Page 73 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 73
March 15, 19901 Western Maryland Coliegel Page 5 60 Seconds on Campus Helen Lowe! WtDdy Ruderman How do you feel theWMC community could improve its recycling efforts? Wendy Wilson Kurt Reisenweber Grant Chambers Claire Thevenoux Sie"aHurtt By adding Next to every What Kurt A depository Well, if Glar more depository trash can there doesn't know is that should be available. stopped using sty- containers on cam- should bearedtrash our crack recycling If you can't get your rofoam, that would pus, and in more can also. staff has placed cans to the recycling bea help. convenient places, What do you eight additional red center then it just Also, if more such as residence think, Grant? recycling cans piles up your room campus organiza- halls. around campus this and that's the prob- tions got involved in 'week. This makes a lem in the French Irecycling that would .. total of 16 cans. House right now. be good. Letters To The 'Editor Abortion Prevents Lives Without Potential Editor, TM Phoenix: that enable a physical life to be There is a wald of differ- a far-teo-inhumane world strug- dowed by their Creator with Inal- In a world where fme lines lived in a uniquely hwnan way. ence between an organism' which ienable rights to life. liberty, and are continuing to blur the ethical Certainly the potential for is simply experiencing a physical gling to offer a humane answer to the pursuit of happiness." the question of abortion. and unethical, the moral and "humanness" exists when the existence, and a being who is Perhaps it is time we set the Thisalsoepphestotbebardi- immoral. it is rot surprising that physical porenual (or life begins. developing a hwnanness by expe- abstractions of morality aside and capped, the elderly, the retarded, the abortion debate rages on. But it is difficult to believe that riencing life mentally and spritu- worry less about what type of life and the prebom babies. Because we are a people who the non-physical side of human ally, as well as physically. exists inside the womb, and in- Mary Rita Crowe yearn to define and explain our life develops inside the womb as This is human life. Human stead begin to consider what will Class of 1972 Rochester, NY world and our existence. the physical life does, because so life is precious. And this is why happen to that life outside the Editor, The Phoenix: ambiguity surrounding the ques- much of who we are is developed we must not condemn precious womb. We send this letter with the tion "When does human life be- through our experiences outside lives. Too many are obsessed with hope it is acceptable for publish- gin?" continues to obsess us. the womb. Every life should have the in- the belief that it is a crime to ing in your student newspaper. But human life consists of Therefore, if the creation of a disputable right to be Jived in an terminate the potential for human Ourdaughter,LindaLancas- two vastly different entities that fuUhumanlifeisadevelopmentai environmentwhereitshumanness life. ter, was a loving. caring person must be considered individually. processandhumannessisaunique can fully develop, one free from I believe it is a far greater who gave wiUingly of her time to I On the one side there exists experience for every being, then poverty, from hunger, from abuse, crime IDcreate a life without po- help others. She tenninated her physical human life, the biologi- even ifwe were to possess aGod- and from want of love. tential. career as Associate warden with cal functioning of an organism. like method of measuring this Only when we are able to Lori Wieder the Federal Bureau of Prisons to On the other side there is all humanness, the creation and de- liberate our society from these EdiIDt, The Phoenix: enroll as a doctoral candidate at the rest, the infinite world of velopment of the non-physical negative elements which strangle At the basis of all human the University of Maine. bumanmemality.spirimalhy.and elements of human life would our humanness will we beable to rights is the dignity of the human Thousands of innocents are all1heotherelements which make occur at a different rate for each begin to justify an argument for person created in the image and killed each year by drunken driv- us fully human. individual. forcing every potential life to be likeness of God. (Genesis 1:27) ers. Linda was one of them; We Today, medical science 31- The beginning of human life, realized. A recognition of this human feel strongly that as individuals lows us to pinpoint the exact a human life which encompasses Unfortunately, the develop- dignity is part of our civil uadi- wecaneffectachange. Thus, we moment when the potential for all elements of being, is some- mentof a society which wouldac- lion in the United States and is ex- are sending this letter ID 1,000 physical human life begins. thing that can never be measured. commodate the full development pressed clearly and so deeply in universities across the country in But it is absurd to believe So, biologically speaking, a of every humanlifeismany social our nation's Declaration oflnde- the hope her loss will save others, that we will ever becapableof de- fetus is the living potential for 'l-te movements or even revolutions pendence! because she cared. terrnining when the other aspects physicalsideofhumanlife. Buta away. ...A11men are created equal Russell and Eleanor Nicholson of human life begin, those things fetus is not a human life: - But right now we are here, in in their human dignity and en- Parents or Linda Lancaster
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