Page 120 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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This Community Needs A Cure bow much anyone may dislike dition of this college. He said, By Eo NAVARRE C_hNIl.,Wri .. r that opinion, as well as the right "This community is sick!" This During this school year.sev- to express that opinion publicly. college is ill with the diseases of era! acts of intolerance and ha- However, no one has the right to hatred and intolerance. threaten another person because How do we begin to heal this pus. People have been ac- they disagree with that person's illness? The most obvious place costed, if nor assaulted, because opinion. to start is the administration. some other student feels obli- The bigotry and small See Cure Page 5 gated to express their sexism, mindedness of many students The Phoenix racism, homophobia, or igno- on this campus is disgusting. ranee. Earlier this year, a professor Everyone has the right to (who I will not name) made the Staff Box berlhis own opinion no matter defmitive statement of the con- EDlTOR-iN-OlIEF Better Call AAA Rebecca Kane '94 MANAGER By KIM OSTROW lights they might have were pri- BUSINESS Beckens '95 Michael vately purchased by the officers S"IfWri .. r On Thursday, March 25 at and were not loaned out because ADVERTISING STAFF Alicia Moore about 8:00 p.m., two deaf stu- tbey sometimes weren't re- Chris Marshall '93 '93 dents had a flat tire outside turned. 'Ionva Thompson Winslow, on the WMC Cam- One answer to this problem pus. They already had a spare could be taking a student ID as LAYOUT EDITOR tire and jack and the only thing collateral for borrowed equip- Deana Villani '96 they needed was a flashlight to ment and putting it on the NEWS EDITOR see wbat they were doing be- student's account if not re- S.A. Sommer '95 cause the parking lot they were turned. When Director of Cam- EDITORIAL EDITOR in was dark. pus Safety Mike Webster was Rebecca Kane '94 Campus Safety was called asked about this matter, he said FEATURES EDITOR for assistance, whicb was only "We will do anything to belp a Ranee Deyo '94 to lend them a flashlight They student with a flat tire, short of A& E EDITOR were told tbat it was not the job actually changing the tire. " Kristin Vick '95 of Campus Safety to assist stu- In this situation, however, dents in a matter like this but if the students were not helped. SPORTS EDITORS the student's hadAAA, Campus The reason given for refusal David Miller '93 Safety would call for them. was "It is not our responsibil- Kendra Weible '93 Halt-an-hour later, Campus ity." It is upsetting with the tu- PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR Safety was asked about this ition students pay that they can Jeff Sharp '94 treatment. The bead officer that be refused any assistance when COpy EDITOR night said Campus Safety didn't this type of problem happens to S. A. Sommer '95 have flashlights. Any flash- them on campus. COpy Lisa Benecke STAFF EDITING '96 Library Provides Access To Playboy Elaine Bucher '93, Sandy Ellman '96 because there used to be a de- is allocated $100,000 for sub- tial publication, why does the Beth Webster '93 By GRETA POWELL SroffWri.. r mand for the articles' within cer- scriptions to journals, newspa- Library not subscribe to a coon- FACULTY ADVISOR Since the Hoover Library lain departments on campus. pes, and other assorted publica- terpart, such as Playgirl? Ac- Terry Dalton Staff first decided to subscribe Playboy was once "a forum for nons. Currently, Playboy costs cording to Mr. Bachman, to Playboy in the 1950's, WMC landmark interviews and a con- $70.30 a year. Typically, scien- Playgirl is no longer published. Tile Phoenix is published bi- has been actively participating duit for anti-establishment tific journals cost between $400 He also believes it is not as valu- weekly. The opinions ex- in the exploitation of women. ideas," commented Mr. Neikirk. and $1000 a year, while other able because the articles are not pressed do not necessarily re- While many publications have "whatever you think about the publications generally cost less as well written as the articles in flect those of Tile Phoenix come and gone in the interven- pbotos, it was a significant pub- than $50 a year. Playboy. In addition, he freely staff members, the faculty, or ing years, WMC still pays Iication speaking for a culture at Since it is not possible to commented tbat Playgirl was the administration at Western money to keep Playboy a part of a specific time. Somehow it got subscribe to every publication, not truly a counterpart, because Maryland College. the Hoover Library collection. to be on the cutting edge." If the decisions should be made after it was "mostly for bomosexu- 71JePhoenix welcomes free- Originally, the library sub- articles are so revolutionary, considering the budget as well als." lance submissions on Macin- scribed to the hard copy version however, why are Library pa- as the first amendment. The When asked if he felt the tosh disk in most word pro- of Playboy. However, "students trons removing rheexphcupbo- money spent on Playboy could Library's subscription to Play- cessor formats. The editor re- ripped offtbe centerfolds, so we tograpbs instead of these land- be spent on publications that boy was degrading to women, serves the right to edit for quit having it," according to markarticJes? would better serve the academic Mr. Bachman replied: "It may clarity, length and libel pub- Acquisition Librarian George This year, Playboy is a nomi- needsofWMC students. be. But that was not a criteria lish as space permits. Letters Bachman. nee for cancellation due to the If Playboy is such an essen- for subscription." to the Editor that are one The library replaced the declining circulation, the in- page, typed, and double- hard copy with a microfilm sub- creasingly explicit nature of the spaced are guaranteed publi- scription. Mr. Bachman admits, photographs, and the declining cation in the next issue. however, that even microfilm is quality of the articles, according All submissions (excluding not immune to destruction, for to Mr. Neikirk. self-addressed diskettes) be- students have "started cutting In the past, first amendment come the property of 71Je out the microfilm." considerations for academic Phoenix and cannot be re- The publications of Hoover free speecb outweighed the pos- Library support the curnculums sible negative effects of the ex- turned. include a name and Please of different academic depart- plicit photographs. Mr. Neikirk phone number for verifica- ments. Which publications the says his Librarian Code of Eth- tion. Names will be withheld library chooses to subscribe to ics demands that he provide ac- only by discretion of the Edi- each year is based on depart- cess to all types of publications tor-in-Chief. menial requests and the recom- and information. It's surprising, Mail to Address: mendations of a Library Staff however, that with all the talk The Phoenix Committee. about budget difficulties, the 2 College Hill Library Director Harold D. Hoover Library is able to pro- Western Maryland College Neikirk explained that WMC vide such extensive access. Westminster, MD 21157 currently subscribes to Playboy Every year, Hoover Library
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