Page 119 - ThePhoenix1992-93
P. 119
April 8, 1993 Page 3 3 Place High in Ctasstneds are only 7 cents a Classifieds: National Contest ext. 8600 for more information. word with pre-payment. Call "'EXTRA INCOME "93"* By JENNY DAINO c.. ,ri/tloWl,Wn't<, of only twelve questions, each Earn .-)200·$500 weekly mailing worth ten points. Six questions 1993 UWTl travel brochures. For more information send self Where were you on Saturday are given in the morning and the adressed stamped envelope to: December 5, 1992? If you asked other six in the afternoon. This Travel INC., P.O. Box 2530, students Min Tan, Jay Taylor and year the median score for the test MiamiFl33l61 Fei Zhou where they were, they was two points. would tell you they spent a long According to Senior Jay Tay- ADOP770N mind-boggling six hours taking a lor, who has been taking the test Loving childless couple wishes to math test for the William LoweJl since his freshman year, ..It is dopt infant. Will pay medical and Putnam Math Competition. They not a measure of what you egal expenses Let's help each ther. Call Jeffery and Susan would also tell that Western know, it is more a measure of 301) 469· 6980 (Collect) Maryland College placed forty creativity and problem solving seventh overall against over 2,000 more than anything else." He ADOPTION students in the competition, which also said the test is designed to Childless, happy, fmacially secure married couple, seeks white is an outstanding first for WMC. be difficult but he thinks of it as newborn or twins to adopt. Lots Across the United States and challenging and enjoyable. of love, country home, setting of Canada, a total of2, 421 students Students who take the test are arts.eports. literature, best of schools. Winter and summer from 393 colleges and universities usually math majors and have family trips. All expenses paid. took part in this academic compe- some preparation before hand. all Adam or Freddye Lea collec tition. Among the schools were A seminar on problem solving is 410477-6220 Harvard, Yale, Princeton and required of all math majors. ADOP770N Cornell. Dr. Rosenzweig com- The William Lowell Putnam mented, "This is a major accom- ~t u.s love. your baby. Ha~pily Math Competition takes place on plishment for Western Mary- ~.amed chil~less couple Wish to dopt white infant. State certified. the fll'St Saturday of December as land College." This is the best all collect 410·378·5674 it bas for the last fifty three years. they have placed yet. He also ADOPTION Students takes the test at theiIown said that two of the three stu- Loving childless couple wishing school and the problems are sent dents scored in the top 500 in the to adopt infant. Willing to pay to California for grading. The re- country. He could not reveal med/leg expenses. Call Jeff and sults arrive in the middle of their names because the stu- an collect March. dents themselves will not find 301)495-0961 According to Dr. Harry out until the picnic beld by the Rosenzweig,matb professor, the math department at the end of CAMP COUNSEWRS department chooses three students the year. The top scorer from or 11th annual boys overnight ummer baseball camp - Baseball who they wish to compete in the WMC will also be named, and ~owledge welcome but not competition. Theirnamesaresent will win the college's David ecessary - Camps held on area in as a team for Western Maryland Brian Cross award for ampuses . College. Each student works in- achievement in math. 301) 384· 3467 or 1-800-253- dividually and their scores are cal- Congratulation are to 014 culated separately. these three accomplis bed BOOST YOVR GPA! This challenging test consists students. HAve an.experienced academic Maintainance and ~'7redityourtermpapers, eSls,etc.Ca1l857-9045 DoCS Pull WMC MONEY $$$ FOR BOOKS $$$ Though Blizzard GET READY TO SEEL YOUR BOOKS TO STUDEWTS TAKING THE CLASSES TlIAT YOU HAVE TAKEN THIS By KIM OSTRow plowed all night Saturday and SEMESTE.R. PLACB A CLASSIFlBD Slq,fWriI
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