issues of the news- women's movement was just views of Jen Scott. Ithink that if paper. There bave been beginning. I have learned to women are included in a course many interesting articles, be conscious of my attitude simply because they are women, as well as some thoughtful towards women and their this may actually lessen the letters to the editor. It cer- concerns. Some of the best value of the contributions that tainly appears that you are advice I have received has other. more well-known women gaining readers. Congratu- come from women. I heart- are remembered for. lations to tbe entire staff ily endorse the comments - "Making Women's History" for their efforts. that Jered made. My advice in tbe same issue also raises I would like to add my to all males is to respect similar concerns. I took the two cents worth to the is- women by listening to what "Women in American History" sues you have been cover- they say. We are all human course last spring, and I was dis- ing: beings, and we all need each appointed with it. It seemed =-To the anonymous letter other - MALE AND FE- more like a literature course writer who complained MALE - to make the best of than a history course. I also about a male instructor-s our stay on planet Earth. thought that by focusing only on use of "he/him" without in- -I want to personally apolo- the women, we did not get a cluding "she/her": It is up gize to Greta Powell for the view of how their contributions to you to point this out to rude, sexist comments made by fit into the whole picture of the the professor so he can cor- several male students during a time period. Many people in my movie. Spanish class also felt this way. Maybe Iwant to let her rect his comment. By not and all women on campus the course should be counted as speaking up when this hap- pens, you are just allowing know that I am embarrassed to an English course the next time be a male when I bear about an it is offered the stereotyping to con- incident like this. Most men I In conclusion, I'd just like to tinue. This is not what you know are better behaved and say keep up the good work! I'm want, is it? more considerate that the few looking forward to reading the -In reply to Jered Ebenreck's letter in the at the movie. I hope you can next issue of The Phoenix .. Sincerely, forgive March 9th issue: As a male ofa few. all of us for the actions Mike Marceau non-traditional student, I -Regarding the "Damn Femi- English '92 Cure Views Shared On Men And Sexism From Page 4 Sweethearts Do Exist Dear Editor: man Unfortunately, they "aren't The last letter (Attn: WMC 2. "I really don't think you have doing a damn thing collec- Dear Editor: semester, I was a full-time stu- Men) which i wrote seems to any point in your article. Idon't tively" (thanks Chuck D). Ei- Iam responding to the article dent, worked to earn money , have hit upon some people's understand what the b- you're ther their hands are tied or they which appeared in The Phoenix was vice president of a student nerves and hopes. As i re- talkin' about, about 'Listen to don't care. titled, "What Ever Happened To organization, and I was in love. I quested, people shared some of Women'. Who doesn't listen to Since the system won't College Sweethearts?". It is feel that my relationship helped their views about what men women? Whatdifferencedoesit help to heal this scbool, tbat wrong to say that college sweet- me to get better grades. It caused could do about sexism. Thank make if you have pin-ups in your leaves the responsibility to the hearts at WMC are rare or non- me to set aside specific times to you for sharing. I thought that f-n' room? Find out about students. Anyone who cares at existent. Most of my friends study and Ibecame a more disci- i'dsimply transcribe some of the things you don't really care all about making tbis college a are in love and involved with plined student. Your partner can pbonemail responses and enter about; if you're not interested in healthier place should confront someone on campus. Just be- be there for you to help you them into the public record for them, why should you find out the ignorant bigots that perpe- cause they are not visible does study and be moral support by dialogue. Unfortunately, i will about it-it's you're own per- trate these acts of hatred every- not mean that they do not exist. encouraging you to get good not comment on every point. sonal opinion. People are pretty day. The diseases of this com- Many people like to keep their grades. Iended up getting some Positive responses: damn educated, anyone reads munity can no longer remain private lives private. A's last semester and for me that 1. The article "was very insight- any damn article; it doesn't mat- hidden deep inside, they need This article also included a was amazing. ful, empowering, and humane" - ter if