Page 72 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 72
Page 41 Western Maryland College! March 15, 1990 Editorial: Images of WMC Itbecomesclearertostudents ignoranceratherthandeceplion; when will it happen again that at- forefront of hiring minority pro- gether, and others must be con- as the seasons on the HiU revolve and a genera] unwillingness 10 tempts are made 10conceal an inci- fessorsandattractingminoritystu- gratulated for publishing an es- about them that WMC does nOl change. dent? . dentsinsteadofsiuingbackonits say that really goes out on a limb have an entire plethora of pr0b- Thisisadescriptionfonnu- It happened again last month haunches. todrawtheliberalconclusionthat lems. lated from observations of simi- with the incident concerning the ill The February Black History "attitudes expressed toward black Instead, it has one problem: larenvironinentssuchasthefor- student who was delayed medical Month issue opens with statistics students by word and deed are inekes its identiryfrom its image. mer Ceausescou regime in ROo attention. (See the article starting on the inside cover on racial tel- still matters which need etten- That translates as "Ifwe look mania on page Iof this issue.) eration at WMC in the early lion." good, then we are good; thus, we For twenty-five years, the An administrator advised the 196(5's. The results were atro- Wow! I'm impressed. Re- must look good" (in some ancient Ceausescous had the Romanian Phoenixreportercoveringthestory cious. form is really here. European dialect-I'm notsureif people believing in everything toleaveoutthenameofthestudent, Supposedly, if you are to be- The most obvious example it's word-tor-word) but the truth. the student's sex, the student's ill- lievethethemeofTheHiIl, we've of how We stem Maryland is get- I had always believed that Of course, the comparison ness, the student's floor, and the come a long way. ,ling cosmetic surgery done in- the individual problems could be does not go so far as to the student's residence hall as wen as However, The Hill took a stead of the heart transplant it traced back to independent degree of enforcement. to delay the printing of the story as survey last semester about atti- needsisintheconstruclionofthe sources, but instead. they seem to Yet,can WestemMaryland long as possible. tudes towards minorities. library. flood inrctheboatfromasolitary, beaccusedofattemptstosquelch Proteclionofprivacywasnever Accordingtoonescurcewho The administration has of- although rather gaping, hole in the truth? Yes, and it can be contested, but there were demands claimed to have read several of fered the excuse that it doesn't the bottom. convicted, also. (mostofwhichThePhoenixagreed the results of that Fall 1989 sur- have the money to hire minority And I hate getting my shoes The most telling example tojusttogivetheschoolthebenefit vey.theatumdehasnotcome eny faculty. wet; we all do,becausewetshoes pertains to the sexual assault in of the doubt in this case) toabstract way at all. Yet,during the last decade, it stink. Rouzer Hall in 1988, and it is the problem as much as possible. Hostilitiestoday, hesaid,are has found tens of millions of dol- How has this image-con- not well-known what actions When a problem is abstracted, mainly focused on "foreign stu- lars hidden in some old sock to sciousness manifested itself on followed, although there were the unsightly details become unfo- dents, homosexuals,andB1acks." build an athletic facility and now the Hill? It has done so largely witnesses, including Phoenix cused: the image loses its blem- Why haven't the students to double the size of the library. through Big Brother-like ex- staffpersons. ishes in a sea of haziness. been permitted to view theresults Western Maryland's efforts amples. The Ca"oliCounJy Times Eveeworse.ihough.thanwhh- of the survey? Why weren't they to correct a wrong have never That is notto say that there is ran a story on the assault and it holdinginformationaretheattempts published in The Him been serious. anyone in the administration or appeared "coincidentally" (al- towallpaperovertheproblemswith It would have made sense to They have been limited to t-:uky who takes on this charac- thoughnoanti-WMCpressfrom bright, flower-covered prints that have printed them in the Btack some advertisements and a few teristic. theCarroliCountyTimesisever make everything look sunny and History Month issue. good intentions. Butgoodinten- Rather, it's thedecisionsthat accidental or coincidental) on beautiful, But maybe the results don't lions didn't finance the library. are made from above that bear the Parent's Weekend. A lot of what WMC pints or speak kindly ofWMC, and there- WMC raised the money for mark of an institutional oligar- Themajority,ifnotall,of -~publishesispure~Some fore someone doesn't want it,and yet theschool continues to chy. .' is necessary in order to attract po- Mommy 01' Daddy, or Alumnae claim to not have the resources to the coPies of the Times in the The uaits of this overwhelm- vicinity of the college were at- tenuar students, butitmustbeques- or Alumnus, to read about them. hire minority faculty and to re- ing desire to control exactly how legedly(l have to usethatword) tioned when it paints a false, mis- What The Hill does dare to cruitminaity studentsmoresuc- WMCistobeviewedinclude,but bought up early thatmoming as leading, or incomplete picture of print about WMC today is "no cessfully. WMC has made clear aren't limited to, a selectivity on a result of a directive, in Older the school. anti-b1ackincidentshave.beenre- where its priorities lie. what. information is released. in- that parents would not Ieam of Themostnotoriousexampleis ported since the fall of 1988." It prefers an exterior treat- formation that the entire commu- the event, at least not from the TheHill.· Therefore, none must have ment to progress on the inside. nity should be aware of; pressure angle that the Carroll County If your knowledge of Western occurred. Comeon~estemMaryland, on other sources 10 do the same; TimespresentOO: Maryland College were limited to However. Mary A. Nett, or "imagine that you are more than an habitual misrepresentation of The intent of this editorial what-is printed in The Hill, you whoever puts the magazine to- your image. faets and ttuth, poss;bly Ihrough isnotto"rat"oothescbool. But would think lhat WMC is "at the r------------------, '1.00 t£.t-jlvJ vJttt
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