Page 70 - ThePhoenix1989-90
P. 70
Page 21Western Maryland CollegeJ March IS, 1990 Focus On"A I Meeghan Ziolkowski by Julie Baile legislation in Annapolis since In recent decades, studentac- 1976, dedicated to improving the envi- tivism on university and college Meeghan feels that attitudes ronment here on campus. campusesreachedanall-timciow. towards student activism are Sbestatesthat,although some AccordingtojuniorMeeghan improvements have been made changing. on campus, including the gradual 'We got the message across Student Environmental Action that students are going to be ac- phasing-out of styrofoam and the Coalition (SEAC) at Western use of double-sided copies in the Maryland, some environmental- uve again. copy center, more work can be "Student activism is coming ists "totally wrote suidents off' in around again, and we do care and done. For example.jheadministra, the 1970's due to their lack of tion "can buy recycled paper for know ledge about and enthusiasm thecopy center" and The Phoenix for the environment and other "x.The earth is issues. can print on recycled paper. Meeghan. however, is one our mother. Another goal of the SEAC is student who wants to make a dif- Whatever befalls to help [0 make the campus bal- loon-free, since deflated balloons ference and involve the campus community in the drive to pre- the earth befalls can kill any animal that ingests them. serve and protect our world. Along with co-coordinator the children of "If people could help out by Pat Blackman and legislative liai- just not having balloons ...[they kill] so many things." son Tom Quirk. Meeghan has the earth." -Chief worked to make the SEAC one of Seattle Meeghan hopes that students the most active groups on cam- will also involve themselves in pus, primarily because of her we are going to do something Earth Week on campus in April. concern for the irreparable dam- about the environment" There will be activities the age thatis being done to ourenvi- Meeghan's zeal for her cause entireweekofApriI16,culminat- ronment is evident as she quotes environ- ingwith aspeech by notedactivist Meeghan, a philosophy and WiUiam Sloane Coffin at 7 p.m. religious studies major, was mental statistics from memory. on Sunday, April 21. For example, between 1945 slowly becoming aware of envi- Meeghan hopes that Earth ronmental Issues.buranenviron- and 1983, there were 20 million Week will promote the goals of deaths worldwide from war, as mental conference last year at compared to 570 million deaths the SEAC: to educate, to change Mount HolyokeCollege in South of the campus and point out from want, including lackoffood, consciousness about the environ- Hadley, Massachusetts, caused to the administration situations unsafe water, and poor sanitation. menr, and to involve people in her to think of it "not as a 'cute' that could be remedied, such as don't seem interested," she was practical environmental reforms. Meeghan is dedicated tcpre- issue, but as a crisis issue." the use of styrofoam (which is grateful for the turnout at the re- venting death from want She She views the destruction of Soon after their return from non-biodegradable) in Englar cent march on the State House in our environment as a "crisis and theconference,Meeghan,Pal,and Dining Hall. Annapolis. notes that it would take approxi- opportunity situation" and a"huge matelyone billion dollars to clean several other students decided that Meeghan notes thatcampus- "I was really impressed by up all of the world's polluted responsibility," one that she is the Western Maryland campus wide audits are common on col- Western Maryland turning out so water, which would save many clearly willing to take on. needed to become more environ- Jegecampuses across thecounrry, many people," she says, noting lives. "It's not quite a burden be- mentally aware. and she feels that the school should that at least ten percent of the However, "Think Globally, cause it's an opportunity to make One of the first actions the make it an administrative policy student population attended the ActLocally"isoneoftheSEAC's things really change for the bet- SEAC took was to take a mini- to initiate Lheaudits. rally, the first student march for slogans, and Meeghan is also ter," she says. "It's pretty much up to our generation." Most Violations Occur In Freshmen Halls Continued from page 3 ganizationsare applying the poli- 1J From March 12ยท15, Bacchus is less consumption, but people cies, "a fact that needs to be rec- is sponsoring Safe Spring Break are being more responsible about ognized," he said. Cruise Control. Starting with a the way they drink. They are Healsoorganized "BACK. pledge day (3/12) and ending with doing less massive bashing." in the Future" week. BACK. OneofChase'sprimaryfunc- stands for Boost Awareness of a beach party (3/15), Bacchus uons on campus is to raise drug Chemical Knowledge. wants 10make thestudentsreallze and alcohol awareness and to From March 5-10, activities that a fun Spring Break does not render students who decide to such as movie projections, pledge necessitate alcohol. Another of drink more responsible. day, alawyer's lecture, and infer- Chase's efforts is to get govern- "So far, a lot has been done mation day were scheduled 10in- mental support for what is being with alcohol and drug education," crease the student's knowledge done. He has already sent out fifteen letters, asking for grants. added Chase. "Jtisanuphill baule, about chemical abuse. His goal is not to eliminate though, and a lot of people do not "B.A.CK. in theFuture"was drinking radically but instead 10 know about my role." co-sponsored by the Residence have me students realize the ef- To achieve his purpose, Life Office, the Office of College fects such abuse can have on indi- Chase has initiated liability work- Activities, the Health Services, viduals. shops for Greeks and for bartend- and Bacchus, a national organiza- "Everyone needs to take a ers. His efforts have worked; he tion that promotes responsibility bite at the problem," said Chase. has noticed theta lot of Greek or- in drinking. Pholo by JOQ Marsh "We need to work together."
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