Page 118 - ThePhoenix1992-93
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Restructure From Page 1 Swnmer the ROTC Way:Camp Challenge the College's various depart- Cadets receive academic credit ments, Martine Motard-Noar By TANYA KABEL such as land navigation, drill forMS IO[Il02andMS 20[/202. proximately $24,500 and includes S"16Wri." called for a "re-thinking" of the and ceremony, weapons quali- full medical coverage and a gener- proposal. In a memorandum fication, orienteering water Upon ccwnpletioo of the Camp ous retirement program. distributed at the faculty meet- A new employment opporm- survival and rappelling. CbaUenge program, cadets enroll ToqualifyforCampCballenge ing, Motard-Noar, Acting-Chair oily is now being offered by Salary for the 6-week sum- directly into the ROTC Commis- , students must be U.S. citizens, for the Department of Foreign ROTC. Qualified sophomores mer position is approximately sioning Program. This program between 17and 23 years of age and room, Transportation, upon $760. have two years Language, recognized the fiscal can attend Camp Challenge at guarantees employment remaining in realities confronting the college, Fort Knox, Kentucky. and board are also provided. graduation. school. Students must also have a but decried against the possible Camp Challenge is a 6 week Those who attend the pro- Camp Challenge cadets will be minimum GPA of 2.0, be medi- elimination of such a crucial adventure and leadership train- gram may compete for one of cmunissioned as 2nd Lieutenants cally qualified and have no civil major (pointing out the promi- ing program offered by the Re- 250 Camp Challenge scholar- and begin careers in any of 13spe- convictioosotherthantrafficviola- nent role of Germany and its serve Officer Training Corps. ships. This two-year scholar- cialties such as Military Intelli- tions. language in current and future During the 6 weeks, cadets ship, totaling $23,900, covers gence, Aviation, or Medical Ser- Fa- more information contact events, among other things), will practice their leadership 80% of tuition, subsistence and vice. ThestartingsalaryforanAc- Captain Navarro at ext. 7TlorCa- Seligman is quick to point skills while training in areas books allowance tive Duty 2nd Lieutenant is ep- det Tanya Karel at ext 8396. out that this is only a "pro- posal;" indeed, it has not yet Restructuring Affects Post Office gone before the Board of Trust- ees. However, in tbe harsh eco- people don't realize wbat it copy center, central receiving, nomic realities of today, some- By STEWART BITTEL takes to keep things organized and purcbasing divisions. The these divisions. ... c_n:_,Wri thing bas to change. The draft of and running smoothly in the main reason for this is to save Art Wisner, Director of Fi- the long range plan calls for the mail room. Now, to help mat- tbe college money and time. nancial Services and Treasure "humane implementation of WMC Everyday, most everyone box, at ters, major changes have oc- Witb all of the divisions to the school effort said,"The been re- goes to their mail structuring has both revised organization and curred in the mail room to make working together, all of the em- employment patterns." This boping for something interest- the whole operation run even ployees must be able to work in made to get the greatest effi- probably means that jobs ing, besides a bill or a love note more smoothly. every division, making them in- ciency and to still provide the will be cut (vrestructured"). from campus safety. But most tercbangeable. This saves time services that were there be- does the post of- No longer There is no way around that fice run as one division, but now because anyone can work any- fore." An example of an immedi- fact. However, the college Room Draw it has been incorporated with the where at anytime, making all ate change is the new structure has several important cbecks From Page 1 employees very mobile. Money of the post office. Starting and balances against "bot- is saved because fewer employ- next fall, students will not tom-line" philosophy: the rocn, ees are needed and no one bas to have to pay the ten dollar de- two most notable being that McD.uriel HaH~firstflOCl"(frolll),in- questioned the fairness of rocm be specially trained for a spe- posit, and will just have to sign the APC is a faculty-elected, dependent men, seoond fkxr, inde- draw. Oreoptkn was 10 housestu- cificarea. a waiver for responsibility for faculty-controlled board, dents according to graoepotctaver- Last fall, President Cham- the key. and that administrators such pmJent women. age. WMC founi thalit was unfair bers organized a restructuring With the team effort that low as Seligman are educators as Rouzer Hall-first floor, indepencknt to segregate students with When committee in charge of chang- bas emerged in the post office, rom well. GPA'sfioolaberSlUdents. division ing every of adminis- Wbitefml Hall-ground fkxr, ffide- asked n1be loIIery system is fair In tration, so that they would run the students at WMC can rest that there mail Assault perceerwenen. everyone, GoklwaJec responds, "I more efficiently and economi- easy knowing come in the most will always thiokgivingseoiCJitysomepooition From Page 1 Over the years. people have of impxtant is a higher J:riOOty." cally. Tbe post office was one of efficient way possible. turned around, our; noses information we would need to ten times and filling out innu- situation. I was thinking SO ir- port, and even though I'm ter- report this sick man. The en- merable amounts of paper rationally that I still believed rified, I'm going to be in that would've been touching. He tire time I was talking to Sean, work. We were shuffled from that I had to get to school so I court room on April 12 to tes- tried to nudge me toward him the bus driver was watching county police to MT A police wouldn't miss my first class. tify against him. so he could kiss me on the him through the rear- view to city police to the Baltimore This man who thinks he's Our society is getting way mouth, but I wouldn't 6udge. mirror. Court Commissioner. Every- done nothing wrong did via-. out of hand. People need to He decided to kiss me a few When we arrived at UMBC, one was strangely nice and realize that they wi1l not con- more times on the cheek and Sean immediately called 911 helpful to me, and even the tinue to get away with all the forehead, sighed and got up and a Baltimore County Po- MTA supervisor said,"Don't awful things that they are cur- saying,"! guess it's time to "This man ...took go." lice Officer arrived within ten let this die, pursue it. I think rently doing. If anyone does minutes. We spent the next this is awful and comparable away my pnvate anything to you, you need to Eventually my friend Sean seven hours going through the to rape." report it immediately - no mat- got on the bus and I told him how rights as a woman, bureaucratic bullshit of an- However, no maner ter how embarrassed you are what happened. He calmly swering the same questions nice everyone was(including or how stupid it seems. The took control by getting all the buthe didn'trender the authorities, my friends, to me powerless." ability to speak out and be and family), they all wanted heard is one right that can't be FAN) know the same thinks: to stop" -Amanda Krodd taken away that from us. don't Don't be "Why tell abdicate him right, didn't you let the corruption you get off and "Why the bus?" didn't myself these late my personal space rights as weak, don't were too afraid be- to of society and continue just @ questions. All I can say is that a woman, but he didn't render say something! hours I spent took away my private I'm still asking you cause P~ Istill filed a re- The I could seven me powerless. I felt like the handle station in the have been police a hassle, but may it Ra eM th # 14 was worth it. I can live CHINESE RESTAURANT MYTH: "Flashers" and "Peeping Toms" are generally harmless with myself now because Szechuan » Cantonese» American and should be ignored. I know I'm doing the I'm and thing 59 West Main St., Westminster, MO 21157 FACT: Many coovicted rapists began as flashers and umed to rape right rights empowered taking to the gained from JX!CPingwore assaultas thelhcillibey endsexual Telephone: off. Incidents relating to flashing or peeping should be re- me as a citizen of democ- racy. ported to the police, as "peepers" are unlikely to seekhelp matter It doesn't witbout police intervention. whether or not this man (301) 848·0919· (301) 876·3166 For help or more information, call the Rape Crisis Intervention goes to jail, it only mat- Service. are confidential. are free and all inquiries Our services ters that I didn't allow fear to silence me.
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