Page 67 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 67
March I, 19901 WesterILMarylandl Page 7 Women's Basketball Team Ends 'Treatyourself to the 'Escape 'Weeksnd at Ii Season With 18-5 Record 'lJays Inn in 'Westminster. For $60 per night get: o 1-4 person occupancy by Steve Harlan ond place playoff game. tempts) by shooting 74.6% from o 1 free cheese pizza The combination of starters the line. o 2 6-packs of soda The Western Maryland Barb Wolf and Claire Thevenoux, From the bench, Carrie o Assorted snacks (chips, pretzels, etc.) College women's baskeLbalI team, with support from the rest of the Allwine shot a .439 field goal o Free continental breakfast under coach Becky Martin, fin- starting five and the bench, led the percentage (thirty or more at- ished an outstanding season re- team to a victorious season. tempts). o A VCR and unlimited free access to cently with a record of eighteen Thevenoux finished the sea- Thrcughouttheeruireseason, our video library wins and five losses. son with a.450 field goal percent- the team outscored tis opponents 25 South. Cranhmy 1(p1Uf, Westminster Plume: 857·0500 Due to a toss of the coin, the age. and Wolf led the team in 1432 to 1277 poirus, ending with Lady Terrors played at Johns rebounds.averaging 15.1 pergame only five losses. Hopkins University on February with a high of twenty-five against Coach Martin has a strong Help Wanted Valet Parking Attendant 17. Hopkins defeated WMC, 78- Dickinson College in December. team tharcan domoreofthesame 0.121 years of age $ $ $.' 59, in the Middle Atlantic Con- Starter Caitlin Monroe led in in the future seasons. terence-Southwest Section sec- free throws (fifty or more at- vClean driving record Swimmers Unite For MAC Effort vValid drivers license vApply in person II )( No phone calls Continued from page 6 yard backstroke. ing wasrelatively low, the women, seventh place. Also, Valerie Shearer placed along with the men, kept a-posi- f,Nestminster Inn· 5 South Center St., Westminste The women's team, on the in the consolation heat of the 100- tive outlook throughout the long other hand, focused their energy yard backstroke. weekend, supported each other primarily on beating personal best The women's only senior, until the very end, and displayed times; Colleen Dolan, finished herswim- an abundance of team spirit from Poster Applications for VISA/Mastercard However, Stacy Stauffer ming career with a splash in the early Thursday afternoon until late and Discover Card on Campus. Earn up to placed into consolations in the tOO-yardbutterfly, 50-yard frees- Saturday night when they arrived 200-yard backstroke and swam to tyle, and all of the relays. back on campus. $2.50 per response a seventh place finish in the 100 Even though their team stand- Call 1-800-950-VISA ext. 83 or News In Brief . • • 1-800-932-0528 ext.83 fAN's Chinese Restaurant Lecture And Play Are Attractions For Beginning of March Hunan Downtown Szechuan Westminster Penn State University sports toricalcases.he will conclude with to the public. For more informa- Cantonese 59W. MainSt. historian Ronald A. Smith will some suggestions for the future tion, call 857-2441. Polynesian 848-0919 deliver the first Wenner-Wingate governance of intercollegiate Memorial Lecture on the History athletics. American 876-3166 and Literature of Sport at 8:00 Before her death at age p.m., Tuesday, March 6, in West- eighty-eight, Dr. Wenner planned West Side Story, the revolu- Cocktail Service Quick Lunches Carry Out emMaryJandColiege'sMcDaniel the new lectureship in memory of tionary American musical based l1AM·IOPM Sun-Thurs &IIAM-I1PM Fri-Sat Lounge. her husband, C. Malcolm Wen- on Shakespeare's tragedy of The lecture was established ner,Jr.,andherbrother, W. Wilson young love, Romeo and Juliet through the bequest of Evelyn Wingate. will be presented in Western Rape Myth #47 Wingate Wenner, a longtime Mr. Wenner, who died in Maryland College's Alumni Hall WMC English professor and 1975, was a retired railroad offi- on March 2,3,4, and 8,9,10. MxJh;. I'm only one person. There is little I can do to combat the problem Westminster resident who died cial who was supportive ofWMC All performances begin at of rape and sexual assault last March I. studentsand of his wi fe's research. 8:00 p.m. The play, which fea- filli. In fact, there is much that a single individual can do. Begin Dr. Smith is a frequent con- Adistinguished Baltimoresports- tures a score by Leonard Bern- by confronting people who make sexist remarks or tell jokes that tributor to sports journals and writer of the 1920's and 1930's stein, resets the romance in the degrade women. Insist that all people, men and women, deserve the For men in par- right to make choices about their sexual contacts. books. and a 1918 graduate of Western streets and alleyways of Manhat- ticular, be aware of your own behavior. No means no, whether it's Hismostreccntbook is Sports Maryland, Mr. Wingate died in tan. coming trom a girlfriend, a date, or a wife. and Freedom: The Rise of Big- 1936. The production features acast For help or more information. call the Rape Crisis Intervention Service. Our II Time College Athletics (Oxford the name of the WMC mascot - of nearly forty actors, from both services are free and all inquiries are confidential. Office: 857·0900 -- He is credited with coining University Press, 1988). campus and community. Hotline: 857-7322 AtWestemMaryIand,hewill the Green Terror - and with ad- The leading roles of Tony speakoo"CollegeAthletics: Has vancing the sport of lacrosse as a and Maria are played by Scott Fitzgerald's Anyone Been at Ihe Helm?" writer for the Baltimore Sun and Behrens and Crystal Fox. Mich- During the talk he will trace the Baltimore News-Post. ela Pauerson plays the role of Carriage House Liquors the historical evolution of the Dr. Wenner herself was an Anita, while the roles of Riff and control of intercollegiate athlet- asunescholarof Shakespeare and Bernardo are played by Matt 113 West Main Street ics from a time of almost com- the literature of the British En- Bayley and Rock Reiser. Westminster pletecontrolby students toapoim lightenment. The production is directed by Specials ... where a variety of groups have While teaching at Western Ronald Miller with music direc- Coors, Coors Light, Coors Extra Gold come LOthe forefront. Maryland from 1931 to 1967,her lion by Margaret Boudreaux, $12.29 caselcans He will examine two impor- main interest was George choregraphy by Billy Burke, set tant policy and administrative Steevens, a Shakespearean scholar and light design by Ira Domser, Heineken $8.99 l Zpack/bottles groups overlooking athletics-- and editor of the eighteenth cen- and costumes by Steven Miller. Moisen Extra Golden $14.99 case/bottles governing boards and presidents. tury. For reservations, please call ********************* After presenting several his- The ICCLUreis free and open 857-2599. >11'''''''' \,1",'>1 " ",-, 1\ """'"''
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