Page 77 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 77
March IS, 19901 Western Maryland Collegel Page 9 Smith Discusses Big-time College Athletics Sports Historian Is First Wenner-Wingate Memorial Lecturer by Michael Kubacki between the faculty, who want 10 of education." On Tuesday. March 7. at the promote academic integrity. and The lecture was made pos- first wenner-wlngere Memorial the governing boards, who are in- sible by the late Dr, Evelyn Win- Lecture on the history and litera- fluenced by alumni. gate- wenner,a professor of Eng- tureofsport,Dr.RonaldA.Smith. "ThePresidenthastodowhat lishatWMCfrom 1931 to 1967. a sports historian who is a profes- the governing board says. Dr, Wenner left a bequest to sor at Pennsylvania State Univer- "Jnadduion.ihealumniseem create the lecture in the memories sity. gave a lecture entitled "Col- to get involved after losing sea- of her husband, C. Malcolm lege Athletics: Has Anyone Been sons and losing finances," Smith Wenner Jr., and her brother, W. at the Helm?" continued. Wilson Wingate. Dr. Smith holds a Ph.D. and "The governing.. boards Mr. Wenner, who died in an M.S. from the University-of 'choose coachesofbig- time sports, 1975, was a retired railroad offi- Wisconson, Madison, and a B.S. such as football and basketball, at cial whowas supportive ofWMC from Northwestern University. the big-lime schools." students and his wife's research He isalscthesecretary-rreas- Smith also proclaimed that, urer of the North American Soci- "if the N.C.A.A. were in exis- on the literatureofthe British En- llghtenment. ely for Sport History. tence in the 1930's, WMCwould Mi. Wingate graduated from During the lecture. Smith have been in Division I, and Penn WMC in 1918, and he became a pointed out that college athletics State would have been in Divi- distinguished Baltimore sports- started because "students needed sionm." writer in the 1920's and 1930·s. to free themselves from the "WMC could go to Division He was killed in 1936 in a faculty's authority." I [athletics] ifthe governing boards shooting gallery accident This led to tension between voted for it," Smith attested. Mr. Wingate promoted the faculty and students, so by 1820. In the 1930's, WMC was a sportoflacrosse. In fact, beisrec- governing boards, college presi- national power in football. even ognized for creating the slogan, dents. coaches, and faculty took though it had a small enrollment "the fastest game on two feet." control. of males. In his honor, the Intercolle- l'oday. it is not clear who Attheendofthelecture.after giateI..acrosseAssocialionawards controls athletics," Smith added. pointing out that a player on the the Wingate ~hy to the team "The President is caught 1983 North Carolina Slate bas- voted intercollegiate champion. Flexible New Meal Plans Expected By Next Falr-' ., . More On The March by Steranie R. Sbafter Student Affairs will be invited to Though the details are not in the meeting 10 hear the proposed place. Shennan anticipates a sys- Continued rrom page 8 included Beginning next fall, there is plans and to comment as well. 1ern where students signed up for 'The key speakm lift the cap off Program Open expected to be a new meal plan Sherman also stressed that it one of the new plans will beallot- Space funds (Program Open SpaCe Senator Winegrad. who "encour- aged students to become more system in place a1 WMC. Geri will be important to discuss the ted about $300-400 of board that one~balf of one per-. active in the political process, Shennan, Director of Adminis- possibility of a new meal plan moneytospendonfoodatthepub _!tQ~ according to SEAC, co-ccordina- Of centofall real estate uansactions native Services. is Presently ex- system with the finance office to instead ofin the dining hall. go towards keeping land undevel- (Or Pat Blackman. pJ0rin8:newmealplanswhichwill see if it will be feasible. The 6- Later, Shennan foresees a oped and planted willi trees), Also speaking were student provide more flexibility for sur- nance office would have to re- system where the Validine cards Other proposed bills include leader Blackman and Mayor dents who use them. .view, the processes of making can be used in-the bookstore as House Bill 427. which would Hopkins, who reminded students Her efforts come as a re- charges, collecting the money. debit cards. The student will put eliminate the release of chiaro- sponge to suggestions made by and .flowing the money through a certain amount of inoney in his fluorocarbons from Car aircondi- of the legaCy that his generation has left for future generations as the Student Food Commiueeear- the system to make sure they can account. and he will be able to lioners during servicing, and far as the environment is con- lierthis_. hand1e it spend it" tbeboosstcre.' As the House Bill 131. the passage of caned. PresenUy, Shennan is worIc- Afterlhedetailsarecomplete, money is spent, it will be de- ing with Dict Traegler, Director Sherman plans 10mail home bro- ducted from the account In this which Would require publishezs Reactions to the march were of newspapers toprintonacertain SEAC leaders were dis- of Dining Services. to assess the cburescootainingtheinfonnatioo system, the Validine card would percentage of recycled paper. mixed, appointed that some schools did dining hall needs of the students to students. notactasachargecard,butwould The proposal also includes a not send as many students as they who are cl.IfI'ently on the meal With the brochures. parents go through the machine to mate list of "crucial areas where legis- had planned for. but some West- plan. andstuden~can Wniliarizelhem- thcf transaction Using money al- lation and education can be ap- em Maryland students noted that They are evaluating how selves wiJh the plans and select ready in an account for that per- plied in order to avoid environ- the extremeJy cold weather may manypeopleareonthemeaIplan, one. She hopes that it ispossible pose. mental disaster." have been a deterrent which meal plan they are on, and to mail the brochures over the Use of the Validine can! in These 8reas include refores- "In terms of the march in and which meals they actualJy eat. summer, but believes that "It's the bookstore probably will not talioo, global warming, reCycling, of itself. I thought it was success- Other points of assessment· are better to do it right than fast" happennextyear,sincelhtzeisno pollution of land. air. and water, ful and exciting,." noted Black· whlchgradesareon tbeplansand Therefore, if the plans are not Validine machine in the book- and proteCtion of estuaries and man. how much is charged per meal. ready for the fall. theywiUbede- store, nor is there money in the weUands. Sophomore Guido Stuben- Once the evaluation is com- layed until the spring, budget to buy one. Students wen:enthusiasticin rauch stated, "It {the march} was p1ete and needs are recognized, The goal of the new meal The new system is going to support of the various acti~ilies . planned well. I was impressed by new. plans will be considered. .plan system is to provide more bedesigned 10provide flexibility , TheSEACsetuptableswhere the number of students who came Plans will come from colleges. of flexibility to students who use it. but it will not necessarily save supporters could .write letters to out despite the bitter cold." like sizes; they will be judged by Residents will still be required to students any money. Sbenrum their representatives in supportof March co-coordinator how well they meet the previ- be on a meal plan. but now the believes that the new plans will the four bills. make posters. and Meeghan Ziolkowski echoed ously~needs. only plans availablearefor21,14 work out to approximately the register to vote with theLeague'Of. Stubenrauch's feelings. WIlen _ve p1ans are or Smeals Per week -inthe dining S8meCOSlastheexistiilgones. In Women Voters: "I thought it was exciting located, Shennan plans 10 intro- hall. Initially the new system will April or early May. Sherman The march. which began at that so many people from WMC duce them to the Student Food allow students to use a certain expects to have more definite approximately 2:00 p.m., con- supported the march, because it Commiuee for feedback: She amount of their board money at information about the new meal cluded with the rally at the Capi- gives mea k>loChope and energy added that a representative from the pub: plans. toJat2:30p.m. to do more."
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