Page 74 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 74
Page 61 Western Maryland Collegel March 15, 1990 + GLAR Corner + Five Tenured Coaches Step Down Minutes from 'he March 6, 1990, Food Committee Due To Course Load Changes Meeting. Suggestions/Problems 11) Would like to see rice served Continued Irom page 1 ately. Dr. Fritz is the chairperson of 1) Spoons and folks have not more often instead of potatoes. sor of physical education and de- Joan Weyers will remain as a commiuee for a been clean. 12) Hamburgers and especially parunentchair, met with those in- head women's tennis coach, but new coach. - 2) Dining hall employees clean chicken patties have not been fully volved in January in order to ask will step down as head women's She stated that the team did tables while people are eating at cooked lately. each coach his or her preference. soccer coach after three years in not react well 00 the news; how- them, then set books back on the 13) would prefer that turlceyand Thechangesinvolvetenured that position, effective immedi- ever, tri-captains Alice Smith, wet table after cleaning it roast beef were sliced thicker. faculty members. ately. Diana Palmer, and Kim St Clair 3) Meatcouldbeaddedtotheegg 14) Food is still running out by Dr. Carpenterwillstepdown Of the five positions, only will have input in the selection and cheese croissant 6:00 or 6:05. as headmen'sand women's track men's basketbaJl has been filled. process. 4) Thedining hall has been open- coach (his position for twenty- Nick Zoulias, past assistant, Dr. Panek slated that the ing late, especially at dinner. Goodpoinn one years) after the 1990 season. will fill the spot for the 1990-91 moves will help the faculty and 5) Salad bar bowls have been I) Thechicken and broccoli dish Dr. Samuel Case will con- season. All positions, except for that they are not a shift from the dirty. was good. tinue as assistant men's and volleyball ,are pan-time spots. college's policy on athletics. 6) The tomato sauce has been 2) Tunaftsh on the salad bar is a women's track coach, but will College President Robert R Dr. Carpenter supported his very bland. good idea. step down as headwrestling coach Chambers feels that the load re- position by stating that there is 7) Styrofoam instead of paper 3) Self-serve cake and jello is a (his position for twenty-four duction will strengthen the only "a reassignment of person- was being used in the Pub when good idea years), effective immediately. college's recruitment of young. nel for more interaction between the dishwasher broke. 4) Self-serve tomato sauce is Dr. Fritz will step down as strong instructors as the current student and teacher. n 8) More servers need to staff line better because one can take as head volleyball coach after hold- faculty reaches retirement age. Dr. Fritz also wishes to "con- two. much as desired. ing thatposition for twenty-two Carpenter expects the posi- tinue the program we have had 9) Glasses havebeen dirty. 5) TheSeafoodNewburg,shrimp years, effective immediately. tions to be filled by May 1. here." 10) Englishmuffinsgetmushyin fried rice, and pepper steak: are Dr. Alex Ober will continue The volleyball coach will be As for the rest of the post- the steam bath. very good. as head men's tennis coach, but afull-timememberofthefaculty, lions, Dr. Carpenter feels "confi- will step down as headmen's bas- with an additional spring sports dent that the college will find Wolf Becomes Three-Time ketba11 immedi- --_ Conference All-Star SeniorBarbaraWolfhasbeen Maryland in scoring and rebound- named to the Middle Atlantic ingthis year with averages of 13.8 Conference women's basketball points and 15.1 rebounds per All-Star team for the third con- game. secutive season. This is only the Finally, wolf.atwo-year co- second time in Western captain, holds a Green Terror Maryland's history mal there has single-season record of 347 re- been a lhree-time MAC women's bounds this season, and she was basketball All-Star. ranked seventh in rebounding in Wolf. a 5-foot-l1 forward, Division III ofthe Nauonal Colle- finished her career as Western giateAthleticAssociationthrough Maryland's all-time leader in February 24. rebounds and steals with 1,025 Wolf also topped all confer- and 258 respectively. She was encerebounders with a 15.5 aver- second in points with 1,300. Additionally. Wolf led Western :~~i~::a=~~:.c-SOUth- ':":::::=~"-"==~"""'-::-~~--::-7"--==OL-::--:-_'_ __ -",,,,,,,,W Dr. Carol A. Frlu, who has coached tht voileybaUlearn to victorious season IRer vklorious ~ISon, WISene fIIlbe rKully m~ben who resigned from her coaching posIUon. Preachers Still Struggle To Survive, Nine Years Later by Andrea Covington and Bob Brown dent did join the fraternity. Jimmy Johnson, pres idem of TheStudent AffairsOfficeis The following is an excerpt the Preachers, responded angrily requiring that Delta Pi Alpha, the from the article in the Thursday, to the decision. local fraternity known as the March 10, 1983, issue of The 'Who are they (the IFC) to Preachers. align with a national Phoenix: tell the Preachers we don't have fraternal organization before re- the right to exist? We have as gaining its charter. "Afterreceivingarecommen- much right to exist as anyone The Preachers have refused dation from the Inter-Fraternity else...: to do so. Council, Associate Dean of Stu- When questioned about the According to Darren dent Affairs Jeanne Higbee re- decision, [Dean] Mowbray stated, LoPrinzi, President of Della Pi jected the petition by Delta Pi 'We felt the IFC recommendation Alpha. the fitteen-member frater- Alpha to be reinstated as a frater- was such that wecouldsupponn.' nity argues that itis not subject to nity. Mowbray went on tosaythat therecentrequirementfornationa1 The IFC made two recom- it should be noted that the affiliation due to its age. mendations: the Preachers would Preacher's charter has not been Thefratemitywasestablished not be given their charter back on campus in 1925, and the re- this semester, [and] they would lifted permanently, although such an action was considered." quirement for national affiliation be aJlowed to re-petition for in- was initiated in May, 1986. statement next February. DeltaPiAlphahas formed an "Weweretoldthatwe'dhave These recommendations alumni foundation to gain sup- this chance," said Marc Bouchard, were made by a group of twelve, pert for reinstating their original a former president of the frater- three from each of the existing charter, according toLoPrinziand nity. "and now it looks like we're fraternities. Bouchard.
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