Page 33 - ThePhoenix1990-91
P. 33
THE PHOENIX Volume XI, Number 5 Western Maryland College October 25, 1990 Terrors Beat F&M to Claim First Place After By Matt Levy and ugave a Iotof people a good The Green Terrors feeling." deafeated Franklin and Marshall The celebration began 24-0 last Saturday to take over once tailback Eric Frees crossed first place in the Centennial the goal line and Buck Hartzell Football Conference. It is the kicked the extra-point with 52 first time the Terrors have been seconds left, giving the Green in first place since the confer- Tcrrorsa 14-7 lead. The touch- ence formed in 1983. The win down was set up by a Red Devil improved the WMC record to fumble that was recovered by 5-1-1 overall and 4-1 in the con- linebacker Kun Reisenwebcr. ference. It was onc of eight turnovers ~ In the F&M game, junior (four fumbles and four inter- Jl Eric Frees rushed for 240 yards cepuons) by the Dickinson ~ to break the all time WMC squad. ~ rushing record. The Red Devils still had ~ Due to Fall Break, afull umetocomeback.bunhecrowd f story on the victory overF&M sensed that the fifth -ranked team -E-r;-c F-r-,,-s-sc-o-re-s -'h-, -w:-;n-n;:-ng-'-o-uc-h-do-wn-a-ga-:-;n-s'--:V:C;--:ck-:-;n-so-n-, --------- will not appear in this issue. in the South region was about to Homecoming also was taste defeat. Eighteen seconds an amazing win. Scott S. Bair after Frees' touchdown, Gary Humorous Hoffman Reads Poetry for Lecture Series Stadium never hosted a scene Carterintercepted a pass by Greg like the one on Homecoming Dothon. The game was over, By Julie Baile 1990. Over 4,200 fans cheered and the goalposts came tum- of the outstanding poets of his He was careful todescribe and counted the final seconds bling down. Poet Daniel Hoffman, the generation," is a Phi Beta Kap- the form of the poems to the au- down as Western Maryland "When Gary (Carter) in- fifth lecturer in the annual Fred pan who holds three degrees dience, at one point holding up defeated Dickinson 14-7, to tercepted that pass and I real- Garrigus Holloway lecture se- from Columbia University. his copy so that were present move into a first place tie with ized we just had to sit on the ries, read poems from his latest Hoffman currently serves as could visualize the stanzas. Swarthmore in the Centennial ball, I looked up on the Hill and collection, Hang-Gliding from Poet in Residence and Director Hoffman noted that he takes the Football Conference. saw the fans singing the good- Helicon: New and Selected of the Writing Program at the shape of a poem very seriously. "It's the biggest win I've bye song," Sprague said. "h Poems. 1948-1988 to Western University of Pennsylvania; he Beforereading"TheSeals been in," Dale Sprague, West- Maryland students, faculty, and previously taught at Columbia in Penobscott Bay," the first ern Maryland head coach, said. guests on Tuesday, October 16 and at Swarthmore College. poem that Hoffman ever felt he "It was a big Homecoming win Continued on Pg. 6 in McDaniel Lounge. Hoffman began his read- wrote in his own voice, he noted Hoffman,describcdin the ing with what he described as that a poet has "to have enough True West Truly Amusing introduction by WMCpresident "mctapoems," poems that de- experience" to have something Robert H. Chambers III as "one fine poetry for the reader. meaningful to say in poetry. By Pat Blackman Hoffman stated that he Having family problems? trying to work on his latest proj- Sidelights fore he felt that he had the nec- to Feelingcynical Needagoodlaugh? ect while the mother is played by in years old be- was twenty-five he housesits for his about show busi- mother. nessorTV? who is vacationing essary voice and experience Alaska; How plain feeling just about write poetry. Pauerson. Displaying a sharp sense mad at the whole world? Well Michela The only other character any of these feelings went well How often do you read the of humor, Hoffman drew on an with seeing WMC Theatre's in the play is a producer named experienceinvolving''lbeSeals excellent production of Sam Saul, played by Scott Grocki. Napkin Comment Board? in PenobscottBay" toshow how Sheppard's ~, a two Saul, after losing a golfing bet an editor's footnotes can take act tale of fear and loathing with Lee, drops Austin's pro} away from the vigor and inten- between two brothers in the ect altogether and instead picks 12. sity of a poem. Upon reading fantasy land of modem L.A .. upan idea Lee has for a western. this particular poem in an an- The whole production The brothers switch roles as Lee thology, he was surprised to find involved only four actors and tries to write the script for his the line "and lustily crowed like one set, the kitchen of the mother western and Austin lakes to seacccks" ended with an aster- of the two brothers who are the stealing toasters from the neigh- • Frequently a Regularly isk which referred to a footnote two major characters in the play. bors. II setcm stating "Seacocks: valves in the The older brother Lee, played Asthe.wholescenariode- ~ Never holes of freighters through by Andy Wood, isa scruffy thief/ velops. the two brothers are which bilge water is expelled." rambler who has just returned forced to face each other on an Hoffman's audience re- from spending time in the des- increasingly painful and honest acted to this anecdote with ert. Hisyoungerbrother Austin, level. Neitheronereallyunder- played by Keith Purcaro, is a Sample size: 147 Source:..£.h..Qmix yuppie screenwriter who is Continued on Pg. 2 Continued on Pg.2
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