it's by a woman or not-a- to be brought out into the sun- statement that it is hard for sui- I do have one bit of advice WMCwoman woman. It's arequirement of the light and dealt with. dents to juggle academics, ex- though. Don't break-up during It's nice to just get an over- world. Youdon'treadthingsjust Western Maryland seems to tra-curricular activities, and a final exams like I did. It's hard whelmingly positive message. because a man wrote it, thank be stuck in the past somewhere serious relationship. In my to read the questions when you In the future, I ask that those per- you. Your article's sh-, it has around the 1940's. It is time to opinion, falling in love can have have tears in your eyes. sons who really positively ap- nothing to do with anything" - WAKE UP and realize that a a positive effect on your school- Cami Cecil '93 preciate something be positively WMCman half century has passed this work and Irecommend it. Last Physical Education critical and point out exactly Besides the profanity, he raises college by. Whether this what was helpful,etc. To some good points. Is an this talk awakening that needs tooccur, Not Just Griping! change, we must be willing to about sexism attempting to force will be violent or peaceful critique ourselves. stuff into men's faces? Maybe. doesn't matter; it is time to 2. "It is only simple justice that If you don't care about it, then face reality. Dear Editor: 00 SOMETHING ABOUT IT! women demand. lbe only per- why respond? Ijust reconunend How do we do this? There Iwould like to thank Kristine After articulating my con- son who knows sexism is the re- that you check who wrote what needs to be a massive effort by Holland for letting me vent in cerns and frustrations to cipient" - WMC woman. you're reading and consider what the students who care about her recent article ("Damn Femi- Kristine, I saw the need to actu- I think this is a very clear and biases they may bavc.I'dbe will- this community to make it a nists are at it again" - although I ally do something about them. I needed point. Simple justice. ing to bet that for the most part, healthy environment. One don't think my red hair was fly- spoke with trusted professors. That is the all that is asked. I, as what is read in classes is written method might be further edu- ing and I don't remember any From there I made a few ap- a man, cannot know sexism di- by men. This is not to say that cation to broaden other stu- fist pounding, but then I don't pointments with other profes- rected at me. Only a woman can that view is invalid, but it is cer- dents' view of the world. An- usually watch myself speak). sors and administration. My know that. Ican only offer some tainly unbalanced. I'd also be other way may be to fire ad- Venting anger and frustration is. hope is to open up dialogue with insights that i think may help. curious to know where this "re- ministrators who are unwilling healthy. But after the venting is "the powers that be" regarding 3. The article "was really good. quirement of the world" came to help and hire people who over, what does one do? Lip my concerns. In my case, the You're doing a really good job from? are. Vitally important to service and complaints aren't first step is inclusive language for the women's movement" - 3. "Yo, buddy ... Maybe you changing this college is con- going to change a thing. in our texts, classrooms and pa- WMCman should go back and re-educate fronting hatred and intolerance There are many persons on pers. It's good to have another man yourself. Are you sure you're a within ourselves on an indi- campus who feel strongly about Things mayor may not stand up for dealing with sex- man? I gotta' kind of question vidual basis. Regardless of certain issues. Ibear complaints change. But Iam no longer just ism. Iencourage other men who that. Your flfSt point, 'Listen to how, the diseasesofWMC are all tbe time. Fine, complain griping. We can all do little feel similar to write in and con- Women', ... I listen to women all insidious and pernicious and first, this helps focus the frustra- things to bring about awareness tinue the dialogue on sexism. the time. I mean what makes they must be eradicated by any tion. Complaining puts the is- and changes. The best part is. I Negative responses: them so special they know more means necessary. sue at hand into words, sort of discovered that it does not take 1. "We think your article was than the males, you see what i'm If this article makes people defining what is bothering you. all that much time to do it! trash and that you should ques- saying? 'Refuse to fund the uncomfortable or angry, there Once the issue at hand is "de- Linda Sue Harrison '93 tion your manhood" - WMC See Views Page 6 is a good reason for it. fined" Religious Studies
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