Page 68 - ThePhoenix1989-90
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March 1, 1990 ! Western Maryland College! Page 8 Exchange Program With Japan Will Start Next Year Continued (rom page 3 Chambers isa "Japenophilc". Nagasaki College stipulating that He lived in Kyoto for six months mloostAwareness & ~hemical Llfuowledge students would beeligible to leave in 1982 and taught a class on National Collegiate Drug Awareness Week attheendoftheirftrst two years in Japanese and American Litera- tures at WMC as well as one on theirowncountrytocompletetheir March 4 - 10. 1990 two remaining years in the other Modem and Traditional Japan for country. the strong Japanese studies pm- They also agreed thatfornext gram at Bucknell University. year as many as twenty students "Japanisamodemeconomic would come to the United States. wonder but also a thousand-year Chambers would like to see culture," heexplained. "butJapan §IUNJDlA 'if, MA.~ClHl .ft. 1990 7:00pm "Plain Talk" about Steroids. Amultimedia American faculty members go to and America are very similar in presentation and panel discussion. McDaniel Lounge Japan aswell as students, as Brian many ways." Small will do next fall. Getting the two countries to Small, president of the Inter- know eachotherbeuerwould give MONDAY, MARCH 5, 1990 "Drug Free Red Ribbon Pledge Day" 11:00am-l:00pm "Media Midway" Acarmvel of information on drugs, . alcohol and addiction services. Ensor Lounge, Decker College Center TUESDAY. MARCH 6, 1990 , "MOVIE MADNESS" 7:00pm Bright Lights, Big City starring Michael J. Fox 9:00pm Less Than Zero starring Robert Downey, Jr. & Andrew McCarthy. Pub, Decker College Center FREE Popcorn and Soda Provided! WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1990 7:00pm • "What Are My Rights?" Issues about search and seizure Presented by Attorney David B.Weisgerber. McDaniel Lounge THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1990 9:00pm "Get B.A.C.K. and relax with B.A.C.K.tails" sponsored by BACCHUS, Live entertainment. Pub, Decker College Center Carol Arrieta, Coordinator of International Siudies I'holo by Jon Marsh national Club, will be able to newperspectivesonbothculuires. FRIDAY, MARCH 9, 1990 choose among classes including Dr. Chambers does not be- 10:00am- 5:00pm "Gelling Them Sober" workshop· with Toby Rice Japanese. tea ceremony (it takes lieve, however, that American Drews, author and Intervention specialist. Forum, ten years to become a Tea Master students are willing to learn such Decker College Center. in Japan), calligraphy, flower a difficult language as Japanese ·"P"rejsl;rnitcd,"'J"I""'l'Si"lralionls~ry. Conlad £ricC~, arrangement,andmaniaIarts. The and to go to Asia, so far from al857·270Io.,escrvaliom,rosI,andlnforrnalion. courses will be taught in English. home. "Everything in Japan is "Students want a major in shockingly different: religious Business and Administration. SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1990 practice, philosophy, music, dance that's all that counts," he said. 1:00pm- 4:00pm "Rock B.A,C.K. in the Future!" Music Festival. form." Chambers said. ''We can The intent of the proposed Fearuring music of the SO's,60's, 70's, 80's. and 90's. alileam from that. program is toofferstudentsan ex- Quad, weather permilling.(Inclement weather, Forum) "Down the road, what Ihope perience abroad-an extensive we'll have is a Japanese Studies education beyond the classroom Program of our own. But we have walls that will give them a sense to have a Japanese class here." of self reliance, and one that will He, along with Dean Palmer, opentheirmindstowhatisdiffer- Drug Awareness Week is sponsored by: is working on the project. ent. Et) College Activities Office paste·up, 'ThePlioeni:( lias a place for yau. Affairs The Division of Student Residence Life Office If yau are interested in writing, pho- Student Health Services tograpliy, eaiting, cartooning, fay· aut, or BACCHUS Meetings ore Monaays ar6:00 p.m. i tlie Basement of Danie! MacLea. ,',',',
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