Page 34 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 34
Page 2IWestern Maryland College/October 25, 1990 Focus on a Profes- Hoffman Delights Crowd sor: Cornelius Darcy Continued from Pg. 1 that "to have a favorite would be lish Kathy Mangan, who teaches By Micheal Kubacki "There was more involve- laughter, especially in light of to blot out a lot of potential creative writing courses in po- ment of students and faculty in the nature ofthe poem, a serious experience." etry and fiction, said of Hoffman, Dr. Cornelius P. Darcy is club activities. For example, study of the seals' care- _II"I=~----"" a man with a wide variety of the International Relations Club freeexistencecontrasted "I thoughthewaster- rific .. .I'vc never interests. as he is involved in a and the foreign language clubs with the difficulty of heard him read be- number of sponsored human existence in the or gamz a- eve n t s atomic age. fore." Mangan felt nons and which in· Tim Bryson, that she could have activities. v 0 Iv ed owner of Locust Books listened to him for Darcy students in Westminster,enjoyed another hour and a came to and fac- two poems in particular. half, Slating, "I'd like tohear him talk about Western ulty." One of these was "High Poe." Mangan's Maryland in • Today Society, "in which American Literature 1963, and there are Hoffman described are- he became events be- creation of a day when, Icourse includes Poe inthecurriculum,and the chair- tweenfac- as a high school senior, Hoffman's man of the ulty and he bicycled toajam ses- one of books of criti- noted Hi story students, sion in Cos Cob because cism is entitled Poe department ~ but they he fantasized about in 1971. [J'J are for. being a jazz clarinetist. PoePoePoePoePoe Darcy mal,"says The other was a Poe. Hang-Gliding received his Darcy. poem entitled "Vows," from Helicon, which Bachelor's "Today of which Bryson said, ,-:--,,-----,---,:--------- - includes over forty degree from :_ - ~!~d~nnt! "[There were] several newpoemsandmany Bowdoin Dr, Cornelius Darcy lines I liked . "It's our selected works from College in protecuve life that's burning' [was six previous Hoffman Maine, his Master's degrcefrom environment," states Darcy. "I one] ... thepassion that you have Hoffman concluded the collections, recently won the Harvard University, and his Ph. would like the government lO to bring to your existence, it's a lecture by discussing "the rela- Paterson Poetry Prize. D. from Columbia University. support a National Youth Serv- candle, a flame, and it does burn tionship between the imagina- Hoffman's first book ofpoems, Some of the courses Dr. ice Program, to bring a more out" tive process and machinery," Darcy teaches are Twentieth well-rounded student to cam- When Questioned about a and by reading a poem, "Print- An Armada of Thirty Whales, was published in 1954. Century Europe, Europe from pus." favorite poet by an audience OutSong,"whichforcefullyex- 178910 1870, World War One, By National Youth Serv- member, Hoffman said that "one pressed his views on the sub- and England since the Tudors to ice Programs, Darcy means that learns what one can from each ject. World War One. "Twentieth "Students should do meaning- poet that one reads" and noted WMC professor of Eng- Century Europe and England ful work in places like libraries, aremy favorite classes totcach," hospitals, or nursing homes for says Darcy. a set period." In addition to serving as Darcy doesn't think that chairman of the History depart- there will ever be a National ment, Darcy is involved in a Youth ServicePmgram because number of organizations. He is he doesn't think "those in a lib- the advisor for Phi Alpha Thet.a, oral economic system would the honor society for history favor it because it represents majors. He is also involved in state intervention to a degree." Phi Beta Kappa, and serves on "On the other hand, it the board of Shriver, Home- would give young people mean- o Customer Service Experienceis a Plus o Flexible Scheduling, Select Your Own Evenings! stead and Mill, which is located ingful experiences in develop- o Base Pay of S6,50 Hour, Potentional of $!O·SI2 Hour north of WMC in Silver Run, ment of personality, and they • SlOO S!GN·ON BONUS AY.A.ILABLE FOR A LIMITED TIME! Md. could fonn friendships that will Darcy isalsoon the Mary- be worthwhile throughout life." OPERATIONS CUSTOMER SERVICE land Humanities Council, which Darcy is concerned about SUPPORT REPRESENTATIVES supports public programs for the the American peoples' interest citizens of Maryland. TheCoun- in the Middle East. He believes ell discusses proposals for spe- that "many members of the cial exhibits. One of the pro- middle class have supported grams the Council gave dealt President Bush in the Middle with ecology and the Chesap- East endeavor, but because of JUNIOR CREDIT COUNSELORS eake Bay. no national draft, those people o Excellent Telephone Skills Highly Desirable This past summer Darcy aren 'tconcernedabout the prob- • VJriety of Full and PART-TIME Shifts AV3ilabie went to the University of Illi- lem." • Evenings and Weekend Hours Available, 6:00pm·9:00pm, Mon.Thurs nois for the Russian and East "Also a national maga- and 8:30am·4:30pm, Sat European Institute, which wasa zines and newspapers put em- anexctllenlbenefilspackagc.lnterested series of workshops deali ng with phasis on personal and financial contemporary affairs. problems in case of a war, and Days or Evenings' "lalsosperuumere-work- young people aren't as con- (301) 620-3200 ing courses for the fall and spring cerned as they were in Vietnam, semesters," adds Darcy. when there was a draft." Chevy Chase Frederick Operations Center Over the years "we con- Dr. Darcy concludes, "I'm 7215 Corporate Court tinue to have a fine group of not in favor of a draft, but in- ~® Frederick. MD 21701 students," Darcy says. "How- stead a National Youth Service CCS~h"."",j,,,"or'~I"'f"'h,yEO'M'"'fr\· ever, there was a greater sense Program [which] could help of collegiality when I first came make better citizens." ~ here." CHEwCHA<;E ~SB
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